Does he just hate and mistrust all women now?

Does he just hate and mistrust all women now?

as everyone should

He's /ourguy/ now.

Wait is he bulking back up again??

>not hating and mistrusting all women

You're gay.

That happens when you go from superfat to superskinny
t.superfat to superskinny guy

me on the bottom left

You're adorable

It's a day to day thing.

>His nipple is at his elbow lever
I can't unsee

yes he's finally treating women how they want to be treated good for him

>do you think she wants to fuck brad and Leo too?

is food really that addicting? jesus christ, I can understand alcoholism or other addictions, but fucking food?


Recovering fat guy here, I have a story I like to tell people to illustrate the power of junk food.

A while ago I broke my leg (yes probably because I was fat), and they were giving me shots of morphine every couple of hours. The feeling I got from it was comparable to the way I felt binging on meat lover's pizza, the dopamine rush was that intense. Do not underestimate food addiction.

i too am a recovering fatty.

there are so many chemicals, acids, and just pure bullshit they put in fast food. you don't realize how badly it fucks you up and breaks you down till you start laying off the stuff.

any time i have a burger or slice of pizza now i get instant gas and stomach aches for days. i can never go back to eating that shit again.

All things in moderation. I eat a fast food burger every other month or so and it's so fucking good.

is that his dog or her dog

You're both fucking embarrassments. No the high you get from food is not comparable to fucking drugs you weak willed cows

Probably his since he's the one out walking it.

lmao how the fuck does someone get high off of food?

I heard you can use weed when baking to make cakes that make you high

well when you're like 2 feet tall getting in shape and getting fat again is a short process

Happens to me sometimes and i'm not fat

That isn’t how the body works fatty.

All you need to care about is your net calorie intake. Just don’t exceed the amount you’re recommended and you won’t put on weight, if you want to cut then you need a calorie deficit.

It doesn’t matter what you eat, that affects your fitness and health but not your weight.

Don't try and explain thermodynamics to fucking cows bruh. They'll cry about muh genetics

I mean it was a hospital so they were just giving me enough morphine to keep me sane, the fentanyl they gave me in the ER when they set my leg for example was on another level. That said I'm not lying and I'm not wrong, I was getting those shots regularly for two days straight so I got a pretty good idea of what it feels like. I also acknowledge getting the shots one after another for days was more intense than eating could ever be, the withdrawal was proof of that. Even so the next time I had a pizza a few weeks later it was literally the exact same feeling, that plus the leg scared the shit out of me so much I started getting /fit/ as soon as I was up and about again.

Uh why?

because your body knows you want to be fat.

>of course she fucking does, they all do. Fuck women

That makes you hate and distrust women?

Food makes you feel good but thats not what you're talking about. You were just so disgustingly obese because food was your escape from something, the act of gorging yourself made you feel good not the food itself.

You can see the fear in his eyes

Drugs aren't even as addictive as people like to make out, I can see food actually being more dangerous for some though due to how insidious it is, similarly to how DUDE WEED IS A PLANT faggots delude themselves into thinking they're not weak willed and addicted.

Are you retarded? Eating is probably the most pleasing thing that anyone can do, of course people can become addicted to it, you mong.

This was him just 3 weeks ago, there's no possible way you can get that fat in such a short space of time

>6'1 5'11


The exact thoughts in his head

>Most pleasing thing
Fucking cows I swear

... still has him on "swole patrol".


Most of the really neat addictive drugs use the same neural pathways/responses that are triggered from sodium. E.g mammals and salt licks, salty food and such, it's related to water retention for survival.

It's just stronger with say, opiate addiction.

The brain releases dopamine as part of the reward system when you eat, if you're not engaging in other activities that release dopamine, or are depressed and have a malfunctioning dopamine response, a person can become preoccupied with eating as a result of it being one of the few activities that the brain is hard-wired to reward.

Many posions use sodium channels. Your point?

The addiction piggybacks off of the "We need salt to survive and this salty food is fucking delicious" stuff.

I think user was talking about how eating junkshit makes your tummy and brain feel good so they over-indulge to reach euphoria


Name a more pleasing thing than eating a good meal when you are hungry, now add to that someone that has depression or something, it's not that hard to imagine.

hahaha what the fuck is that website

How does he do it? I need to lose like 50lbs. Fucker makes it look so easy

I smoke and am fat. Food is much more addictive than tobacco or weed.

I don't know, when I'm depressed I lose my apetite

slim guy here

im almost 27 and have no problems with eating 3 times a week fastfood (sometimes even 4 times when I eat pizza in the weekend)

as long as you live a healthy lifestyle its no problem

unless you have shit genetics and get fat easily anyway

most fat people blame the food while they never actually do anything physically in their daily life

its hilarious and pathetic at the same time, I know someone who keeps saying yeah im on a diet I keep losing weight but the fat fuck takes the elevator to go 2 stories up, pathetic really.

It's your lifestyle, not just what you eat.

this is true tho

Addiction is just a meme word used by the mentally weak. Did you know over 20% of troops actively used heroin during Vietnam? 99% of them just stopped using it and returned home after the war instead of becoming drug addicts

>Name a more pleasing thing than eating a good meal when you are hungry,
Busting a nut
A cool drink of water when you are dehydrated
Being high

It's an older pic. I remember the ostrich.

fattys go to the treadmill. I eat an entire pizza and hate myself, but i need to eat that much to get big and strong from lifting weights.

I literally don't comprehend how one can become addicted to eating. I am actually a bit underweight, because I have to force myself to eat a certain amount of calories a day. Food (junk food or healthy) has no power over me and I will never understand how people can gorge themselves until they're so fat they can't even walk without breaking a leg.

He needs some protein shakes. Fill back out a bit with healthy meat. Getting a bit gaunt there.

They were addicted in Vietnam, when they returned to the US they were no longer exposed to environmental cues that triggered cravings. Same reason why addicts get clean in prison then relapse when they get out and return to the same places they abused in

>A cool drink of water when you are dehydrated



kek this picture is too good

this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA

please send us a check for 1 Million if you would like a reply.

I've had cows come up to me, lower their heads, and rub them against me affectionately, much like a domesticated dog will do; as long as the cows are taught not to push you, it's fine. They also like to be pet and scratched. And these were cows being raised for beef. It's kind of hard to eat meat after that.

Really good food after being hungry is better than sex.

He's smoking. Smoking can keep you skinny after you lose some weight

He can do it between acting jobs. Losing weight is more difficult when you have to do homework or work a full time job, as hardcore diets will mess up your energy level, focus, etc.

Jonah can NEET it up AND have personal trainers that will yell at him to motivate him. If he goes crazy from hunger he won't fail a class or get fired from a job.

3rd worlder tier

he has to work out 8 hours a day every day to keep looking like this. or else he reverts back to

you know a few farmers get BJs from cows

He doesn't look so good these days

Tren, Clen, HGH, Anavar, MDMA.