Movies who's messages backfired

Pic related

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>It's a Sup Forums 65IQ brainlet can't do subtext thread

Fuck off I'm bored at work

If their mission was to make me despise Adolf Hitler, they Failed MISERABLY. Seems like a great man !

not a movie but man in the high castle had to be an inside job by a stormfag
>nazi occupied america shown as a utopia
>all the protagonists are downright sociopathic and completely unlikable
>while the antagonists are generally nuanced and likable characters
zero chance it wasnt on purpose

haha, redpilled! Way to show (((them))), friend! Shadilay! XD

>Im kino

I thought i was gonna hate this one, i turned it on so i would have something to bitch about.
It actually had a very real message of "alt right will never achieve anything without charisma."


>Oktober... Im Kino...

It's in German

Imagine spending your day shilling against a japanese imageboard

I 'read' the Look Who's Back audiobook and it was fucking hilarious, even not getting all the insider current German culture stuff. The narrator really made it.

I saw a couple minutes of the movie with the audio off on a plane, and it didn't look like a light-hearted comedy like the book.

No shit retard, but sinve this isnt a german board, the rightful patricians here in Freedomland can make jokes about your stupid languages

imagine thinking you’re the superior one while you shill on a Panamanian roulette forum

No it isn't

>I know you are but what am I

But it is

>it didn't look like a light-hearted comedy like the book
It is. It's just Hitler wandering around bantering people while they think he's just some method -actor comedian.

>that scene where he shoots the dog
I laughed harder than I should have
>that scene where they parody the bunker scene from Der Untergang

But yes, the "anit-Sup Forums" message is real I guess.


Same fag

>They Live

top kek, no.

Not Sup Forums but
>Get Out
Hurrrr, white people trying to not be racist are in fact racist microaggressors
There, figured it out.

It is and it isn't. It's a funny look at how flaccid modern European society is on top of being a cautionary tale of how your average idiot will always take things at face value.

It's clearly English using German spelling to put a 'Hitler' spin on it

It is comedy kino desu

>Shill gets called out and can't handle the bantz

Uh, you don't get to bring kino

wow man, a fake tweet. That REALLY makes me think

I'm not Sup Forums, but man in high castle gets pretty edgy when the architect of the holocaust helps save the world from destruction.

Elysium is one of them. Look ordinarily dumb with a shallow script and a globalist "open the borders" message, but it's the actually the opposite of it, Los Angeles for instance depicted as a massive slum filled third-world migrants, majority of them jobless since the industry cannot absorb that many people, healthcare infrastructure collapsing, rich people fleeing the planet to live on orbital habitats.

literally just "you're wrong"

Are autistic white kids like you incapable of recognizing a joke? Is this why you hate other races?

I still don't like Elysium, but it's at least a little better when you view it in this light instead of assuming it's pro-open-borders propaganda.

Same thing with Neil's other movie District 9. People assume it's supposed to be an anti-apartheid statement. In reality, it was about all the refugees they ended up taking from further north that set up their own tent cities and became a massive economic/social burden for everyone else.

stop being stupid

Stranger Things actually, despite not being a movie. Both heads of a conspiracy that endangers the public and tortures children are jews. Season 2 was heavy handed enough with pro diversity bullshit that it probably made a lot of people start hating black people and commies.

Stop getting triggered over jokes that your deluded mind sees as falseflags against your retarded internet movement.


>Pic related

As someone who read the book and saw the film, I can only laugh when the nth person says the same thing.

You didnt understand the crystal clear message of the film. I dont blame you, the film had problems deciding whether it was a comedy, or a preachy film about Hitler, but it was crystal fucking clear that it was about mass media and entertainment easily influencing the masses to be blinded by empty rhetoric and appeals to nostalgic delusions.

This guy gets it.

I've never seen such an unabashedly right-wing movie.

You forgot that the last-white-man-on-earth (Matt Damon) is seemingly the only person left with any initiative (to get a job, to overthrow the elite). And of course the end, where they take off the space station, is basically the overthrow of the last outpost of high human civilization: in a week they'll be out of supplies and magic healing machines and nobody will be better off; humanity will be totally hopeless now.

How that movie didn't spark global outrage I don't know. The "subtext" wasn't even sub; you have to really try to read it otherwise.

I actually find all the protagonists likable. Maybe you don't because you decry anybody with liberal ideas as degenerate. Juliana, Joe, Frank, the trade minister, all have very interesting motivations and are clearly struggling with worlds that want to destroy them. I won't dispute that the two main antagonists for much of the time, Kido and John Smith, are very interesting and nuanced as well, but to pretend that means the main characters aren't nuanced is being willfully ignorant.

And? Who says humanity deserves survival?

american history x

around blacks, watch your backs

what's the religion of the director according to Wikipedia?

>Still believing in such a thing as good guys and bad guys. Not realizing that everything is points of view, and controlled by those who win the war, not the losers.
>Perpetuating the narrative of "MUH WHYTE SUPERMICIZCES"

I feel sorry for the level of ignorance you must live with on a daily basis. However, I suppose if ignorance is truly bliss, then you have no need for nirvana.

>How that movie didn't spark global outrage I don't know

It's because we're so used to things in media being from a left-wing perspective. The movie also has the more superficial plotline about the magical healing machines, so it's really easy to just assume the movie is an allegory about how the evil rich whites are keeping all the healthcare from the poor minorities by not paying extra taxes for universal healthcare or whatever.

>Not realizing that everything is points of view

If that's true then even your assertion is bullshit because it's only an opinion.

Feel sorry for YOUR level of ignorance.

Me because I'm one of the assholes that's a part of humanity!

When did I talk about any of that? I'm saying that these are movies that Sup Forums is too stupid to understand the intended message of

I don't browse Sup Forums anymore, but i think for most people its more of a survival thing.

I'll take a stab in the dark, might he be of the hebrew persuasion?

Truth is subjective

Rorschach was right

AHX is just terrible at trying to actually deliver a message. It seems like it's trying to deliver a message of "uh, racism is bad and stuff, and hate just begets more hate! we need to all chill out lol". But then it still portrays the blacks as being violent thugs who start shit, so it's really hard to actually agree with the message the film appears to be making.

I think they were trying to go for an anti-racism message but fucked up spectacularly.

No, you think that only "whites" are humanity and that the rest dont deserve to live, let alone share the same quality of life that we (Europeans, not Americans) do.

Thats why Elysium bugged you. You didnt like the fact that in a highly dystopian world, suddenly the oppressed threw off the shackles.

If Elysium had been run by blacks and Indians and the people on Earth had been Euros, you wouldnt have complained.

>Me because I'm one of the assholes that's a part of humanity!
Also kid, dont forget that humans have been around for 2-4 million years and modern man (complex language and tools) for less than 15,000.

Well be gone long before the planet dies.

Stupidity sure isn't

This may have been their intention but they fell short. Part of the problem is the tonal shift from the book to the movie. The book is just a silly comedy, it's not meant to be taken seriously. The film is meant to be a "dark" comedy, with a message, about the dangers of extremism. However in order for this message to have any weight and not just come off as incredibly stupid, they need to have a credible threat. To have a credible threat, they needed to make Hitler very charismatic and clever in the film (even though he was a sniveling meth-head by the time he 'died' in WW2). Partially this is because of contextual differences - Germany in the modern era is not the Germany in which Hitler took power. The film tries to paint similarities to lend credibility to "muh message", but vague anxieties over immigration (this was before the current crises) and the economy are not the same as the borderline complete social and economic collapse Germany was facing under the early Weimar Republic, nor it's intense humiliation after WW1.

So, in order to make Hitler a credible threat, they 1. Make his opposition petulant and stupid, and 2. make HIM charismatic and intelligent. This causes you to start rooting for Hitler to win, House of Cards style, because you want to see how the fucker will pull it off. In order to avoid the dissonance brought on by bending over backwards to make a hate-able Hitler win, they instead make him like-able, which defeats the purpose.

Which was exactly my point. You can't claim it was the truth without proof.


>people are tribalistic and care about their own

wow, mind = blown

So Hitler being part Jewish is relevant too then amirite? Those sneaky Rothschilds planting Hitler to fool the goys amirite?

I don't, I just find it funny how triggered people like you get by fucking Sup Forums.

Hitler was not a Jew.

>I think tribalism means wanting to exterminate the entirety of another tribe

Tribalism is literally just the organization of getting into a tribe and not wanting to be part of the other.

You're a moron.

Excuse me, but you and I might share the same skin color, even maybe the same eye color and cranial shape (MUH PHRENOLOGY), but we have NOTHING in common. NOTHING. My culture and yours are completely different. I have more in common with an Italian and with a Belgian, than I do with you.

The fact that you lump in people based EXCLUSIVELY on skin color is very telling.

A white South African and a white German have as much in common culturally (TRIBALLY) as do Bantus and Khosa.

How is it stupid to control the truth?


Didnt Sup Forums educate you well enough? He was a Rothshild 1/4 jew.

So in order to make Hitler the bad guy again, what do you do? Well, lets have him shoot a dog! Problem, this is one of the funniest scenes in the movie, aside from being utterly out of character for Hitler - he was a grass eater, the fucker liked animals more than people. OK, lets have a fucking jewish grandma recognize him and scream at him for the horrors he inflicted. OK, that's good, this is a powerful scene! Now lets undermine it with the very next one by having Hitler be conciliatory with his friend, going as far as to say "a man can handle a little jewishness". This kind of ruins the whole hinging point of why he was a badguy, AKA the blind hatred and massacre of an ethnic group. It shows, dare we say it, Hitler as level headed and 'not so bad'? At the very least it shows he's capable of compromise. Again, it fucks up the message.

The film fails to portray Hitler as a villain and instead makes him the Hero. His methods may be underhanded and manipulative, but the public he performs them on are portrayed as stupid and vapid, so you don't care. He also gets the girl, and she's kind of hot. All this adds up to have the film portraying the exact opposite message that the film intended, in order to assuage Germany's ego - they want to revel in their self hatred over Hitler, but want to save face with themselves by pretending Hitler was some kind of evil master mind and that they in fact weren't a bunch of credulous buffoons for putting him into power.

Do you actually believe this?

Hitler literally killed his own dog in order to test whether his suicide pills worked.

I don't browse Sup Forums, in the way that your implying.

He was not Jewish i don't think, proof?

>Believing anything the Soviets said


Wonder Woman. How do you ruin a message you were leading to?

Yes, people test stuff on animals before they go to humans. This is true of literally everything down to each and every last drug and vaccine.

There was also every reason to believe it was a mercy since the fucking Russians were coming, and the Russians were nogging all over everything that could be nogged like the mongolian descendants they are. The Russians would have probably raped the fucking thing.

Killing your dog right before you and your wife are about to commit suicide is a lot different from just randomly killing a dog.

Funny how they had to make Hitler shoot a dog (totally out of character) to make him look bad.
This has to be a troll image made by Sup Forums, Avatar is one of the most morally simplistic and obvious movies ever lmao.
Kekistanis are literally just liberals who don't like Muslims and SJWs for not being eqalitarian enough.

Im assuming youre American by your reaction. Everyone hates each other in Europe. Thats tribalism. Tribalism isnt "FUCKING NON-WHITES REEEE", thats autistic delusion manifested by decades of US nostalgia of slavery.

Tribalism = my culture is for my people

"White" is not a tribe.

Ill make it easy for your fat heat to understand with an example:
>My tribe = Austrians
>Foreign tribe, which I hate = Germans

Travel a bit more kiddo.

Which you believe is ok? Glad we agree you think killing animals to test things is good.

He was obviously referring to the second tweet, which would mean he's on your side and also stupid as fuck and incapable of reading comp.

Are you joking?

Google it for fucks sake. Rothschild + Hitler = Results.


You obviously don't speak English because you don't understand simple punctuation. You embarrassed yourself.

No, it just requires more thought than you give it.

Giving anti-racism messages would be easy if it was just a manner of "chilling out bro" and then we are all friends. Showing that there are active conflicts and losses and violence that make it hard to easily give up the hate is much more realistic and useful.

Russians (in the West) are mostly descendant from the Kievan Rus, making them essentially Germanic. Nice American education though.

>>My tribe = Austrians
>>Foreign tribe, which I hate = Germans
LMAO they've really done a number on you yuros havent they
Pro tip: borders do not define a nation/tribe

>muh grammar
You got destroyed.

This thread went to shit quick.

>hurr Sup Forums must be stupid because they don't conform to my point of view
Please disconnect your device from your wi-fi.

Austrians are a Germanic people, so same tribe you mean.

"white" is more of a tribe than a fucking shared government

Ill do you the courtesy of a crash course in European relations, since you clearly have never left your county (not country, county)
>Dutch and Germans hate each other
>French and Italians hate each other
>Greek and Turks (technically not EU) hate each other
>Engish and Irish/Scottish hate each other
>Spanish and Portuguese hate each other (not as much though)
>Austrians/Swiss/Germans hate each other
>Poles and Ukranians hate each other
>Swedes/Danes/Nords/Fins hate each other
>Pro tip: borders do not define a nation/tribe

Holy irony of hell. So youre saying that borders are an artificial concept that should be abolished?

this, literally

They Live was a statement about capitalism in the 80s. Who could have imagined that statement would be just as valid today. There are hidden powers hell bent on destroying western sensibilities and culture.

>russian deluding himself detected

Patton was right

It's as if we can't have a discussion without leftist cretins baiting any thread having to do with politics.

(lel at digits)

Last time I watched American History X I noticed how Derek's sleeve opens when he's cradling his brother's body at the end, revealing an old nazi tattoo.

What did they mean by this?

(I know it's more than likely a mistake but an interesting one)

Wrong. Germans alone have dozens of tribes that are used as cultural identifiers:


Just because you dont know, doesnt mean "white" is a tribe in Europe.

Wrong. Austrians are a Germanic remnant of a tribe called Raeti, essentially labelled as "Alpine".

Germans are completely different tribally speaking. You are talking about the German CULTURE group.

Learn the difference.

>So youre saying that borders are an artificial concept
Not him, but some kinds of borders are.
>Should be abolished
It's a virtually impossible task, thank God.

>too stupid
Nah, just a sign of a good work. It can be interpreted in several different ways. Some times a work can be more intelligent than its creator. The Sup Forums interperation of They Live for example just replaced one boogeyman with another.

But he wasn't, he fell for Ozymandias' trick. A man that easily deluded is easily dismissed as an unreliable narrator.

Celts emerged from Austria. Germanics were another culture completely.