Tfw MCU will never have villains this terrifying or violent

>tfw MCU will never have villains this terrifying or violent

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Based sentinels preserving the master race

the xmen series is pure kino and the only good capeshit there is

I fucking love this scene. Not only is it brutal as all hell, but they actually have a group of people with assorted powers working as a team in a fluid manner rather than breaking them off into different battles.

This is how to make capekino.

Are you saying the way the avengers do battle is highly illogical. You're just not smart enough to understand it

Honestly I thought the creepy little spider sentinels in The Gifted were a lot scarier than angry black Gorts.

Why they didn't just EMP the sentinels?

I liked them and everything, but I would have enjoyed seeing at least one of them get destroyed or maybe damaged in one vs one.

One did get damaged but when it got damaged it killed the person who damaged it.

remainder that the government did absolutely NOTHING wrong, muties need to be on a list and possibly rounded up

Didn't notice this before

>hurrrr muh unkillable robots
besides the fact that humans could never EVER create something like that in like 200 years, let alone 30, they're so lame, it's not like some looming ancient evil that no one knows how to stop, they're just a handy plot device because the writers had to make humanity threatening somehow.
humans would get fucking rekt if mutants were real

>simply x-gene test when your born
>kids who are mutants euthanized
boom humanity wins

This the stupidest post ive ever seen

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Why are teleporters so shit with their powers?

Teleport half an enemy
close portal

bam bisected enemy

>besides the fact that humans could never EVER create something like that in like 200 years, let alone 30,
You mean like Iron Man armor?Ultron?Ant man gadgtes?The Hulk?

means for

imagine being this ignorant

>humans don't know fucking shit
>world populated by tons of mutants
>some who can fuck up whole countries with ease
>"oh i guess we should figure out how to kill mutants :^)"
plus you really think that would do it? you think the government has enough power to force birth regulations like that? and realistically mystique could actually destroy whole countries from within in a matter of weeks

>magneto supposed to be insanely powerful
>gets arrested in between FC and dofp
yeah im sure they're a real threat

holy shit not like that tech is shown being common as fucking bread in the MCU, where the most advanced x-men get is cerebro which is hardly commonplace
holy fuck brainlets need not apply

fass magneto is a literal cuck who cries at everything, not muh magneto

The sentinel fucking smashed colossus head with a single punch.

>he didn't like x-men because it didn't have enough quips
it's cute, really

Ah, ok. I thought you were pointing something else out and I just couldn't see.

>muh quips
i know it's too embarrasing to admit you're wrong, i get it user

What is a better solution?Let them free?Xavier and Jean Grey killed hundreds by accident in few seconds, those guys are walking nukes.

Also changing your form will not save you from goverment making tests to catch you, there is already people irl that use masks and even surgery to make their faces identical to goverment employers,mystique power is nothing that gov are not prepared for.

>he doesn't actually deny it
lol, mcu was a mistake

They will never have emotional moments like this either

DoFP is truly kino

You didn't watch the X-men movies at all, all of them show different groups with futuristic technology and fictional materials.

how about humanity just dies because it's worthless and mutants are better

>being a literal race traitor

>different groups
governments and secret societys, not the same as anyone who wants it has it, a salvage worker built himself a fucking wingsuit out of alien weapons

>Mcu has no good movies
>Xmen, whist it has some bad movies, also has Xmen2, First Class, Days of future past, and Logan
Literally not even a competition

>mutants are better
>literally destroyed themselves 2 times by accident
>almost nuked the entire world
>eternally fighting each other
>their powers are useless for anything but kill

These guys are the heroes of Sup Forums
Literal capeshit killers

X Men have the best villains. No other cartoon villains were as scary as Nimrod and Apocalypse on the Xmen cartoon.

Days of Future past is easy the best X-men film, easily top five capekino.
The sentinels were pretty scary, but they would have been better if they were a little bit more graphic with their deaths, i.e. one dude getting torn in half, instead of just getting shot with a laser beam

only fighting each other because the faggot SJW mutants are delusional, magneto did NOTHING wrong

most mutants are super powered white people so no they arent and are infact limiting the white population's ascent into god hood

EMP proof, famalamo

Ofcourse not. They were portrayed realistically given the skillset they possessed.
They were literally unbeatable.
They had to change time, killing themselves in the process in order to create a world without them.

love the magneto + storm combo

>go back in time
>kill everyone involved in the sentinel project at birth
seems easier desu

>that scene where they start thinking with portals

kid, we're going to need to see some ID. you keep shitting up this board with Sup Forums-tier brand wars. You're under 18. I doubt you're 16. Please go to Gamefaqs until you're 18. This is a board for adults.

>go back in time
>sacrifice the entire timeline and everyone in it, killing not only the villain but literally everyone in existence
Yeah. Pretty easy.

>go back in time give the treatment from Logan to all humans to prevent people from ever getting these mutations
>No need for sentinals and mass casualties from rabid mutants
Seems easier senpai

>Intrusive white pop up every 5 seconds
>Can only be dismissed manually by opening a giant blinding sidebar and seeing "suggestions"
>bunch of fucking logos for everything
>Pausing causes a bottom bar with 50 thumbnails to pop up
Jesus christ, jewtube. What happened?

i agree with you and ignore the plebs here

while singer is a deviant fuck he sure knows how to make xmen and capeshit right, while not giving a fuck about current capeshit trends

>sentinel 1 absorbs metal guy's powers and becomes metallic
>sentinel 2 absorbs fire guy's powers and becomes... icy?
>sentinel 3 absorbs ice guy's powers and becomes... fiery?

umm i think they forgot what they were doing and mixed things lmao