Will he become a radical centrist in the next movie?

Will he become a radical centrist in the next movie?

>Rey we can't just attack the first order for their political beliefs, that would be wrong

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>Rey, the Jedi and Sith both have to end. We have to become grey.

>We have to exterminate the nigger menace infesting this galaxy before it gets out of hand, Rey.

what the fuck? #notmyluke

>what the fuck? #notmyluke

Jesus Christ Rian first the nazi porgs now this

first grey jedi in the disney Universe, shitting all over the EU again. mark my words.

>Lets kill the niggers and lasers the jews

Definitely #MyLuke

the European Union?

What was the New Jedi Academy's tax plan?



>Now I will teach you the ultimate technique, Force Zyklon. You must use it to destroy the Toydarian menace once and for all and bring freedom to the galaxy
I was worried at first when they started rotating directors but bringing Raimi in really breaths fresh air into SW

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>The first order needs to be exterminated, let's kill all of them and then kill their families and then kill their friends and then kill anyone on any planet they've ever been on
>Rey isn't that a bit extreme?
>Why do you care so much? Are you a member of the first order? I should kill you too

>Let's just pool all of our credits together and pay everyone equally. That's fair

Credits will do fine.

t. riggered

>Force zyklon
Never change, Sup Forums

No. Luke is the light side master, Bigger Luke i the dark side master.

where does Luuuke stand in all this?

Does Rey even have an opinion on the First Order?
She sort of just fell into the Resistence.

>Rey, I've never seen stronk powers like this, you're even stronker than Yoda, Sidious and Vader combined. I'm scared now. Geeeeeeeee


>Does even xyz have an opinion on xyz

They dont care, First Order are the bad goys and the Disney Wars target audience are kids 6 years old.

grey jedi isn't canon. you are either a jedi or not. others are just follow their own path.