The /Orville/ General

Isaac x Finn-Ship Edition

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Can I just be the first to say, I fucking love this show.

Why do they have the ginger doing the shilling at the end of each preview? He's annoying af


not surprising that literally red.dit the show is now forcing an eternal general on Sup Forums

you are allowed to stop watching when he comes up

>This is what I think of the Vita.

so the new episode is good?

the reddit planet was shit, mainly because of the nigger

bortus episode when? that's a cool nigga

the reddit episode was last week though

If you dislike a show then a general is good news for you. You can permanently hide the threads forever instead of trying to hide dozens of non-general Orville threads.

In the spirit of The Union: I respectfully disagree with your opinion and hope you have a nice day.

>bortus episode when? that's a cool nigga
he had an entire episode devoted to him and it's one of the best so far.

bortus has the best line in this episode, and yes, this one was better than the reddit planet, just your standard sci-fi episode about an emotionless robot having to take care of human kids and learning a lesson, some evil mutant aliens, and a rape dungeon kidnapper, but still fun to watch

>A captain denied his Kermit doll

so blue guy made Alara mad? you think he is going to be balls deep into her as well at the end of the episode?


Don't talk such rot.

If Alara gets BLUED I will permanently drop her and she will NEVER have the chance of being my future girlfriend.

it was a good episode but i wish they had not killed the guy who saved the doctor. i wish there had been more backstory with him. like he and the doc go to her ship and eventually he gets beamed up and then beamed back with a cure. IDK. i wish she had not killed him.

>alara asks what money is
>doesn't ask what a gloryhole is
hmm, alara holodeck episode when?

I wonder if she will even put that in her report to the captain... Remember at the end, Mercer was asking for her report and she was hesitant.

oh fuck you, now i will always picture the "Giggliest Girl in Porn" efukt episode when seeing Alara...


>wanting a piranha as a gf

She better take that hat off, she's literally pissing on my heritage.

sex is forever user, money will eventually run its course

What if I'm using money for sex? Then I will eventually run out of both. fml

Orville is LITERALLY more popular than The Family Man

>I see you have kids but where is your mate?
best exchange so far, Isaac is the boss.

>seth subtly shits on single black mothers all episode long
>even until the very last scene

kek, no wonder all the alt righters, trumpanzees and gamer gaters loved this episode

Isaac is shaping up to be my favorite. I can't wait to hear what his report to Klon says.

>kill them all

yeah well family guy sucks ass. has for years. IDK why i still watch. its literally shit. but american dad id still great even after 14 seasons! in fact 2 eps ago in oriville it was literally a stan and steve smith episode! kek

this show has really improved from the first few episodes

We can only hope.

i think if next season the cut the cringe jokes and modern day references it could be greater than it is now. like the stan and steve smith episode was great except for steve making the rental car jokes.


Is Alara truly worthy of the BBC?

Vote now:

>cutting shit jokes and references

Some parts of the Orville are near unwatchable because of this crap but he will never remove it.

If Alara gets blued it'll just be clear that Seth has a fetish and this show will no longer be comfy.

nah IDK about that cus this episode was fresh as hell. only dirty joke was the glory hole thing. no cringe bullshit otherwise unless i missed something. its not the dirty jokes per se. its the amount and the delivery. the manilow refs werent too cringe.

>IMPORTANT non-meme poll I will shill all week

Yeah it's kinda funny how they fuck up on every planet by doing opposite of prime directive and don't give a shit about it. I'm pretty sure that she could reason with Brian Thompson character.

>Old Wounds
>Majority Rule
Time travel that makes no sense = retarded
>Command Performance
>About A Girl
>If the Stars Should Appear
>Into the Fold
Haven't seen yet.


Old Wounds
>Ed is given his ship, and the crew gets wood.

Command Performance
>Alara takes a double shot, and Ed is trapped with Grayson in a literal cuck shed.

About A Girl
>Gay Moclans In Outer Space, and proud POC female Shakespeare don't need no man.

If The Star Should Appear
>WALLE but with Christfags, and Liam Neeson collects a paycheck.

>Charlize Theron tries to sell the Orville to the highest bidder, and Malloy loses a leg.

>The two worst people to send on a spy mission are sent on said mission, and Ed vaporizes not-Klingons in front of their not-Klingon boy scouts.

Majority Rule
>Seth takes reddit to task after his disastrous and embarrassing AMA which ruined his reputation and nerd e-cred forever, and Lamar acts like an urban youth.

Into The Fold
>Dark chocolate finds a man who can tame her children and her blackest, niggest heart.

why even vote?? the season is not over

>only torrents right now are ~1.5 gigs

>Australian internet speed

Krill as a Standalone is objectively best of both worlds: comedy and drama with chances of future storylines being formed. No wasted moments.

2nd is About a Girl, for it having the balls to accept culture not doing what others want. That takes guts from Fox and Seth for not giving us a lukewarm and predictable ending. It was the first one to do it but Krill did the humor better.

3rd is Into the Fold, with it being a good simple setting and focusing on isaac who had very good lines

4th is If Stars Should Appear.

It was bible bashing, sure, but trek shows have always been bluepilled. Still a good resolution to the story and seeing T-bag/Mitchum bro actor was an added bonus

5th is the Pilot, it was a good enough starter to get me watching. Simple enough to not start any diluted storyline spanning the season.

6th is command performance. Alara a cute! Cute! Mercer and Kelly were a dry scene to watch though.

7th is Pria. Not a bad episode, although forgettable. I wouldn't rewatch it but seeing it I had no problems really.

8th is Majority rule. There was no arc for Lamarr there. He would get into that same incident again. Whether he learned his lesson remains to be seen.

Overall, pretty good desu.

9.7's to 7.5 scale I'd say

What? I meant 1.5 gigs is too shit quality to download.

Because it's fun and it takes 2 seconds. Don't be so autistic.

1.5 gigs? you crazy i been downloading 300mbs is th place

yeah but the season aint over. each ep gets better than the last. the krill ep was good but then the reddit plant ep was better and now todays ep was fresh AF

Are you watching on a 720p phone?

>yfw Brannon Braga co-wrote this episode

His best work since "All Good Things?"

no i got a MB Pro. looks fine on vlc

/r/ing the orville logo without background please

Oh thanks for making the bait obvious for me lad

>he doesn't download 3GB AMZN rips
I don't know why I do it, I watch the first shitty scene rip that comes out at first then stick the 1080p version in a hard drive and never watch it again

>each ep gets better than the last

Then vote for "Into The Fold" :-)

But I do, it's not out yet though.
I always download the biggest file available but always delete it once I'm done

I'm thinking of building a fuckhueg NAS and just pumping it full of remuxes.

season's halfway through, seems a fine time to take a midway poll and later compare against the final results

Go to bed Seth.

what bait? i got an MB Pro and i use RARBG to torrent 300 MBs eps. thats truth not bait. so IDK WTF

ok if its midway through ok. i understand now. no sarcasm either. hard to choose though cus they all real good.

Here's one I found, there are a couple other versions floating around in other threads but I cant find em

No problem :o)

>Here's one I found, there are a couple other versions floating around in other threads but I cant find em
thanks m8

>I always download the biggest file available but always delete it once I'm done
I tend to do that whenever a show finishes or I drop it entirely. But this year I've taken to download the best rip available and storing it in a "just in case" situation. Mostly cause I'm still mad I deleted Happy Endings and won't be able to watch it again without jumping through hoops to get into a private tracker

This episode was a bit shit. Kid actors particularly in tv shows are always terrible.

why? i try to get the smallest but most quality file. only so much space and bytes per month


>data cap
third worlders out

I realised I was paying for half a terabyte of data a month, and only using like 200GBs. And externals are like 4TB for 200 dollarydoos, plus I have enough spares from having to upgrade for more space that I can start building up some semblance of a library.

We got u m8.

sci-fi is supposed to be campy though

hell man even if i had no data cap i only have so much room on my SSD

Nigga why would you only have an SSD

Finn is how you should do Micheal Bernam.
She is far more engaging character and this episode make her more awesome than all Discovery MC ever did.

thanks m8s



Yes, amazing episode, Issac confirmed best character see image above my post

what ru talking about? i DL to my SSD watch the file and then delete it. where do you think i am gogin wrong?

No! Dr. Finn is a proud POC womyn and MUST be the best mother and her children must be perfect grade A+ POC students and she must be perfect and fierce and brave and smart and sassy but wise and young and also better than any wh*te Vulcan CIS males

The fact that you barely have enough space for a 10 gig rip is shit. Get a 250 gig HDD and you'll be gold for films (as long as you delete them).


Issac best character

Nigga why are you writing so much to a SSD? I'm being rused cruised aren't I?

most of my SSD is music for one and i have a shit ton of kino i have not watched. currently watching "tales of hoffman". and look 10 gigs? in my country that would take 10 days KEK

>and look 10 gigs? in my country that would take 10 days KEK
Jesus christ

>converted gif
You sicken me

i downloaded a 10 gig blu ray in an hour yesterday

i live 5 minutes from the google headquarters

i still complain about my internet sometimes

look enough about me. i love this show. its great. i like that its not trying to be a 13 hour movie like STD. its episodic and just good. in my country every fucking show is a telenovela. EVERY FUCKING SHOW!

Why the fuck are you writing so much onto an SSD?

>an hour
That's still pretty slow lad. Also what the fuck does "Google headquarters" have to do with your internet? Do you have google Fiber?

what do you mean? its 250 gigs. most of that is music. the rest is a few movies an other stuff. its not much really. so IDK what you mean

Kids were actually good. Nice episode.

it was basically jurassic park but with mutant aliens

>tfw torrent's download folder is in my 128GB mSATA
>tfw copypasting/deleting gigs of data daily
I used to take care of it because >studentbudget and it was expensive when I bought it years ago but I just don't give a flying banana anymore. Luckily it hasn't shit itself yet

Does that damage a solid state drive? I do the same shit

I feel like the Krill are more Cardasian than Klingon. The Moclans seem like the Klingons.

SSDs have limited write cycles. Granted it's still a fuck huge number, like hundreds of TBs, but it's enough for some to be cautious about what they put on it and trying to limit the number of times they write data into it

Why does this show has such shit writing?

>why are you a single mom?
>well ah choze dat on my own, dats personal
>visibly uncomfortable by the question

>muh son, we value life
>killed two people 90s ago

>alien moon
>earth brand guns, knives and clothing, all with clearly visible stickers and carvings