So HC HDRip of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is out

So HC HDRip of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is out.
Thoughts ?

It's a fucking Luc Besson movie, so the visuals are probably all over the place with some good effects in places and some B-movie tier visuals in others. Also some excessively retarded plot and characters.
Haven't seen it btw.

not the train wreck i expected. went in expecting ghostbusters or dark tower, received something i wouldnt mind watching on tv if it was on but wouldnt go out of my way to watch. there are some good parts but mostly mediocre.

Waiting for bluray, not going to watch a movie with some chink language subtitles in it.

The two leads make me never want to watch this

5th element was good haha

they really were the worst part of the movie. its a shame cause some of the background stuff and setting seemed quite interesting.

What's her problem.

started off great, went to shit at exactly 12 minutes, doesn't recover. There are some good parts when clara "my daddy is rich so I'm an actresss now, everyone act like I'm beautiful" devine isn't on screen, but it drops back to zero every time she comes back.

Story could've been better. Actual reveal was inconsistent with what was shown at the beginning. Should've been something along the lines of interstellar law prohibiting engagement near worlds capable of sustaining life, due to the effects of millions of tons of debris raining down through the atmosphere (read: no more life for thousands of years) and humanity violated that for a decisive ambush.

paps shout out inappropriate shit for reaction

>handshake intro was dank
>Mul flashback was better than abatap
>jewish gargoyles?

worth a look

i liked it. somewhat inept but in a charming self-deluded eurotrash way
5th element's uglier but still fuckable sister

I left the theater halfway through the Rihanna scene. Trash film

Laureline is my waifu. From the comics, though.

Most bluepilled movie I've seen lately
>6 million died
>hippie march in front of the guns

Gonna wait for the better rip in a few days, I doubt it's as bad as everyones been saying

It is

Web-DL is out too, which is better than HC rip. Get with the times.

Should be full blu ray in 2 weeks.



you know it didnt seem like the commander had to actually cover up anything. if their govt is okay with him blowing up a planet during a war. which they were because he still became the commander of the whole military. they should be okay with him blowing up the planet even with sentient life.
given the fact that valarian kills a bunch of aliens and nobody gave a fuck when the whole rest of his team died during the first mission. this is not a universe where life is sacred and theres a prime directive to protect it or whatever.
if anything the outrage should be from the fact he blew up the duplicator rats home planet.

they specifically talk about how blowing up the planet would've gotten humanity kicked out of the galactic UN, and for good reason, as the little animals being able to reproduce anything would've revolutionized a lot of shit

Luc Besson is Guy Ritchie of France. A guy who made 3 movies that would probably end up on my top 50 list created this turd.

>they specifically talk about how blowing up the planet would've gotten humanity kicked out of the galactic UN
except they did blow up the planet and nobody cared. the only new info was that sentient life was on it.

I see you're a dumbshit. How's life not being able to read?

God i want to take a deep whiff of cara's footpusy

I was debating whether to go see it in my local kinoplex. Glad I didn't.