How come no one has made a movie out of Where's Wally?

How come no one has made a movie out of Where's Wally?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Wally?

“Jason Bourne” movies

Because that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard
Where's Waldo adaptation confirmed in the next 5 years

What if there is and no one has found him yet?

They couldn't find someone to play Waldo

Shit, you're right. Those are basically Where's Waldo with guns...

>Where's Wally
you mean Waldo you fucking retard

>They couldn't find someone to play Waldo

>Where's Willy featuring Kevin Spacey

it's WALTER you moron

They can't find him

fuk off ya yank tosser

I could see a Where's Waldo movie where a detective is hot on his trails and his only defense is to use his wits and blend in everywhere. Hilarity ensues when the detective(s) keep mistaking other people for him.

How do we work in the iconic outfit? Or do we make it a post-credits teaser/cliffhanger reveal at the end to set up the sequel?

I remember watching a Where's Waldo cartoon back in the 90's

Isn't his name Wilfred?

His name is warden.

Fuck finding Waldo, I'm still waiting on this kino




>it's a legitimate film based on its immediate premise (a master thief stealing precious artifacts and INTERPOL's mission to hunt her down)
>Rick Steves is her sidekick, and he's a geographical expert who she calls occasionally.

kys europoor

was there ever a where in the world is carmen sandiego porn parody?

Nice try. Thank you, England, for giving the US the one with the heterosexual name.

Where in the fuck is carmen sandiego ?

Because Forrest Gump already exists.