desu I'll accept anything by Marvel getting a high score over Wonder Woman

I shat my pants today, AMA.

what am i watching here?


it's some retarded thing that retards do


Basically I skipped breakfast and lunch and then had a salad with some really hot sauce. Turned my bowels to water so when I tried to do a silent fart it was actually a bad leakage.

WW has way more reviews than Thor and still manages to have 92%.

where is it from?

Happened at home luckily so I didn't have to face any embarrassment.

DCucks can't catch a break. WW gets a higher score than GoTG2, then Spidercuck and Thor get a hogher score by one point then WW, it's like God is trolling them, kek.
Not to mention that just when normies start to catch on that every Marvel movie is the same, Thor comes out, and when they start catching up that there is no consequence or too much levity, IW comes out.

>funny, and above all fun
Who writes this shit?

both films are shit you shill

>dcuck baby is this desperate
You are gonna reload RT page every minute for all november, right?

>y-you s-shill t-too

>7 5/10

The epitome of just okay.

Is your scale 5-10? Dumb low IQ ape.


>capeshit tribalism
Is there a more pathetic thing to practice that instinctual trait on? Maybe video game consoles

Thor's going to fall below it at this rate

>bothering to watch anything that's statistically average

wonder woman casting was one of the worst casting decisions in the last decade. movie was hot garbage to boot. 92%? okay. feminist whores and numales got it up that high, makes sense

but Thor? 93%? watched it last night and there was no tension whatsoever in any scene, villain was painfully unremarkable, acting was horrible and nothing but quips and 99% of them being unfunny. they did it, they made a comic book movie for children. they stopped pretending it's for adults who are into comics. so if this deserves 93%, all it proves is that RT never had an ounce of credibility to begin with

Thor had three villains.

>100 reviews less
>already the same critic rating and 1% more score
Uh oh

who? skurge? surtur? come the fuck on
hela was the only antagonist. they used surtur for their own benefit, and skurge was just trying to survive.

>Citizen Bane

And the grandmaster.

I remember when it was just released in Europe some guys on Sup Forums suggested that the entire movie should have been about the planet Sakaar. Which would have been awesome imo.

>wonder woman casting was one of the worst casting decisions in the last decade
stay triggered stupid goy


Both movies are really good. Watch them both.

>not released yet
>LITERALLY the same numbers already

Aw shit that poster is pure Kirby. Is this the dawn of Kirbykino, laddies?

He's right

Those aren't audience scores, Billy.

It's been out for weeks. Do you live in some third world country or something?

>y-you s-shill t-too
No, just you

>slap some stationary on there
That's very sanitary

Chinks, masters of medicine

>thursday previews are lower than homecoming
>justice league and star wars in literal weeks

I know right? JL is so fucked being sandwiched between Thor and SW.

Uh sure buddy, fucked as fuck

What exactly is the point of this list? Apparently SW TLJ has lower trailer views than both Thor and JL, so do you actually believe it will make less money at the box office than those movies?

Both Thor and JL have the same amount of trailers released while TLJ apparently has less so far. But anyways latest opening weekend trackings put Ragnarok in the $110M blalpark while early, lowballed as fuck JL trackings are about $120M. It'll depend on the "legs" of both movies but Thor is pretty fucked , too many big shit coming out


Is Sup Forums the new Sup Forums? These threads are exactly like the console war shitfits.

>thinking DChads care at all about RT scores
We only loved seeing the score for WW because of how buttblasted it made MCUcks. In reality WW is an ok movie but not on the same playing field as MoS, BvS or Watchmen.

If you open your eyes you can can clearly see a 7.5/10

Across the board I liked Suicide Squad more than Wonder Woman. It took effort for me to watch WW all the way through.

same "top critics" that review them

>capeshit movies
How can anyone take this site seriously? Why does it get clicks?

Wonder Woman is for cucks.


>same everything except the number of reviews and 1% more in the score
That shit will be lucky if it stays in the 90s by the end of next week

did enchantress submit to crocs dick?

and? it still gonna do less money than WW and JL

>There are autists on this board who will unironically fight about which capeshit flick is the best
They're both dogshit guys.

Which film is the webm from

>exciting, funny, and above all fun
>sets a new standard
someone explain the logic behind the consensus for thor

>adults unironically watch this garbage

Is vertigo the only good film on that list?

>people still caring about capeshit (either disney shit or current DC vomit)
>people still caring about RT
I bet you guys are all horny during the oscars too.
Absolutely disgusting.



avatar is on the list

user, the only people that liked avatar were people that wanted to fuck a blue alien and hadn't played mass effect.

A man doing better than a woman there should be laws against it!

Console wars make more sense because those fucks actually paid money for their console that they can't get back.
With capeshit wars you can just stop watching them.

DC action scene

Marvel action scene

>100 fewer reviews
But more importantly
>rotten tomatows
But even more importantly
>super hero movies

>wonder woman casting was one of the worst casting decisions in the last decade

who cares about this movie.

super hero kino is nolanman, watchme, mos and bvs. All the other cape movies, there is no sense in even mentioning them in a movie board. It would be better to discuss them on Sup Forums. Only super hero movies that should be allowed on Sup Forums: Watchmen, Nolan's, BvS, MoS


i'd say sam raimi's spiderman too

fuck, i have more ass than her and i'm not fat

looks like they who run rotten tomatos are picking reviews from the same they of the same religion.

oy vey!

Sup Forums here, please don't post this trash on our board, it's better to just not talk about it in general.

12 cut in 8 sec. action scene.
Marvel in nutshell - talentless, unprofessional piece of sheeeeet :D

Anyone here been on the guardians of the galaxy ride in Disney California adventure? It was fun as fuck but I miss the twilight zone theme

thxx ms skeletal

>not even hitting him with that punch
>one too many cuts, but not as bad as WS or the webm below
>suddenly just grabs his sceptor despite being held at a disadvantage without any kind of distraction or anything

>they did it, they made a comic book movie for children



Greek theatre and peotry reading are art.
Movies are just fun, like Ragnarok.