Ben Shapiro's favourite films


literally doesn't say favorite you nigger

Literally who?

Are those his favourites or just his opinion on what best picture winners were the best?

Wow... A very... white list.

pictures of his sisters massive tits should be on that list

just what BP winners are best, OP is a retard

dude that says true things but hes linked to alt-righters who are retards. So its like a good thing with a cancerous fanbase. Hes also not Sup Forums-related if youre asking yourself this.

>no Schindler's list
I'm genuinely shocked

Also pictures of his disgusting cousin.

I bet he loves On the Waterfront only because the story is anti-union.

>dude that says true things but hes linked to alt-righters who are retards
Ben Shapiro is a Jewish manlet, he's like 5'2. Nobody likes him.

despite what Sup Forums would have you believe most normal jews that live in the west don't actually bring up the holocaust every other day

If anything Sup Forums brings it into discussion more than any normal person ever would

Ehh, could be better, could be worse.

It’s so sad for him at the end of Unforgiven when the sheriff is killed by outlaws just for doing his job #bluelivesmatter

>tfw thinly-veiled sister thread

why are jewesses so fuckable

would shoah

OP here and you're wrong... don't ever make assumptions ever again motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my thread!

Shoah a good time?

I'm sorry but this movie isn't appropriate for children.

All I want in my life is to cum balls deep inside a hot jewess.
I can die after that.

Make me faggot I will cut u m8

>favorite films
>godfather 1 and/or 2
Every single time

He forgot his sister's sextape


spoken like a true pleb numale

>man face

Watch out guys we have a real cinephile here...

terrible list



whos this?

hasn't ever watched a non american flick/10

The list of the pleb who is afraid to tell people what he really likes because they might get made fun of so he lies in order to look more cultured.

Most of the best picture winners are American dumbass

>West Side Story
>Ben Hur

Can't fault it

Weak list

Why do people like Unforgiven? Thought it was shit

>Not including The Last Emperor


>not including The Apartment

this is the most underrated best picture


Fuck off back to r3dd1t you christ-killing, money sodomizing, holocaust story fabricating, gentile baby blood drinking, conniving, scheming, sniveling circumsized kike fraud. You are not welcome here.

ben shapiro isn't a normal jew

he should start trapping, if he can look like his sister i would like him a lot better

shes cute for the first 2 seconds.

Imagine not including the best of the best of the best

This is the list of a very boring man.

Whoever has Godfather, Casablanca and Ben Hur on their list of favorite films is not an interesting person.

>nobody likes him

he's literally the teen idol of young conservatives, they cream their pants whenever he tweets/speaks/appears somewhere. only reason he's gotten hate from them is because he's a never-Trumper

>ben shapiro isn't a normal jew
true. overwhelming majority of Jews are lib/Dems and would short-circuit if introduced to him

>no Lawrence of Arabia
Fuck off

It's not a list of his favorite films you fucking illiterate.

> Sunrise
> Wings
> All Quiet on the Western Front
> It Happened One Night
> Gone with the Wind
> Marty
> The Apartment
> Lawrence of Arabia
> A Man for all Seasons
> The Sting
> Cuckoos Nest

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf should have won

I listen to the audio recording of the play.

>It Happened One Night
>The Lost Weekend
>On The Waterfront
>The Apartment
>Lawrence Of Arabia
>The Deer Hunter
>The English Patient
>American Beauty

wings lmao who are you trying to impress

other kinos
>Gone With The Wind
>How Green Was My Valley
>The Bridge On The River Kwai
>The French Connection
>Dances With Wolves
>The Silence Of The Lambs
>No Country For Old Men (should not have won doe)

my old roommate had one of his books and it was the most hilariously retarded thing I've ever read, and I read a lot of posts on Sup Forums