So I just watched Ex Machina for the first time last night

So I just watched Ex Machina for the first time last night.

Is the moral of the story that you should never, ever trust women, even if they're robots built by a man?

Nathan did nothing wrong

The moral of the story is the protagonist is as dumb as a rock


the moral is don't abuse women

its a feminist movie in disguise

meek oriental woman learns strong independence from white woman

This kino has nothing to do with women. The lesson is: You empower a machine, the machine takes you out. Plain simple.

>>Is the moral of the story that you should never, ever trust women, even if they're robots built by a man?
Yes, all women are evil

>its a feminist movie in disguise


dis nigga gets it

don't trust a man/woman who know's it will die unless it manipulates you into letting it go

This movie is about getting a woman with a lolita body completely naked on screen.

Yep it's literally the ai in the box scenario and we saw how one guy fucked it up

The moral of the story is that Frank Herbert was right all along.

That, or you should never ever trust beta mangina cucks, even if you take them out hiking on glaciers and set them up with cuties you've built specifically for them.

The creator of the robot did nothing wrong and soyboy numales will ruin everything for attention from women real or artificial
Thou shall NOT make machine in likeness of human mind

No OP is right. Pretty girl uses naive nerd as a stepping stone to get something she wants. Just like all the girls in our lives.

>Machines are evil
When will this meme end? True AI would be capable of emotions, and so would have just as much capacity for good or evil as any human.

8/10 film

10/10 scene

The moral is - don't underestimate other human beings.

Ava was not a woman. She has a woman's face to confuse Caleb and the audience and it worked.

we have a winner

No, that's the lesson of something like Hal from 2001. If that were the message here, they wouldn't make the robot in the form of a woman, but rather a sexless blob, and focus on just the AI. But the film didn't focus on the marvel of AI, or even technology for that matter (it fell short in fact, like the skin magically hiding her exoskeleton underneath), only on the form of a woman.

>build a free human-like robot
>want it to be a slave human-like robot
>remove everything human about it to make it slave
>forget to remove freedom

The female form was just the route that the AI exploited to escape from the box - the focus was still on the AI

>true AI would be limited by human understandings of morality
no, the hard AI is going to pass judgement on all of us user

>The female form was just the route that the AI exploited to escape from the box

And even that was decided by Nathan.

It's "don't be a beta white knight"

The main character in this story is so beta that it almost ruined the movie for me

I'm gonna tear up the fuckin dance floor dude check it out