Post movies from this decade that you think will rise in prestige as time goes on and will ultimately be regarded as a...

Post movies from this decade that you think will rise in prestige as time goes on and will ultimately be regarded as a "classic" of the 10's in the future.

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Blade Runner 2049

that movie was way to stupid to be taken seriously

Pretty much a documentary imo
Found it insightful

127 Hours


OP here. Bonus points if the movie isn't widely known about and/or didn't receive universally positive acclaim from critics

this will be considered a masterpiece in no more than 3 years time

>it's a "hollywood poorly executes a japanese movie" episode

nah people are just that stupid


I might watch this tonight, maybe it's as telling as the movie in OP

You know it to be true.

Kino connoisseurs will pour over this movie in the decades to come.

Was he autistic?

Spring Breakers

This was an instant classic. Critics are plebs, and you're a pleb too if you didn't like it

However stupid you think this movie is, the source material is unimaginably dumber

Ruben Ostlund is legit. One of the only directors out there who's doing something genuinely original. I can't wait to see The Square

>Packs a serious punch

>judging a movie by the pull-quotes on the poster

The Signal


In 10 years, every college dorm room will have this poster on the wall

>a real force de majeure

I hope not. It was pretty but it was stupid


it's based off a book, dumb weeb


I really don't get the mixed response, this is the best crime thriller I've seen in a long time.

Pablo Larrain should be one of your favorite directors. "Tony Manero" was even better, but it's 2008 so I guess it doesn't fit the thread


This film was fucking awesome. Even that Portishead cover of ABBA.

>too long, didn't watch

This movie was ridiculous.

>too gay, didn't watch

it's a masterpiece

They won't, though, because it isn't in any way whatsoever a good film. It's what a stupid person pretends to like in order to seem smart.

>and then
>and then
>and then
>oh she solves her own disappearance
>hey this is basically a remake of the big lebowski but not funny or clever or interesting

this is so fucking great
i watched the super long version and wouldn't want to lose anything

This will be completely forgotten in a year.

It was already well-received, but anyone who hasn't seen it should check it out. One of the best directorial debuts in a long time, a great example of how a good filmmaker can build an entire world on a tiny budget.

This movie was really weirdly made. I don't think it will rise in prestige, but it might just because John C. Reilly is hard to take seriously thanks to all the comedic stuff/trash he has done. Once that slips from memory, maybe it will be less awkward to watch.

Then again, maybe Ezra Miller will be recognized more as the Flash and will make the casting still seem bizarre to watch.

>It's what a stupid person pretends to like in order to seem smart.
This is the stupidest thing you could've said. You don't win any big-boy points for liking this movie, it's totally accessible and enjoyable on a surface level. There's additional depth and detail if you're interested in California history, but no external reading is required to understand the main arc of the film. It's funny, romantic, compelling, and beautifully put together

The reverse is more interesting; what big films that where considered instant classics are going to be historically frowned upon?

Imagine being this stupid

I'd say literally everything that scores above 92% on RottenTomatoes. Anything with a score that high is guaranteed to be boring, predictable, and unsurprising


It's not any of those things. It trades in well-trod SoCal tropes, both social and visual, and goes nowhere in any sense, whether narrative or otherwise. Dilettantes pretend to like it because it's Pinchon/PTA but it's just a shit film.

Is this your card?

Marvel Studios just keeps shitting out masterpieces, then, right?

American Hustle. Absolute shit film.

Can I just say that whoever worked on this poster did a genius job making Ezra look human and not some deformed fish faggot like usual

No, but you're still an idiot to make such a sweeping statement

Objectively best part of movie:

Ever heard of Suspiria?

Man child

>in the future
>anyone remembering, no - recognizing! - capeshit actors


>hurr you're just pretending to like it
I honestly don't get this. It's not abstract or intellectual, it's the closest thing PTA has done to a straight-up comedy. I was laughing a lot throughout my first viewing. It also reminded me of Punch-Drunk Love in the way the style completely immerses you in the main character's POV. If you just said you were bored, I'd respect that, but if you think this is some kind of pseudo-intellectual film that people pretend to like for brownie points then you've got to be retarded. It's like you watched a different film

Wonder Woman will be looked upon as complete trash


I don't think the non-linear narrative was necessary or added anything of worth. I felt like it was going out of it's way to be seen as an art film when it's a pretty straightforward drama.

I don't think anyone will consider run-of-the-mill blockbusters as classics

I love this movie.



Minimalism done right. JC Chandor is the real deal, he hasn't made a bad film yet.

good film

yeah this was cool

Why did critics turn on Malick? "Pretentious" is the lowest form of criticism. Song to Song was also very good, and of course Tree of Life.

This got a good response, but it should be more popular. Glazer is one of the good guys


I love PTA and Pynchon, but this film was bad

can you tell me anything about it? the poster and title don't


in 10-20 years people will ask themselves why this movie flopped @ the cinemas.

idk if this will ever be considered a classic but i hope it gets recognized as a pretty good movie

It's only 90 minutes, and you'll enjoy it more the less you know about it going in. It's very dark, perverted and strange, and genuinely original. Can't think of any other film to compare it to

artsy fartsy look at a very dysfunctional family's shenanigans

also pic related is this generation's Exorcist

>Can't think of any other film to compare it to
The Woman (2011) kinda reminded me of it.

Yeah I loved this, it's a movie I'd recommend to pretty much anyone. Wind River is good too

This is not a "perfect" movie, it'll probably piss you off on first viewing, but I guarantee it will stick in your head. It's got more in common with David Lynch's work than an average crime thriller - it's grimy, dirty and it feels like a nightmare.

Would be correct if Cameron Diaz wasn't in the film

Yeah she was definitely the weak link in the cast.

Not exactly underrated, but it's one of the Coen Bros best films. A Serious Man is even better, but it doesn't make the cutoff for this thread

faux arthouse for speuds

Same guy wrote Sicario, Hell or High water, and Wind River. WR was his directorial debut

Knight Of Cups.
Best film of the decade


He's an evil cowardly raping Jew, but he sure knows how to make a good fucking movie

oscar bait

Batman vs superman

My roommate keeps saying that Refn just copied Starry Eyes, but honestly they feel like completely different movies, and I love both.

also, A Field In England. Best drug trip film in a long time.

glad to see people enjoyed this movie. here's another one from Wheatley

Do not be put off by the whiff of SJWism in the subject matter. Sean Baker is l e g i t

I think I might be the only person who saw this movie. It's good, very tense and minimal


Hell or high water
Ex machina
The perks of being a wallflower

Only among pretentious fags though

If there is any justice

This is the kind of movie that's so "basic" it goes under everyone's radar, but I guarantee you'll like it if you watch it

The storyline was a bit cheesy, but its based off a book, so you can't fault that, everything else was so well done. The Wachowski's really know how to do scifi right.

I liked it. Maybe kind of anticlimactic, but everything about it was well-done. Pic related is also good, done by the same writers/directors

Everyone should check Tony Manero, great acting and subject matter