Stranger Cuckings

I’m a fan of the original series, but it’s terrifyingly obvious that the new series has been totally subjugated to a political agenda - specifically, of white male inferiority and black / female superiority. Let’s take a look at the subliminal messages in the first 15 minutes of Series 2, Episode 1, shall we?

1) Opening scene - the escape. Hysterical white male and lunatic white female contrasted with powerful, in-control blacks - one is driving skilfully, the other is harnessing awesome psionic powers.

2) The tunnel crash. The black easily overpowers the white police officer’s feeble intellect, making him cause an accident. His co-driver, another black, berates him and humiliates him.

3) Gathering money for the arcade. The white children are thieves and scavengers; the black child has worked for his money, and reprimands the white children, just as in the previous scene.

4) At the arcade. The white child fails to win the game and “get the princess”. The black pointedly declares that the white princess belongs to him alone.

5) Madmax’s high score. All the males are outdone by a female.

6) The Californian man with expensive possessions is sexually admired.

7) Helping with the homework. An intelligent female tries to help an idiot male. He gives up, clearly her intellectual inferior, and declares that he will rely on his father to succeed in life.

This is just the first 15 minutes. It’s really extraordinary, with literally no counterpoints to the narrative of black > white and woman > man. Once you take the red pill you really can’t fucking go back.

imagine waking up in the morning and being this sensitive

literally twitter liberal tier

>>go prep your bull cuck

imagine being so shit at false flagging
imagine writing all this shit

kill yourself kike/nigger

I found this thread on Sup Forums and I wanted to discuss the subject on Sup Forums




OP, just stick to the diversity squad in shitty episode 7.

Holy shit Hillary BTFO!

seek help OP

>I wrote this long as fuck falseflag and bait post and posted it on Sup Forums but it got deleted so i brought it here

it was already posted here
so fuck off back to Sup Forums with your stale pasta

Why do liberals hate free speech so much?

why are you so fucking awful at this? seriously off yourself cunt, you aren't smart.

free speech =/= immunity from criticism

Billy fucking Nancy's mom is the only thing I'm looking forward to in Season 3.

Nigger, stop projecting your fantasies. If Stranger Things is a psy-ops, then it's literally one of the dumbest, least efficient and most expensive ones.

I hate idiots, you fucking mong. You provide no legitimate foundation for a discussion and expect us to fall for your bait. All day every fucking day. I swear it's time for me to change Sup Forums to a different chan.

>and expect us to fall for your bait

funny how you did fall for it tho

Funny how I saged.

6 million

My bet’s on him being closeted gay

>le 56% face

If he doesn't fuck that milf next season I'm gonna commit.

Nice falseflag faggot.

It was comforting to learn that Gelmanns role was just as terrible as I was hoping. Sure, he can write twitter and Sup Forums as trolls, but there's no way critics didn't feel like that was a completely unnecessary character who was clearly nervous/excited to be in a big TV show and tried way too hard.

>omg jondan u n nanci shud fuggg :DDD XDDD
Wow. Comedy gold. Thanks for adding that in for no reason at all.