Is the Twilight Zone good or is it just given a nostalgia pass like Star Trek TOS?

Is the Twilight Zone good or is it just given a nostalgia pass like Star Trek TOS?

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Go watch an episode you fuckwad.

Twilight zone thread?
post your favorite episodes
>An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
>One for the Angels
>The Changing of the Guard
>Nothing in the Dark
>Shadow Play

Twilight Zone was the last drop of philosophy and intelligence in a sea of tinsel town marketing and "real drama".

my absolute favorites
>Brain Center at Whipples
>Whats in the Box?
>Nick of Time
>The Man in the Bottle

One for the Angels is pretty bad fampai

This. A lot of the plot twists TZ invented have been done since then but its pretty good for being a show that started when TV was less than a decade old

if youre still not convinced, watch any Rod Serling interview, the guy was smart. he knew how to market a story to a 60 minute airtime and make it effective

>time enough at last
>monsters due on maples tree
>eye of the beholder
>will the real Martian please stand up
>the obsolete man

midnight sun
time enough at last
monsters are due
five characters in search of an exit
nightmare at 30k feet

Could you stay silent for a year?

>will the real Martian please stand up

About to start 4th season of the OG series, what am I in for? So far the first episode is a little too slow burn for me.

Man that episode was sad as fuck

Rod Serling was a genius, in the true sense of the word. Are all TZ episodes winners? No. But the good ones really nail it. And the mediocre ones are still fun to watch.

It's both.

It is incredibly comfy viewing though and i have to admit even though I only smoke a few times a year. I do really love sitting with an ash tray and chainsmoking my way through Twilight Zone episodes.

Rod Serling died at 50 ofcourse but it's just a vice of mine.

Thank you for freeing me from that lamp sir. You have three wishes choose wisely

Apparently the fourth season was hated so much that Netflix doesn't even have it.

The war episodes are garbage but the rest are good.

where do you live that you can smoke?
every place i've rented has always been no smoking.
i have fond memories as a kid sitting with my dad after dinner watching TZ while he smoked his L&Ms and its an incredibly comfy feeling

I'd say about 50% of the episodes hold up by modern standards.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents >TZ

Rod Serling wrote 'Planet of the Apes' too, the ending was a twist right out of "The Twilight Zone"

A cheap flat in the UK.

>locked in a room for a year and can't say a thing
>get payed a shitload of money for it
Sounds like my life right now but with money.

a-user did you see the ending?

Do you still have your voice box?

>rewatch the episode, you learned nothing

The Great Debate:

Twilight Zone or Outer Limits?

>One For The Angels
>Not crying kino

Nigga, you got no heart

Yes but I'd make sure whoever bet me put the money in escrow first, because I'm not retarded..

It holds up insanely well. Can't think of anther TV that has.

Was there any episodes of the outer limits that werent horribly depressing?


Why does everyone hate the color episodes?

One step beyond

90s outer limits is great , they had some episodes that tried to tie it all together also , all their random episodes , like there was a bigger plot , but I don't think it ever went anywhere.

that was the point. twilight zone ended on high notes, lessons learned, etc.

outer limits left you with a moral dilemma

Most old-school stuff is great if you can let go of your bullshit.
The people back then weren't imbeciles and you ain't no genius.
Pull your head out of your ass.

"Nostalgia pass" - you fucking shit eating faggot.

original B&W Alfred Hitchcock presents

Hitchcock is a hack, who had impossible standards and a shit producer

You now remember the 00's version

The tv series. Not his movies. He didn't direct the episodes. They're as good as the best TZ episodes.

Also, fuck you faggot.

A lot of good eps.

I actually liked some of those episodes. Even the bad ones quickly turned into comfy period pieces

I bet you think Whedon is a hack too.

Whedon tried to warn us. We didn't listen.

>I don't have an appropriate rebuttal
>Ugh, ummm
>Fuck you!

Whedon is a hack. A gigantic one

I do. You are correct