Why does it seem like the CGI is actually getting worse in these superhero films that cost hundreds of millions of...

Why does it seem like the CGI is actually getting worse in these superhero films that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce?

Because You Keep Going To See It

This. Why would they make any effort if the audience will see it even if it looks like shit?

You fucking know why you faggot cunt. Stop making these gay threads. I hope you and your whore of a mother both get cancer.

You're just getting older and wiser.

It's the collision of "realistic" dull colors and dark gray-as-pitch black with cartoony, unrealistic CGI!

It's the best of both worlds! What's wrong with this???!???

What is good CGI? Is Jungle Book good CGI?

Money laundering.

250 million in 2017 isnt what 250 million was in 2010

Who approved that Cyborg design?

Why Are You Typing Like This?

Came her to post this.
It's also a way to steal from investors. If you're not part of the scam never invest in a film.

It's the title of a Shakespearean play.

It's Reddit Typing™

Modern graphics suck because the special effects industry has undergone major systematization to achieve mass production in which the creation process amounts to nothing more than a bunch of diversity hires straight off the college conveyor belt applying glorified snapchat filters.

And unions keep it expensive.

Why is khal drogo flying through a red sky next to a black terminator?

So what you're saying is, graphic design is now a real degree.

Most of the budget goes into the marketing.

>doesn't know what a production budget is

Wtf is that!? Is that the hawkman from Flash Gordon?

I just watched Thor, its CGI was so shit I thought it was a PS4 game for a moment.