TV has surpassed movies as a medium

>TV has surpassed movies as a medium
>TV is more darker and mature than movies which are bright, colourful, safe and cater to idiots

What a timeline.

the movie was superior to the tv show in every way though

especially in terms of violet

>TV is more darker

and soon its going to be even more better!

This is an absolute truth

>Movies are all dumb quipfests/ads/nostalgiapandering
>TV shows are all edgy and miserable because game of thrones and the walking dead got really popular

shit timeline

What went wrong?

Too bad TV is complete shit except for wildcard shows like twin peaks the return and world peace

>twin peaks
you mong. fuckoff to reddit and watch that shit

Fuck off, you mongoloids. The movie was shit-tier compared top the show. The whole movie felt rushed, like cramming in and abridging so many characters and storylines that you barely even knew what was going on.

>"Hi, I'm Uncle Montgomery and now I'm dead."
>"He's count Olaf and he's covering his tattoo with make-up!"

Oh, okay. No time for real character development or anything when we've got more shit to get through. The show took it's time so we actually got to know and care about these characters which is why long-form television is the future.

I'd like to thank MDEWP for giving a surefire way to tell if someone is a moron.

t. brainlets

the show was longer but it didn't develop characters either.

In the movie most of who the characters were was indicated almost instantly by actor performances. This does not happen in the show.

literally not a single thing


Not sure who to thank for this, but I'm thankful nonetheless, as its surefire way to tell when a person is suffering from the dunning-kreuger effect.

>Pit hair


>More darker
You really are sub-verbal Australopithecine.

wew you are definitely a brainlet

What? That's completely wrong, though. The show painfully established who characters were so we knew them intimately. The movie just introduced them and shrugged them off in the same scene.

People make themselves ugly because they were taught to be ashamed of their beauty.

Because of rape.

she has to let everyone know that shes a big girl who doesnt live by your rules

Man, i sure as hell hope you've never praised visual storytelling before.

Imagine if the entire Harry Potter series was condensed into one movie. Yeah, you've got characters and stuff, but the emotions and pacing to let the world breath would be lost.

>oo bad TV is complete shit except for wildcard shows
>world peace

>imagine if mindless exposition dump: the series was condensed (you meant compressed) into one movie

... it easily could've been and by mentioning it at all you're betraying a huge amount of induced cinematic illiteracy.

what are you having trouble with?

Only one of those things is bad, though

>A medium that is comprised of 50% filler content has surpassed movies as a medium

>Filler is bad

Fucking ADHD millennials.

>still have to watch 100+20 filler episodes to see the same character arc you would see in 2 hours
Yeah go TV

Are you really defending filler?

>condensed (you meant compressed)

No, I didn't.

"Compressing" is to squeeze something, whereas "condensing" is to remove parts to make it shorter or smaller.

Post moufpucci

Many TV shows nowadays have few episodes per season, though.

Yeah, if I truly enjoy a show, I want to see more content. What's wrong with that?

This is the YouTube generation.

i would but i dont have the pics on my work pc

someone else do it

Movie aunt Josephine was better desu, the TV show just took inspiration from fucking pancake mix

Filler is content devoid of any substance. It's analogous to saying you want more cardboard in your steak because it's more steak

condense is to convert a gas into a liquid. Using it is acknowledging harry potter is mostly fluff.

You can remove your arms and legs and live a normal life, doesn't mean your limbs were "fluff".

>the main legs of harry potter is the fluff

... you keep doing it.

I recognize most HP fans acknowledge the main plots are dogshit.

tv shows are dead movies are dead digital shows are what they are going to call it now how do i know? i'm from the future screen cap this.

>You can remove your arms and legs and live a normal life