
why is he carbon fiber?

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Why did girls in my theater laugh when he took his mask off? I dont get whats so funny

Apparently there was a new trailer released today? I didn't even notice. This movie isn't going to gross anything like TFA. Lots of people that went and saw that shit in the cinema (myself included) will have no interest in seeing TLJ. The novelty is gone.


They saw you, alone and fat.

He's not a handsome villain

weight reduction

This movie was going to make or break the trilogy. Now that the trailer has basically confirmed that Rey is full on Gary Stu I have no desire to see it, and I think a lot of people feel that way

oh, he's going for the Grevious aesthetic


light weight Sith, his ass probably has a spoiler too

He has an interesting face. It's far better for film than 90% of Hollywood's leading men who all just seem to be iterations of the same boring (albeit very handsome) face.

See you there opening night!

I wasnt alone, I was with my mom. Dumbass

He's not. It's where had a lightsaber cut, faggot

I agree completely, fellow Sup Forums poster. dckino is upon us anyway, so let's enjoy that instead.

>Now that the trailer has basically confirmed that Rey is full on Gary Stu

What's revealed in the trailer?


*aborts your future dark lord of the sith*

Except it's not. They retconned where it cut.


Shut up.

cmon, he's pretty cute.

he is more machine than a man

It still represents the same cut, just different placement so that it's not as awkward looking. A director's decision. Still the same character cut, faggot. Not a retcon.

>it's not as awkward looking.
How can a combat scar ever look awkward you retard? The only awkward scarring is acne scars or emo wrist slit scars. There's nothing awkward about a sword burning across your face. You're a dumb drone drinking the koolaid of a hack.

he looks like a pixar character in flesh and blood

Because it's a fucking movie. That's how hollywood does things you insufferable faggot. They pay millions of dollars for his face and want to show it. Same reason actors rarely wear helmets in medieval stuff like Game of Thrones. Rian Johnson didn't want one of his leads to have scar running straight down the bridge of his nose. He addressed it. I'm just telling you what he said. If you had a normal IQ you would understand the business side of things. You're just a poor and unsuccessful nigger who thinks he's so smart.

>'Sup bitch, heard you were talking shit 'bout me on some internet forum?

How do you respond?

Rian Johnson is a hack

Kylo was the ONLY good thing from TFA. One of the best characters they've ever had in the series. Sucks that he'll eventually be pointlessly killed off by Rey to evoke yaasssss queen slay reactions. What a waste.

You're the insufferable faggot. You and your ilk are the ones acting like the wound JJ Abrams did was "ugh awkaaarrrrd". You're an estrogen ridden bitch.

>Sucks that he'll eventually be pointlessly killed off by Rey
That would honestly be a new fucking low for Di$ney, but even with this 'REY AND KYLO HAVE A MYSTERIOUS CONNECTION' shit they're pushing I wouldn't be surprised.

t. edgy millenial who thinks scars are badass

You probably never even had a scar, kid.

WTF is their connection???

he has a weak jaw and chin, a big nose and a high, recessed brow

he just looks like a goober you'd see smoking pot on the sidewalk instead of an intimidating villain

t. butthurt nordic
enjoy ur sky-high suicide rate


"Please make a gay porno with the Goose"

are you on the reylo train?

fake and gay

you have to go back faggot

Kylo Montana: "i got a Jedi for a wife. Her eggs are so polluted. I can't even have a kid with her, Snoke. So, say goodnight to da bad guy!"

Where's his 8 pack?