Say no to Disney

>Disney will receive 65% of revenue from ticket sales, the highest percentage a Hollywood studio has ever demanded. They’re also forcing theaters to screen the film in their largest auditorium for at least four weeks. For previous Star Wars movies, the studio has required 64% of the revenue from ticket sales and four-week commitments, but typical Disney movies only require a two-week commitment.

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If the theaters worked together they could fuck Disney up.

That story Tarintino told on Stern about Disney strong arming Hateful Eight out of the theater was 100% true I guess.

They really are desperate to top based Cameron's high scores aren't they?

>Easy 2 billion
>Still wants an outrageous take of it

Why is Disney so greedy bros?

BASED Disney

>watching a parody of star wars advertising
>a star wars advertisement mistakenly believes it's in good company

fucking brilliant

Hey look its a black man beating a white woman

Never going to happen, Disney probably made a deal ahead of time with the biggest distributors so only the smaller companies and theaters will discent and get crushed

>Easy 2 billion

Erm this isnt cracking 1.5b with todays exchange rates sweetie

That doesn't change the box office grossing, only their profits


That's where you're wrong. TLJ has a high probability of being a disaster.

They're probably still trying to recoup the cost of buting the franchise in the first place. Star Wars is profitable, but not just 2billions in 3 years profitable.

do they have the balls to do that. That movie is gonna make over a billion and not counting the toy sales, but that's never enough for the greedy scumm at Disney, they jack up the prices and force theaters to show the movie even if ppl don't show up. Are they anticipating a major let down or is it just insane greed? They don't look very confident in this movie, they wouldn't have to fors it on ppl.

TFA was their chance to beat Cameron and they fucked it up. Now they're just trying to get every shekel they can before the Star Wars brand is run into the ground

They're a business not a charity. Profits must be maximized

>hate star wars
>step dad loves star wars and wants me to go with him to all the movies

well isn't this awkward

>Sup Forums blindly supports capitalism
>complains when capitalists do this sort of thing
This would never happen if the US were communist.

>do they have the balls to do that.
of course not

I have to side with Disney on this one. The house nut actually decreases the longer the movie stays in theaters, meaning this percentage will only decrease. I think movies itself contribute more to the enjoyment of movie goers than does the theater itself, and they represent a larger investment than owning and operating the theater.

>This delusion

It just takes one major chain to break the strike and the others all get majorly fucked. Not worth the risk by any measure

Are SW fans the most spineless and not demanding people on the planet? Mouse literally shits on them, but they're still buying it with pleasure.And how the fuck there are so many of them?

I see a fidget spinner in the middle of your gif

Despite how ironic they act, RLM still spends hundreds of dollars on Star Wars merch and 90% of their views will pay to see the new flick. Seems like good company to me.

Is anyone else not going to see it? I thought I was a starwars fan but the two previous movies were dull as fuck. I'll torrent it if I have absolutely nothing to do one day, but I don't even give a shit about the story at this point.

oh yeah well I see a fidget spinner where your BRAIN should be hahaha rekt
my life is devoid of meaning and I'll die alone

He probably wants you to come out of the closet and give him a hand job in the theater.


I hope to god they go through with it
Disney needs to be stopped at all costs, they're actively ruining film as an industry

but that was suppose to happen with my best friend but it never happens :(

I'd actually rather watch the Walking Dead than The Last Jedi. Boyega and Ridley are the dullest fucking actors imaginable. I'd rather see Jennifer Lawrence in "Red Sparrow" and that film looks awwwwwwwwwful

Star wars merch is all on clearance because it doesn't sell.

>be bi
>have very attractive male best friend
>he’s straight
it hurts Sup Forums

Then you gotta grab that dick by the balls and give it a right good tugger

Disney Star Wars has already declined 50% in just one year, TLJ will be profitable but I think it'll be a massive disappointment

Wait, so they are just NOW up in arms after a 1% cut increase? Why weren't they fucking pissed before at 64% and 4 weeks? What are other studios getting?

>be 6'2 and need a taller bf
>best friend is 6'6 and black but he hates gay people and I think he secretly knows I'm gay but he just likes having a gay friend to give a different take on things and constantly talks about chicks and fucking his girlfriend to keep me at bay
why does life gotta be like this bros?

it's hip to bitch and try and whine yourself into a better financial position

theatres are just following the trends

They're so worried they brought back JJ abrams for 9. They think he has the secret to make shekels out of pure schlock


This is clearly satire. I refuse to believe otherwise.

What are you smoking, Merchandising alone would top 2 billion each year

It has a zero probability of being a disaster, but it will make less than TFA. 1.3-1.6 billion.

Will there be a terrorist attack on premier night?

I see it too


Being a big budget sequel doesn't magically guarantee you money

Yes, orchestrated by Disney to maximize publicity

It's more than that, it's usually 50-55%

The OP says previous SW movies got 64% cut and still the same 4 weeks though and this new one is demanding a 65% cut.


-nono, is bicouse Disney wants more mon


No way it will make 2bn. 1,5 at best. TFA was hyped to infinity. TLJ is third SW movie in three years. SW is no longer new and fresh. But yeah, it will destroy competition.

I wonder what the british equivalent of a theater shooting would be
>british guy rushes through theater in a full suit of medieval 16th century plate armor and a longsword
>starts hacking down the guests as they attempt to flee the only exit
>eventually taken down after being surrounded by 6000 unarmed british police officers who finally found the courage to tackle him after several hours
>is sentenced to 7 years in jail for saying something racist in the theater and nothing else

>Why is Disney so greedy bros?
I don't know, man

Well, then they're used to do this and now they want even more, when will they stop? That's probably what the theater owners are thinking. Besides if they refuse the four weeks thing, they have financial penalties, giving Disney even more shekels

It looks like fucking garbage. Why would anyone go watch KOTOR2 for brainlets?

Everybody dies alons

Theaters don't give a fuck about ticket sales so long as you pay 15 dollars for 25 cents worth of popcorn and soda

>This is clearly satire. I refuse to believe otherwise.
the whole show is satire. It makes fun of nu-youtubers and normies who love star wars.

>wife son

>toy sales

It's not. There are a few companies that make expensive, "combat" lightsabers, and Ultra Sabers is one of them. If you really want a laugh, look up some videos by saber combat groups; it's basically just badly choreographed dancing with lots of twirling glowing sticks.

I was talking about the advertisement.

>Theaters don't give a fuck about ticket sales

Are you stupid? On average, theaters get about 55% of box office gross in the US of a movie. If you hear a movie makes $100 Million at the box office in the US, theaters get $45 Million of that.

If you dont think theaters care about that, you are living in a fantasy world.

Is this bait or are you retarded?

Ultra Sabers are actually not licensed products and are instead fanmade prop replicas, but they probably pay for ads on Star Wars related videos.

>On average, theaters get about 55% of box office gross in the US of a movie.

Errrr .I made a slight error here .. theaters get about 45% of the box office and studios/distributors get 55% of the box office,.

>he's not a wife's son
>he doesn't get to enjoy the dual fatherhood of two men vying for your affection and buying things for you


No one buys nuWars toys. Any SW toys that sell are from old SW like Darth Vader.

Disney should give up, they didn't top Avatar with the first, they aren't going with this one. Nor with the last, when people know SW is endless thus cheap and overplayed.


A mud with with a bomb

Sounds like you should try raping him and see if he likes it

If normies didn't realized SW is already endlless soulless schlock, when will they?

you should go with him. i dont see any reason why you shouldn't try to bond at least a little bit with him.

>his girlfriend
you're friend's girlfriend is black r-right? Your jamal only fucks black chicks right?

Within a year or two. I fully expect the SW steam to run out by the third episode, max. The Han Solo movie flopping will show normies that SW isn't infallible.

he's like over a hundred pounds heavier than I am...
yeah I'm gonna go with him I've got nothing else to do
how did you know?

without a single regard to human lives.

Han Solo was a big mistake. Disney can't even understand that what makes Han beloved is Harrison Ford.

>made Han's character regress back to being a smuggler

They don't understand anything at all.

Do not purchase Disney merchandise
Do not see Disney movies
Do not listen to Disney music.

The company was founded by the brothers Harvey and Bob Weinstein in Buffalo, New York in 1979, and was named by combining the first names of their parents Miriam and Max.[1] It was created to distribute independent films deemed commercially unfeasible by the major studios.

On June 30, 1993, Miramax was purchased for $60 million by The Walt Disney Company.[4] Harvey and Bob Weinstein continued to operate Miramax until they left the company on September 30, 2005. During their tenure, the Weinstein brothers ran Miramax independently of other Disney subsidiaries. Disney, however, had the final say on what Miramax could release (see Fahrenheit 9/11, Kids and Dogma, for examples). Disney's Buena Vista Home Entertainment division released Miramax output.

Miramax operated, until September 30, 2005, the label Dimension Films, specializing in genre films and created the Scream and Scary Movie film franchises.

After extensive negotiations and much media and industry speculation, on March 30, 2005, Disney and the Weinsteins announced that they would not renew their contractual relationship when their existing agreements expired at the end of September 2005. The primary source of dispute was over distribution of Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore.[5] Disney's film studio consortium, Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group assumed control of Miramax, which was projected to have a smaller annual production budget. The Weinsteins started a new film production company called The Weinstein Company, and took the Dimension Films label with them.

>TFA makes 1.8 billion even with all the "STAR WARS IS BACK!" hype
>R1 made half that
>this one has none of the old characters aside from Luke and everyone already was either indifferent or hated Rey's story/character

It'll make 1.2 billion
1.6 at most
People are getting disney fatigue because every single one of their movies from marvel to star wars are indistinguishable

see Star Wars already turned from a $2 billion franchise to a $1 billion franchise overnight

Even giants can fall

Stepdad get off of Sup Forums

Why would they do that when Disney and Universal are the only companies that are regularly creating good movies than many people go out to theaters to see?


Why don't studios open their own chain of cinemas, or acquire existing chains? There'd be a relatively high initial cost but in terms of long-term savings it would be more than worth it

JJ and Kennedy killed Star Wars. I'm actually more excited for that EA game than this turd. It looks so dry in every way.

because open market capitalism is a lie and dying business models are propped up by the government and by larger corporations that own the business but down realize that their model is dying because nothing actually dies in America because we all live under pseudo-state-run socialism,_Inc.

The farce of Anti-trust

Does that include production, design and delivery/storage? Because it's not just pure earnings.

Anti monopoly laws.

those are really working out nowadays

>I am Kylo Ren

I was wondering why the cinema near me was charging extra for tickets to Last Jedi. Now I know. Disney are fucking greedy shits. It's not enough to make the most popular films every years, they need to fuck over the theaters as well.


There is literally nothing theater owners can do as Disney is literally making the only movies that people go out to the theaters to see anymore - Star Wars, Capeshit, Beatuy & Beast, etc .

As some user already said, this doesnt affect the big theater chains as they already signed their deals with Disney already. This just kills affects the smaller independent and the Mom&Pop theaters the most.

>Disney owns about half the movies produced each year
>but if they open their own theaters to exploit mindless consumer pighumans that's over the line