This is like taking all the lynchian elements of late kubrick and amplifying them x10

this is like taking all the lynchian elements of late kubrick and amplifying them x10

I hated Dogtooth and thought Lobster meh. Will I like this?

ive only seen the lobster and i thought it was better

Will I like this if I though the holy mountain was fantastic?

I found it kafkaesque not to mention lovecraftian

i'm gonna watch it, but only because of the cute young girl

Will I like Holy Mountain if I just watched El Topo three times after my first viewing?

but is it lovecraftian?

I really want to see this but it's playing nowhere near me.

Just out of curiosity if you're still in this thread, why did you hate Dogtooth?

the lobster was a travesty

torrent when?

I fucking hate you, Sup Forums. You botch and moan that there's nothing but meme movies and capeshit and remakes. An honest to God good film comes out, and what do you do? Memes. You fucks don't deserve good movies. You deserve the he'll you've made for yourselves.

Will I like it if Mary Tsoni was my waifu until she killed herself and am also jelly that a troll like Yorgos is married to a cutie like Ariane instead of a weirdo like Athina?

what are we supposed to do? wait till it comes out on torrents you cuck

Do you think they ever used an actual general anesthetic?

Is it about autists like Alps, Dogtooth and The Lobster (and presumably his other films that I haven't seen)?

Basically every character is autistic.

it was garbage personified

Please elaborate.

When will he make a movie about normal people?

When autism stops being so damn compelling

where can I watch this

what's it about?

Indeed. An absolute abortion of a movie

lol plebs

I've watched the trailer and I will def watch this but I will admit I'm somewhat scared. The idea of being paralyzed or ending up deathly ill in a wheel chair freaks me the fuck out.

Because it was just ugly and I guess I didn’t “get” it. It was shock value for the sake of shock value. It was like John Waters with better cinematography.

I thought the Lobster was realllly meh but I'm really optimistic for this

Sup Forums‘s crush on her after Tomorrowland was unbearable.

Fans of her will love this.

It just got progressively more uncomfortable and alarming, but it fucking glues your eyes to the screen because you keep wondering how he’s gonna make this decision.

The last scenes were fucking unbearable.

I was weak at the knees walking out. Powerful shit.

Probably, but el topo is probably the superior movie.

Cunnybot is love.
She was also really great for a kid actor.

Have you seen Lanthimos other films? How does this stack up against them? Best work?

Not him, but for me its tKoaSD>The Lobster>Dogtooth

A lot of foot action, by the way.

You're on the spectrum, aren't you?

how was our fallen boy?

thanks bro, looking forward to catching this one sometime!

Best performance in the movie.

so then he was useful

capeshit and reddit shows have really done a number on this board. no curiosity, no tolerance. you don't have to like these films, but why do they offend you so much? i used to come here to discovery new movies, new experiences. the absolute state of Sup Forums.

It was all about how the whole nature of "truth" and "reality" is so much more malleable and subjective than we want to think it is. We're all working with limited, incomplete information, filtered through biased and manipulative sources, at all time. Dogtooth just cranks that idea up to 11 to get the point across. I'm not saying that's a brand-new mind blowing concept, but it's definitely not just ugliness for the sake of ugliness. I liked it a lot

You might have aspergers if you can't take a joke.

Nicole Kidman or Alicia Silverstone?

>capeshit and reddit shows have really done a number on this board
No they haven't, newfag. The only thing that's done a number to this board snowflakes like you constantly bitching about what is or isn't reddit

He was actually frighteningly good.
that biting scene in the basement