What are your favorite period films? Any based on classical literature? Any obscure recs...

What are your favorite period films? Any based on classical literature? Any obscure recs? Personally I'm particularly interested in films that take place in Europe from 1000-1850, but anything goes.

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pirates of the carribean

This the highest form of Period-Kino

>Europe between 1000 - 1850
You've named 90% of period dramas


it's like Barry Lyndon but not

>Europe from 1000-1850

So the whole history of Europe?


Room With A View

War and peace was classic

>So the whole history of Europe?
Except for... the other 2k of reasonably well-recorded history, and the 20k or so of fairly-continuous archaeological record, sure. And also the 167 years of history following 1850. But sure, I doubt anything interesting happened during those times.

>You've named 90% of period dramas
I mean, you could say 1650 - 1850 and THAT would still be true. They just can't seem to stop re-using those costumes.

I was always unreasonably fond of Ridicule.

aka Sick Burn, Bro: Versaille Edition



Can we talk about how Lady Lyndon is the most stunning character in cinema?

find a flaw

White people are doomed

This is good, but Topsy-Turvy is better.

Barry Lyndon is top of my list but that is a bit predictable.

Otherwise, in no particular order:

Far From the Madding Crowd (both versions)
Love & Friendship
Great Expectations (the David Lean version, obviously)
Oliver Twist (also the david lean version)
Jane Eyre (Orson Welles one is fantastic, Fukunaga one is ok)
Hammer horror Hound of the Baskervilles
Witchfinder General

And the abysmal Reese Witherspoon Vanity Fair - which i have to include because the book's my favourite novel of all time, and I've watched all the adaptations, and they're all shite, but this one's the [still woeful] best.

Also if you want tv:
Brideshead Revisited [avoid the new film like the plague. or don't. you might like it. the gay stuff was too obvious and really not in line with what Waugh wanted, imo]
Pride & Prejudice (knightley film is also not awful)
Blackadder (still technically counts as a period piece!)

So many shots of her looked like paintings. I didn't even recognize her as the same woman who was in Cabaret. The difference a guy like Kubrick behind the camera makes

i watched this aged 14 and thought it was incredibly clever. ever since i've assumed it was only kinda smart and i was just a dumb kid. Should i give it another try?

jesus CHRIST

anna karenina

i have absolutely no idea why this isn't universally considered Kubrick's best.

>Marisa Berenson described Stanley Kubrick as being uncharacteristically shy around her, and that he would often prefer to communicate his direction with numerous handwritten notes.

plebs get wild with the typical OH IT'S SYMBOLIC 10/10 shit from 2001

There's nothing symbolic in 2001. It's pretty straightforward.

>so beautiful that a perfectionist had to use an inconvenient direction method

Becuase kubes used full zoom with lenses made for satalittes in order to flatten the image as much as possible.

based rocco

5 years ago, the first suggestion would have been Kingdom Of Heaven DC

Obscure recs? From the top of my mind
>Charlton Heston's The War Lord and The Cid
>The Lion In Winter
>Robin and Marian is the best Robin Hood movie ever
>Chimes at Midgnight is the best Orson Welles movie
>Queen Margot starring Isabelle Adjani
>Shogun tv series if you're a weeaboo
>Amadeus and Barry Lyndon of course
>The Madness of King George is one of my favourite movies
>Danton, if you have some knowledge already about French Revolution.
>Hornblower tv series, Sharpe and Master & Commander
>Kaspar Hauser and other Herzog period films could fit into your description

this is a good one, but Topsy Turvy is better

my fave:
Effi Briest (based on a 19thC novel, the Fassbinder adaptation, obviously; there's a ridiculously unnecessary 2009 film)

Casanova (Fellini)
The Decameron / The Canterbury Tales (Pasolini, based on classic literature, i like his ancient ones more but they're pre 1000AD - Pasolini's medieval films are the only one's that make me feel like I'm experiencing a radically different, non-modern kind of medieval subjectivity)
Story of Sin (Walerian Borowczyk)
The Marquise of O (Rohmer)
Aferim! (Rada Jude, almost like a 19thC Romanian western, gypsys and boyars etc)


Not favorites but I recently saw The VVitch and pic related and I really enjoyed them.

technically, symbolism, in any film, literally does not exist

The Duelists.


alvarado is only in movies with "little" in the title

Everyone's heard about 2001 and the shining, no one even knows about this movie except film buffs but it is his best also that scene was lit with only candle light and they used a lense from an apollo mission

chill user, i'm not trying to paint it as some undiscovered underrated gem to grind karma on r/movies. I just think it's better than his other stuff.

I'd say yes

I was going to post this one. Watched it last month, and I thought it was very comfy.

The Go Between
Wuthering Heights (2011)
Marie Antoinette

this is great but...

>chaotic evil
>not this perverted mf.

not even close to max
nobody approaches max

Didn't he go to prison and was then relegated to fucking traps forever?

rip that dude



>tfw you will never be this white

>>Queen Margot starring Isabelle Adjani
>everyone is sweaty and bloody and dirty: the court intrigue drama

90's Grenada Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett is fucking great, though that was a TV series so I guess I really liked Far and Away with Kidman+Cruise



better than valmont

Napoleonic War shit is pretty good.

Master and Commander
The Duelist

Shit like that is my jam.

Otherwise I wish we had more historical Asian political dramas.

I like Marco Polo but he became too much of a Mikey Sue, and then they just added a shitton of sex to compete with Game of Thrones. Yeah it's fine and I'm certain it could fit, but between the Arab slave bondage, the Khan's Harem, and then Marco just fucking whoever he felt like with no repercussions. Kinda bored me when that was the focus.

Also, pic related, dystopian pasts can always be fun.

>The Madness of King George

I watched this for the first time recently and enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. Also seconding Master and Commander, of course.