
I put it in the fridge.

I freeze it so it stays fresh

do you live in the jungle?

>chad mode
>reusing the bag clip, putting bagged bread into breadbox

I don't make sandwiches much and don't want the bread to get stale.

>tfw everyone in my family is chaotic evil

Chaotic neutral or death

>Chad mode
>not eating all of the bread in one sitting.

>buying """bread""" that comes in a plastic bag

americans, when will they learn

Never heard anyone do the bottle hack

honestly if you do anything other than chaotic neutral you need to get a life

Bruh just make toast for breakfast.

chad wouldn't keep bread in any sort of bag, or he wouldn't consume it at all, as it contains a lot of empty carbs

Your bread goes stale 3x faster this way

Refrigerators cool and dry air m8, your bread will get stale faster

>true chad mode
>reusing the bag clip, putting bagged bread into breadbox, eating breadbox in one bite

>chad cares about his diet
nuMale-tier, chad has never heard of carbs in his life

Lawful neutral until I eventually misplace the clip, then chaotic neutral.
Chaotic evil when I'm drunk.

Chaotic Neutral errday.

>eating bread

carbs make you lose definition