Star Trek /Discovery/ General

Where is everyone? Does Sup Forums not like Discovery any more?

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Orville keeps getting worse, DIS keeps getting better

You're cancer. Wait until another episode airs.

What if I watched the latest episode today. Where am I supposed to discuss it?

Based DIS

Next episode looks GOAT

Shitposters keep driving everyone away, hell the Orville threads spend more time talking about Discovery than Orville.

Would it have been better off for these series taking place, say, 100 years after TNG? Maybe trying something else? This is just taking things in safe mode



I love DSG; formerly DSC; formerly DISC; formerly DISCO; formerly DISCOVERY; formerly S*D!

DSG is The #1 New Hit Show Of 2017 And The #1 Sci-Fiction Show Of All Time!

Finally some planet exploration

This trailer gave me nerd-chills!

I love CBS' DSC!

It's /STD/ not /Discover/

>According to Fuller, his vision would begin with a prequel series (Discovery is set before Star Trek: The Original Series), and would continue through the eras that followed in Voyager, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and beyond. CBS instead decided to move forward with a serialized season, and would see how audiences responded.

Amen bro. Easily the best show on air

Imagine hating a show this much that you spend all day irony posting about it

Who will die? Place your bets

I agree. Haters need to get lost!

I was hoping for a series set around time travel. They could have had new stuff while also cashing in on nostalgia bux by having them go to TOS or even TNG times for an episode or two.

I unironically enjoy the show though

Looks great!

last thread went like more than a dozen hours and a hundred posts of nothing but shitposts and bitching about cbs with nary an iota of discussion actually about the show. finally it was allowed to die a whimpering death this morning

this thread is shaping up to be more of the same
>22 posts
>2 hours
>10 posters
>0 value

just let it fucking die already

I believe you mean STD

Actually last thread died at 8 posts . This thread is already better

Isn't that a medical term? This is Sup Forums not /sci/

>time travel

And do what? Fans would scream "muh canon" if they altered anything

>the only STD star trek nerds will ever get

What's wrong with staying pure?

>Does Sup Forums not like Discovery any more?

How shit is it ?

It keeps getting better. It will be as good as TNG next season.

hilarious bait because it's the exact opposite of what this guy just said

Only shills liked the last two episodes of the Orville

well, it's Friday evening, the work program is almost over, so the shills have gone home, so who else still cares about this shitty cashgrab to do more than a fly-by shitpost like this?

logical fallacy

Its only 3 on the west coast (ala Hollywood)

>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
What did they mean by this?

Which show has the best waifu potencial?


He's insecure about internet opinions

Seven eps in - ONLY SEVEN - and they start with the time loop fucking bullshit that has been the bane of all ST since TOS. Fucking bullshit. This was a terrible filler episode

Waiting on an /STD/ thread.

Stop taking your penicillin then

It died after 8 posts. see

Are you for real?

someone made a new /trek/ thread with a STD image and it died instantly

Worst part is every loop brought back the fucking house party. Yes, hip hop and beer pong 4 or 5 times is Star Trek. Yeah real great episode

Medical discussions belong on /sci/.

Why wouldn't I be?

This. Does this subreddit allow new general threads (with the correct acronym) to be made in parallel to the existing general thread? Or is that against Sup rules?

It's STD.

It breaks the spam rule.



Not even cougar tier

What music should they have listened to in your opinion?

Pleb. No Orv*lle girl can compete with her.

Would that basically mean a bunch oh reunion shows? Given that this was maybe discussed behind the scenes:

>In an interview with the TODAY show, Mulgrew said, "I want to be the admiral and I want to boss them around."

These timeship stuff? That may be something, but casual viewers may be lost.

A series following the years after the first encounter with Vulcans (and/or the 3rd world war + eugenics stuff) could be something, but may be contain too little stars ans trekking for the most.


Not an argument

Would you have liked the episode if it had aired in season 3?

No I wouldn't have liked it at all, it shows a lack of ideas. Up to this point I've tried to overlook the autistic, joyless miserable exposition droid of a main character and the massive, massive plot holes and the pathetic mushroom drive but seriously, this is the final straw

See you next week

Based Saru episode

I hate the Orv*lle and love DIS!

No. Only way it could be watchable was with other writers.

It's dead Jim, shut it down...

Honestly, it's not even funny bad anymore, it's has just become unwatchable.

Then don't watch it. No one's forcing you

A series on the Eugenics Wars at this time, with massive waves of immigrants in Europe might be a terrible idea.

Another room in Hotel Sup Forums, goddammit I hate this place.



Nice cherry picking

Did Sup Forums ever like Discovery?

The Orville is the true heir to the Star Trek Universe

So, let's discuss the show a bit.
I think I heard somewhere that the visual style will converge into TOS direction as the show goes by.
Mudd's wife and her father clothes, as well as their ship, would fit very well the original series.
I'm glad there will be planetary scenes in the next episode. I'm not sure if what they are going to do with Saru will be good, but we will see.
Place your bets, will Admiralfu die? I'm calling it.

I agree

Nice shilling

>Place your bets, will Admiralfu die? I'm calling it.

She's a guest on After Trek on sunday. I hope she doesn't die. She's the only attractive female on the show.

This ship? How is it classic in any way?

Shut the fuck up nerd. STD rules!

The actor who plays Stamets said he cried when he read the script.

Yeah humping a statue is Trek to me

The party lighting was basically how an average TOS is colored with purples and golds.



That's the stupidest thing I heard to this date. but it is expected of this show.



would you a space whale?



>any more
>implying Sup Forums liked it in the first place

Sooner than the niggress.

I guess she is more interested in eating than mating

I imagine he cries a lot.

Barry Manilow. He's so good.

Can someone post the pic where Saru has a camel toe?

>orville shillsand Sup Forumstards are obsessed with shitting up dis threads
>no one really cares about orville to do it

>Discovery has motown, everyone looses their shit
>Orville has Barry Manilow, it's fine

yeah that's not bullshit or anything