Jenna has uplaoded a video about her new show

Jenna has uplaoded a video about her new show

will you watch and fap

Of course

No. I am a frozen husk of a man. I feel no pleasure, only pain. Life is misery. So are movies and television desu, art imitates life in that way. Even escapism is exhausting when you realize how hollow it all is. Don't you ever feel like killing yourself, before realizing that if, by some miracle, an afterlife exists and they frown upon that sort of thing?


Of course I will

Am I already in hell?

Also, are you fags going to buy jenna's book?

Have you seen her Instagram lately? She posted a bunch of pics of fans dressed up as Office characters for Halloween.

Man she really was cute


are you


isnt cute?

>I used to be young and cute and sort of funny and, I could do those cute little cartoons and everyone who came through here was like, "who's that receptionist? I like her." Now I'm just a fat mom! Yeah. And you take one look at me and you're like, loser!


Aww jenna we like every version of you

Much aging. So sad.

she WHAT?!?!

Wtf I love her even more now

is she literally /ourgal/?

No link, fuckface?

She looks damn good for her age. If anything she looks younger than her age.

When I fapped I thought of pam more than old jena



Kill yourself.

I want to lick her pussy!

Someone replace the photo with a photo of John Krasinski

I hope she discloses a bit about her sex life

unbased pussy poster


>implying it won't happen to you

>Shh, user, I'm hiding from all the haters. Want to hide with me and talk about my art?

Yes please, I’d love to talk about your art

Neck yourself

I have a hard time deciding which I find cuter: pam or natalie portman
