What jokes can we expect at the next Academy Awards show?

What jokes can we expect at the next Academy Awards show?

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Fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo

Sexual assault has a lighter, funny side.

You are going to need the entire writer's guild for that.


Black Panther winning Best Picture

>write what you know...

Trump jokes & none about Hollywood

Yes they will have the nerve

kimmel is gonna fake cry about rape and then the segment will be some viral video the next day

There won't be any sexual assault jokes especially after seeing that dipshit Corden get roasted
Every speech by women and nu-males will be talking about female struggle and empowerment and how you don't need to suck cocks to succeed (even though you do)

Does Sup Forums watch this award show? Is there a live thread going (or a sticy) during the show?

Lots of crying and #metoos so people don't think Hollywood is the Catholic Church.

live orgy with bryan singer

Oh man could you imagine if an actress uses the stage to directly accuse someone like when Jodie Foster came out


>after seeing that dipshit Corden get roasted
Sounds nice, source?


this, the host will cross-dress at least three times to support GIRL POWER and equal pay gap jokes will be made. Legendary directors stand and applaud

J-law will behead a Donald flump look-a-like (play by Tariq P. Henson) onstage and rainbow confetti will rain down on a fist pumping Jennifer lopez

global warming will be mentioned all night by all male actors in long teary monologues. Al gore will come out with keven spacey to a thunderous standing ovation and furiously clapping and all will be good again

If Democrats are "fuck white people" then why does Sup Forums support republicans

Don't get it

we don't

sexual advances are rape now
fuck straight men and fuck drumpf

imagine being this triggered

Play a power game, lose a power game

In Memoriam Dead Careers segment with "In the Arms of an Angel" playing over it.

I wish Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin could host again. But failing that all the jokes will be safe and boring.

If Seth hosted we could get jokes about Harvey