What's some border kino?

What's some border kino?

Already seen Sicario, No Country for Old Men, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul.

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The Counselor


Any kinos about people hating taxes but encouraging a wall to be built with taxpayer dollars that will eventually have no real impact on any issues whatsoever?

The Great Wall

Space tourists will pay it off in 100 years

El Infierno

Uh, Mexico will be the one paying for the wall.


I've got just the Kino for you

>no real impact on any issues whatsoever?

The tears are impact enough

>both a former Mexican President and current sitting President both say "fuck off"
Kek, but any day now amirite?

you could marathon the 2 season of "The Bridge"

Just go to El Paso. The whole city looks like a shitty parking lot under construction and there's illegals everywhere.

So again, no real impact?

Buttlickers like this initially annoy me, but then I realize how assblasted they are, (even if they futilely deny it while making butt hurt posts like these), which brings a smile to my face.

read again sweetie. The tears are enough by themselves

You know what I like best about Trump? Strategy.

Like during the primaries, Never Trumpers were wailing and gnashing their teeth that opposition couldn't unite because the only two opponents left were polar opposites, Cruz and Kasich. And why? Because Trump put them in that spot, methodically knocking out opponents one by one, for nearly a year.

So what will Mexico say when we have all the jobs, all the manufacturing, a renegotiated NAFTA with Canada, and a wall keeping them from re-enacting a Mariel boatlift in the desert?

Pablo will weep because he has no leverage as we tax the shit out of his abuela's remittances.

Then we send him back.

>any opposing criticism or opinion is "butthurt"
If you ask me, you need to be pretty cucked in the head to support taxpayer dollars going to a useless building project that won't be finished, functional or serve any real purpose in your lifetime.

Go to Progress. Lots of Winter Texans so you feel safe. Cheap beer and Viagra lol.


So this is what brainwashing looks like.

Then you're a silly faggot.

You know what KYC means?

You know why Western Union is exempt?

You know when that gets changed?

What's your point, retard?

And youre a triggered nigger

>>any opposing criticism or opinion is "butthurt"
Not necessarily, but that's obviously the case here. The OP made a post vaguely related to politics, (which could actually get legitimate movie suggestions, and did), and you had to come in and butt with a terrible attempt at subtlety, having nothing to do with movies, express your asinine political opinion which nobody asked for. Again, it's mildly annoying, but when it's this obvious that you're mad and deservingly so, it brings a smile to my face.

Good one, that's new.

Lotta crybaby loser Democrats in this thread.

Pick your wallfu.

Take a screencap, save these posts, come back in 4 years after he's re-elected, and we will laugh and laugh and laugh at Mexico. Together.

>he thinks Trump gets re-elected
>he thinks the wall is going to happen
Lol sure bud. Whatever you need to tell yourself.


>he thinks Democrats will win anything ever again

lmaoing @ ur life

I'm not even that other user you schizoid.

>Rio Grande Valley
I'm not that brave.

Keep crying you pathetic soyboy

You legitimately live in a bizzaro world, Trump is crashing the GOP with no survivors and is ensuring you faggots don't get another conservative candidate even close to the White House for the next 50 years, the pushback within your own fucking party is enough to tear it apart. You're delusional, you are operating one of the most unpopular administrations in recent memory and half of the cabinet will be either fired, in prison or dead by the end of the fucking year.

So I'm a schizoid for assuming only the poster would defend that post so much? Okay, so just consider that everywhere that I wrote "you," I should have written, "that poster." Is that enough for you, autist?


*dabs on u*

Yes we all know this and it doesn't change a single thing I said.

>Trump is crashing the GOP with no survivors
Stopped reading here. People literally said the same thing about Bush.

>b-but what about
Literal propaganda tool.


No they didn't, you weren't even alive for the Bush presidencies. Fuck off.




>dnc is near bankruptcy
>tons of internal infighting
>party weakist its been since ww2

>muh whatabout somehow makes Trump less unpopular
Whatever the Democratic Party is in 4 years, will sure as shit have a better road to the White House in a post-Trump America, and if you can't understand why then you are honestly brainwashed.

Yes, they did. Actually, people said it more often after Bush was gone. If you're too young to remember that, I can't help you.

t. underage soyboy

What Democrat Party?

>Manafort arrested for 12 counts of treason
>but let's dredge up some old news about that DNC corruption that everyone already knows about! That will show those libtards! Got em

>will sure as shit have a better road to the White House in a post-Trump America
You could have said the same thing about Obama and the GOP eight years ago and it would have turned out to be true.

Can I borrow your crystal ball sometime? I've always had trouble predicting the future with confidence like you.

lel, I remember hearing this shit about the RNC and Trump during the campaign.

>implying this is factually incorrect

It's not just DNC corruption you should be worried about

You literally have no money



t. too stupid to read

>tax fraud and money laundering
>t. retard

It was in retrospect you stupid faggot, not during the presidencies.


Read the post it was in reply too. He said no one claimed that bush destroyed the gop


The counts are literally treason, are you people pretending to be this retarded?

Yes, people said it. Again, if you were too young, I can't help you. Even it that was said in retrospect, you certainly aren't giving a better argument than for those predictions which turned out to be obviously false.

I said thar DURING the presidencies they did not say that. Certainly not a few months in.

Oh shit that's right. Traffic was great.

Literally all they have to do is not run Hillary a third time. Only Kamala Harris can conceivably lose to Trump in 2020.

Mueller failed to follow procedure while indicting Manafort. The charges will be thrown out because he couldn't keep it in his pants. Also the Podesta Group is being charged in the next few days. Mueller was never your guy, he was /ourguy/ all along.


You are "literally" retarded. That's the correct use of the word, unlike yours.

But they weren't really false, Bush stirred a lot of shit in the party and saying something in retrospect after the fact is literally different than during a term.

You're retarded.

It's going to be Koala.

Warren just pissed off the Hilldawgs and they never forgive.

>The counts are literally treason,

Rear what actual legal experts have to say about it, like dershowitz. Some libtard blog calling money laundering in 2014 treason doesn't make it so.


That rolling stones article is from when bush was in office

>Mueller failed to follow procedure while indicting Manafort. The charges will be thrown out
This is all fake bullshit.
>muh Podesta whataboutism
Clockwork, each time.

Literally none of these are literally treason.

Literally has been used as an intensifier for emphasis since the 1800s dumbass.

>Literally all they have to do is not run Hillary a third time.

You have been following Hillary's career, right?

>Only Kamala Harris can conceivably lose to Trump in 2020.

You *have* been following the GDP numbers, right?

I would say they're about as "true" as what you're saying, regardless of when they were said.



Are you getting nervous, Shareblue? The WALLs are closing in around you.

>conspiracy against the United States isn't treason
Jesus Christ, the state of Sup Forumsfaggots, defending treason and conspiracy now...

>my retardation is ok brainlets

Hang yourself

The show Border Security. The Canadian one.

Love seeing people try to bring in drugs or contraband, or have weird things like furry suits and whatnot.

It's still incorrect. I see you aren't even bothering to address the fact that Manafort wasn't charged with treason. That's how "literally" retarded you are, but I meant than that sense that you have a sub-80 IQ.

>Trump is crashing the GOP with no survivors and is ensuring you faggots don't get another conservative candidate even close to the White House for the next 50 years

On the contrary, the GOP is up in flames. But this will give way to more moderates like Kasich, and young blood conservatives that are easier to tolerate.

I thought that was an Australian show? Or is that a spinoff of the Canadian version?

yeah that is the tax fraud charge

Democrats line a fantasy world. Everything they say is projection.

Reality is just around the corner and it has a very large bat.

They're literally different charges, my man.

"Literally" not treason charges, and I mean that in the literal sense of "literally." How much deeper are you going to keep digging yourself? You made the claim that they are treason charges. Either substantiate it, or accept that you are wrong. And retarded, but you can't really change that, even in the off chance that you're right.

>conspiracy against your country isn't treason
When he's in prison, what will your talking point be? That he's just voluntarily sitting in what is known to some as a room of confinement, for a set period of time that obviously non-criminals live in?

>he thinks cuckservatives like Kasich are the future of the GOP

bruh lookit dis dude

...it's tax fraud with a foreign government, bucko.

>approval ratings do not exist! The president has direct control over the economy! EEEEEE!!! EEEEEE!!! EEEEEEE!!!!

Calling it now. Trump gets primaried in 2020 by the Kasich/Graham juggernaut.

>Being a faux intellectual to feel superior

Languages evolve dipshit. Read Ulysses, The Great Gatsby or any other novel that uses literally in a figurative sense.

This economic cycle is a carryover from Obama and won't last until 2020, it's already been absurdly long.

I don't believe the dems are stupid enough to run Kamala. It has to have some limit.

>can't bother to search the meaning of legal terms when he is on the internet

If they really found dirt on trump then why is the worst charge so far for money
laundering before he was part of the campaign?

I would say that he wasn't convicted of treason charges, and you're dodging this fact that you were dead-wrong and unwilling to accept this because you are retarded.

I'm basically just going to keep on repeating the fact that you spoke out of your ass, doubled down in you retardation, and won't acknowledge it. The smart thing to do would be to fess up. I have no dog in this fight accept for you to accept that you were wrong claiming that he was charged with treason. I would also like to hear you admit that you are retarded, but I won't keep my hopes up.

I preferred the original but it doesn't fit the 'border' criteria.

Not the Manafort guy. I just get triggered when people decide what's correct and what isn't without being qualified. Languages aren't static.

>it's just conspiracy charges, no big deal famalam, it's not REALLY treason yet ;)