Orville: CUCK edition Nr. 2

> I chose to be a nigger single mum
> I have two nigger brat kids
> Oh cool, here is a beta robot dad with literally no dick to support me

It's not that subtle at all.

Penny Johnson's acting is pretty robotic, so it's pottery.

I think the episode was good, as was its moral
single parent homes don't work and kids need a fucking father

Robot saved their life. They are grateful. Wtf is all this? This isn't an Orville thread. sage

>implying he couldn't create a robot dick that feels

yeah those longing stares into each others eyes dont mean anything lol!

Issac doesn't have eyes which you would know if you actually watched the show.

i really hope ur just instinctually trolling, because that kind of autistic lifestyle is harmful

> he doesnt have eyes

lol, are you blind?

>getting so buttflustered ober a Seth McFarlane show

"I agree with everything, that makes me superior"

You don't watch the show. If you did you'd know those aren't functional eyes, they are there purely to make humans feel more comfortable around him.

thanks for confirming that they are eyes

> calling headlamps eyes
I bet you think cars have eyes as well.

dont say that to me, you literally just called them eyes yourself
"non-functional eyes" you said

why the fuck would you have kids you cant control then expect other people to deal with
fathers are important more so than ever

i really dont see the end game, does she get money from the federation or whatever


there just for humans to identify with

>fully functional.exe

holy fuck you are about as retarded as they come. I'm not even that user, but watching you try and argue this made me have to say something. good bait, here;s your (You), now please fucking go away, it's painful to see someone so stupid.

yeah i have nothing against seth and the orville, they tried really hard, but i find it so hard to watch - their politeness and themes and tip toeing around issues just puts me to sleep and it takes more effort to watch than i was expecting...

i never watched star trek and i am finding the orville exhausting tbphf

You are getting trolled user. I know you are right, anyone who has watched the potato head scene knows you are right. He clearly said the eyes are purely aesthetic, that they aren't real eyes, they don't function like eyes at all, that he uses internal sensors.

We know. Stop letting people troll you.

If you aren't a fan of TNG, you probably won't be a fan of The Orville. Trek fans like The Orville. It's not for everyone, but you gave it a shot. I personally love the show.

>single parent homes don't work and kids need a fucking father
Agreed. I think it highlighted why single mothers are a plague.

"ur retarded"

nice argument, wow u won again