ITT: Scenes that could not be made in the current year

ITT: Scenes that could not be made in the current year.

I'll start:

Other urls found in this thread:

Anything made before 2012

Seriously this.

>only ten years ago Jon Stewart and The Simpsons were making tranny jokes
>in another five you'll probably be imprisoned for making a tranny joke on Twitter

>not liking a hot trap with a huge penis
what's wrong with the 90s

>In another five

Pretty sure that's hate speech and jailable right now

Yes, but only in the land of the "freeee". Fucking imbeciles.

Don't they already do that in Canada and Germany?

Laughed audibly

Any scene with Heath Ledger in it.

You were warned:

Satire from 20-30 years ago is now reality. What a strange time to be alive.

too soon, dude.
that hit my feels.
feeling sad
should i call the olsen twins over so they can hook me up with some prescription meds to ease the pain.

what the fuck
it's downright scary

The Frighteners.

The states must be erased.

Literally nothing they're saying is wrong

I don't remember this scene


I will seek you out during the civil war and rape you.

this also BTFO anything MDE did

me on the top


uhhh you don't get to bring illegal content

what the actual fuck

>naked, fat black crippled dykes are hard to find

>Kids in the Hall

Protip: All Canadian comedians have been mocking this shit for decades. I saw the writing on the wall in the early 2000's with the way Royal Canadian AirFarce fired all their funny old-guards and totally changed writing staff.

Unironically this

>make joke on twitter
>run the risk of dox by angry mob every time

twitter is actually worse than this place

Everything from the movie, actually

I remember this, so based

Literally just watched this with my wife tonight. I'm pretty center left but the entire time I kept thinking wtf, is Sup Forums fucking right about Jews in Hollywood promoting black men to race mix with white women?

>Where the white women at
So that's where that came from!

whos this?

Kids in the Hall and In Living Colour would NEVER be allowed today. Ironically they were seen as progressive in the early 90s.

God early-years MadTV was so good with such a great cast. WTF happened??

wtf is this trash, you must have the iq of a turnip

jew garbage

> Everybody starts throwing up.
Holy shit. Comedy gold.


Every line is gold. The irony is that the joke is what she's saying is offensive, but people are too sensitive to appreciate anything anything related to sex, race, or religion.

That scene in Zoolander when hansel and derrick put makeup on and become black people

This isnt satire its preemptive programming you faggots

Including 2012, that year was great. 2013 was when the weird and ugly started to take over.

Jesus Christ this guy is a psycho

Think he posts here?
great movie