This is your digital wife, Sup Forums

This is your digital wife, Sup Forums.

What do you do with her?

benis in vagina

Try and experience love.

I'd make babies with her if I'm being honest

Replace her with a more attractive digital wife.

So she's fake just like my digital money?

darken her skin




What did she mean by this?

Have interracial children and shitpost on pol

She can be real if you like, but you'd have to sync her with a robot hooker first.


Flirt with her and fail miserably

Goddamn it

Literally perfect

Looks like a devil baby all grown up

id biggen her brest and butt too hehe

why was I not born a chad

Kill myself because I can't put a baby in her.

Give her something to eat? How is this woman ideal for anyone

She ate something.