100% FACT: Cate Blanchett is the sexiest character in Capeshit history

100% FACT: Cate Blanchett is the sexiest character in Capeshit history.

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Me on the right.


What did Cate mean by this?


Is he the luckiest beta manlet on earth?

the great debate

No debate. Blanchett with black hair is top milffu.

And he got to experience that sexy old pussy while you are just jacking off to her.

Don't let it infuriate you but do you think she liked it? Do you think she LOVED it doggystyle, Sup Forums?

Why? Just because she hugged him?


Didn't Harvey smash this bitch too?

Angelina's costume was shit and her cheeks are shit in that movie and she is scary.


It's her husband you idiot.

>cucked by Weinstein

Just because she lives in the same house doesn't mean he owns that vagina. He learned to share with more powerful men.

Famke JEAAAAAAAAAAN Jansen holds that title mouseketeer.


What did old Catey Cate mean by this?

What's that sluts problem?




What did you say to me, Cate?

I'm coming back.

she's too fucking old to play Jean

so is the guy that plays Cyclops, that's just life

>the weak should fear the strong

Harvey's living rent free in your head 24/7, Sup Forums.

WHo is this user samefagging with all the harvey posts? nigga fuck off.

He's living in her old cunt too.

Val will deal with this.

Is it affecting your boner that much? You can still jerk to Cate Blanchett even with the knowledge that she sucked Harvey off and took it up the rear like a good girl.

No, nothing will ever top Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman Returns.

That costume was really unflattering on her face. It made it look too round, and drew the eye to her less than ideal nose.

no shes not, Lizziefu still number 1 all-time



she looks legit scared

Get a life, Sup Forums.

>muh Sup Forums

Nice meme.


*blocks your path*

Do you think he is embarrassed by his tweeting?

Its obviously Hitgirl (kick ass 1)

Not even the best looking girl in that movie.


Wait, wasnt debicki a few months ago?


Never found Cate Blanchett particularly attractive, but she wins hands-down in that comparison.


And I'm in you

She's hotter in that pic than any of the actual footage.

But I'm not a big fan of Famke Janssen or Sophie Turner or Scarlet Johannson, but they're all obviously hotter.

I don't think Psylocke in X-Men Apocalypse or Ayesha in GOTG2 were portrayed particularly well, but both of them do it for me way more than the actual footage I've seen from Hela here.

Honestly Cate as Hela ticks a lot of hypothetical boxes for me, but in the actual execution I'm really not seeing much. Just seems off to me. I want to love it the way you guys claim to love it, but i don't.

>being embarrassed by your love for you waifu
shoo shoo, normie

1) Apocalypse was not a reboot, the reboot happened at DoFP, which she was part of
2) Every actor from the first trilogy had already been replaced by the past version since First Class ('cept Logan and he's reduced to a final cameo)

He's 57, his career is already over, I don't think he gives a shit anymore.



>we will never see frumpy Ayesha ask Hela unmasked to show her necrophilia

I vaguely recall some actress recently lusting over some actor but I forgot who it was but everyone pretty much went YAS QUEEN SLAY or something.

How could you even be mad? It's like a 6 year old lusting after his babysitter.


if only i had the balls.

triple dubs confirm

Angie in her prime was super hot

Well, pardon us, Mr. Double Triples.

Somehow I can't sexualize Cate Blanchett. It just feels wrong.

>mentioning that ugly hag Sophie Turner in the same sentence as Famke Janssen and Scarlet Johannson

wtf is wrong with you