The fuck is up with my man J.J.'s nose and shit

the fuck is up with my man J.J.'s nose and shit

well, his nose is kinda goofy, but I've never seen his shit

he pays women to sock him in the beak while he fondles himself, thats why none of these allegations concern him. pretty light in comparison you know

>I've never seen his shit
you've never watched Fringe, the new Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.? Hard to believe.

He was born as a Double Jew and the surgery to merge his two massive hooknoses hadn't been perfected when he was born

botched circumcision

literally the head of a penis

holy shit its literally the underside of a penis

It's like a little upside-down penis

>nobody on Sup Forums will ever meet even 0.5% of the level of success and fame of JJ Abrams

what did God mean by this


He's Jewish and that's all the explanation you'll need

gibson is pretty successful

maybe he's a nazi

gibson is a sand nigger-loving cuck substance abuser that is so perpetually beta that he apologizes over and over for shit he simply said

maybe he is a Sup Forums poster actually

relax man

Before there were dubs, there was... empire of the sun.

I mean, his daughter is only 18, but I'd still fuck the shit outta her.

There's a guy in walking pleb with the same nose

w-would you at least clean up the shit when you were done? seems only fair, if you were the cause.

how did a jew make this?

Double jew.

>his daughter is only 18
>only 18

Is this photoshopped or did his nose always really look like that

t. burning through dat Soros cash with low quality CTR posts.

You're the hero we need. You are the Shill Knight.

Damn, she got lucky...or a really good schnoz surgeon.

valid concern, his nose is honestly pretty lewd

Wow he actually made something worthwhile. Props.

its the tell-tale sign of a jew. huge fuckin nose.
that and his huge fuckin forehead and curly fuckin hair.

Big nose is normal for white alphas. There is a reason why men have bigger noses than women, you know?

The Jew nose is hooked or looks deformed.

death star

>rich evans on the left