Tfw despite the odds and Jewish schemes against him, he's back from the underworld and making movies bigger than ever

>tfw despite the odds and Jewish schemes against him, he's back from the underworld and making movies bigger than ever
>meanwhile hollywood jewish powerbrokers are dropping like flies due to scandals, and our boy Mel is cleaner than ever

The Resurrection is real.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody can defeat /our/ guy. Prepare for a new age of Kinos.


god gave him a trial and he succeeded, more faithful than ever

>tfw someone will accuse him of sexual misconduct and he'll go right back down

It's not fair.

dubs for mel

Has this thread been blessed by Jebus himself? Only dubs will show the light.

>implying women don’t just smile and blow him

>Hollywood is in trouble, so they call in their outcasted expert to save them


He never went anywhere. Also it was fucking Asians who plotted against him, not kikes.

For fucks sake one of this best friends and most adamant defenders through the entire shitshow was Whoopi Goldberg.

>Jesus was killed by the Jews
>resurrects more powerful than before

>Mel('s career) was killed by Jews
>resurrects more powerful than before


>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie. #BlackLivesMatter!

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

Mel survived been called antisemite and wife beater. I'm sure he's going to be fine.


I just don't get why he goes out of his way to make himself look like a Jew if he hates them so much.

Why did he apologize like a pathetic beta so much?

how do they keep getting away with it?

Too bad all those quotes are horseshit since he pussied out and apologized for all that shit and professed his love for jewcock after he sobered up.


Based Mel is a disciple of Jesus Christ and therefore is a true Jew unlike the Synagogue of Satan kikes of this world.

Jews have the highest average IQ's in the world, are the literal definition of a superior race

I take it you have a dog in this fight?

nah I just think jews look more aryan than the aryans
(((they))) forced him to

>Jews have the highest average IQ's in the world

are you gonna apologize over and over for this comment later like /your guy/?

All these Jews bashing /ourguy/ need to leave

if you believe in racial superiority then you have to admit it is more than just intelligence and the hebrews are notoriously physically deficient

Why did he cast a Jew to play Mary?

It's true. Look up the racial realist and white supremacist Richard Lynn, who is the source on nearly all white vs black IQ differences regularly used by Sup Forums.

According to Lynn, the average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is a whopping 113, the highest average in the world. The average overall white IQ is 80 and black is 70. So basically, there's a bigger difference in intelligence between a jew and white as a white and black

weird they don't like to go into his same stats on Jewish vs white IQ differences.....

>Jesus was killed by the Jews

The Neanderthals were far physically superior to homosapien and yet died out due to their inferior intelligence

intelligence is the quantifying factor in determining the value of a race. No physical superiority will trump intelligence. If you're going into physical capabilities then I guess niggers are superior to whites

He's going to make the world believe in heroes again, isn't he?

Mel gibson is an icon.
Who the fuck are you
Keep crying about it though pussy

>blah blah blah

don't you know? The Jews asked the Romans to kill him when they asked them therefore the Jews are 100% responsible and the romans are 0% responsible

>It's true.
Sure it is, (((pal))).

IQ of Israel is 90

gibson is a loser compared to the far-leftists that are the actual A-Listers of Hollywood. By that factor he's just crying about it like a pussy


Don't try to stick at that one on the Romans you you cunt.

do you have evidence this isn't the case according to Lynn? Post it.

>"if you don't kill Yeshua, we'll chimp out again and cause another massive war and Caesar will probably execute you"

Basically just what they do now with American foreign policy.

24When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.”c

25All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

- The Gospel according to St. Matthew, Ch. 27 vv. 24-25

>intelligence is the quantifying factor in determining the value of a race.
Nope. WILL is the most important factor that determines success or failure of humans.

Intelligence and strength are both worthless if you fail to use them to advance your family, tribe, or nation.

Because they're 30% Arab who are a low IQ group. By comparison the US IQ level is brought down by being just 13% black

Average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ in Israel is higher than any Europeans (see Lynn's statistics in pic related). And if Israel tried to exterminate their subhuman population to rectuify this, you Sup Forumsfags would cry

Do you have evidence that Lynn isn't full of shit? Post it.

It was mostly the Pharisees who were behind it. Most jews in Judea probably never gave a shit.

Actually, Pontius Pilate was going to let him go, but the Jews demanded the crucifixion


>kill someone
>say you're blameless so now you're magically blameless

btw your 666 indicates this is the devil's work. Fuck off

Also Jesus was a proud European Aryan white man and totally not Jewish himself. All that shit about him being the King of the Jews and being a Rabbi were added to the Bible later in a grand Juden editing conspiracy.

>When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.

Like fucking clockwork. Pic related never wrong

Blacks think they're more moral and willful than whites.

>Jewish high IQ

This has never been true, why do people keep saying it? It's average European baseline plus above average socio-economic background.


Jesus is telling me you're full of shit, Satan.

There's no real evidence of black vs white IQ differences if you discard Lynn. He's the only one that has reliably researched it

basically you're now promoting that there's no difference regarding race and intelligence

way to go SJW

t. autist

Did I hurt your feelings?


just because you say it's not your fault when you kill someone doesn't mean it's not your fault. Typical italian behavior to murder somebody and then say "well, I didn't really want to".

Who could be behind this meme I wonder?

>excuses: the post
SJW's say there's no difference regarding black vs white intelligence due to socio-economics. rly makes me think

>all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

>muh socio-economics

LITERALLY the excuse that left wing academia uses to excuse white vs black IQ

fucking hilarious

I bet the Japs are the smartest motherfuckers on the planet, on average, not the Kikes.

way to debunk what I said cuck

You realize that is what the Jews said right?

Either Jews are of a very high IQ and that's why they're able to pull of the grand conspiracies and control over whites that you guys constantly claim, or they're not and most white people are beyond fucking retarded. It has to be one or the other, or your narrative doesn't make sense.

So which is it stormfags? Are white people only mildly intelligent, or retarded?

Try reading the entire passage and then come back and make your same argument. Pilate wanted to pardon him. The Jews rioted when he suggested it.

>He's the only one that has reliably

no I just find your albino nigger hand-wringing excuses when faced with a more intelligent race to be hilarious

I don't care. If you kill somebody you're not blameless just because you say so.

Also the bible was constructed centuries after the facts and there's no reliable record of what happened.

So the Jews magically forced the Romans to kill him? He should have stood his ground and sent in the army to control those evil jooz. Instead he killed jesus and then the romans went on to kill thousands of christian saints and martyrs for centuries to come

If a Jew killed a Christian because the arabs demanded it, would you say the Jew is blameless? I doubt it.

OR maybe intelligence is not the most factor in pulling off a conspiracy MAYBE the willingness to do despicable things is a more relevant trait

>Also the bible was constructed centuries after the facts and there's no reliable record of what happened.
No it wasn’t. The Book of Mathew was written within 30 years of Jesus’s death.

Why is it always if one Jew said something, then ALL OF THEM said it?

You're white, right? Should I blame you for Stephen Colbert and John Oliver say because they share your race?

oh so now you're saying there's no correlation between IQ and race

way to go full SJW

>what is nepotism
>what is deceit
>what is favoritism

If Jews were so smart, they wouldn't have to leech off of other cultures, but could run their own.

it is part of their identity though

Nice dubs Chaim.

>he literally doesn’t understand anything about ancient Roman civilization
Everybody point and laugh at the common core kid

lmao, these hilarious mental gymnastics

no, whites are plenty nefarious enough. Look at what they did in the Congo. This idea that whites are subjugated under the Jews because of muh morality is another nigger-tier excuse

btw Jews are already above goyim, they rule the world and nobody but neckbeards and mudslimes cares. This is because they are smart and you are dumb

Blacks blame nepotism, deceit, etc for why whites are above them. You're literally turning into niggers in your frustration at superior Jewish success

it's fucking hilarious

He's being honest about his favorite worshippers and their tricks.

did the jews magically force the romans to kill them via mind control. yes or no.

All the Jewish elders were calling for Jesus's attest. And they represented the Jewish people. So yes they were responsible

Satan be gone! We're not falling for the Jewry

Jews rule the world, not just a single civilization. This is because they're superior.

Without Jews less-intelligent whites would stagnate and destroy each other through recklessness and their impulsive short-sighted nature. See WW1

there are more important things in life than shekels

>when Sup Forumsestinians LITERALLY blame "privilege" for why Jews are smarter/more successful

and to think Sup Forums claims they're not just fatter SJWs

I'm sure the khalari bushmen with their 54 IQ's would think their primitive lives are more noble and pure as well.

This is what you are vs. Jews, the difference in IQ between Jews and whites is greater than whites and blacks. You make up excuses to their intellectual superiority because of your own inferiority complex

nepotism and deceit arent privilege but way to put words in his mouth different user btw

Jews have never disavowed the Pharisees for killing Christ. If anything they like it, considering the Talmud was constructed at the same time as the NT. Modern Jews and Christians are more like branching parts of the same root religion. Like chimps and humans.

>the retards who write and draw anime, censor genitalia in porn, and refuse to have sex why simultaneously wondering why no babies are being born

Somehow I doubt your claim.

Ashkenazi IQ is well-documented. Sup Forums is at war with statistics. Your petty and frustration-driven excuses can't deny numbers

oh yes it is. Ask any SJW about why whites are more successful and what white privilede entails, and they'll say nepotism. You're an albino nigger and little more, childishly lashing out against statistics because they trigger you

thanks for the diagnosis dr freud