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figures the best Orville thread of the season is not that faggot ridden and useless general

generals are always faggot ridden and useless.

pretty much, /got/ nearly ruined the board but imagine if they didn't have the (relatively) contained environment of a general? they would have destroyed us all

That awful episode with the downvotes made me drop the show completely. I might come back if they get rid of the two helmsmen.

this honestly is the best news I've heard all week. the Orville is the only network tv show i've looked forward to each week in 10 years

>this honestly is the best news I've heard all week. the Orville is the only network tv show i've looked forward to each week in 10 years
I pity you.

I enjoyed the commentary on how much importance brain dead people put into up/downvotes.
>You're confusing opinions with facts
But yeah this kind of heavy handed current social commentary could be avoided with the entire wide world of sci-fi a their disposal.

What happened, reddit? made fun of your safespace?

Thank god

This is great news!

Haven't seen the latest episode yet, did it have much of the one and only, Holy Guacamole, Gaynigger from Outer Space Bortus?

I see Rick and Morty fans have latched onto a new show now that the season is over

only a little, but in the ep he does refer to a glory hole

That episode was great. Yer a fagget

You're the only pitiful one here

the food in this show always looks so much more like real food compared to whatever the fuck they are always eating in star trek, worst offender is those little colored cubes in TOS (I think Stargate made fun of that in an obscure way)


>I see (thing I don't like) is like (another thing I don't like)
Wew, good one.

Ok where can I watch it? Netflix, Amazon?

it's on HULU but also on the fox site for free for some reason

Cool, ill watch it there.

does this shit not work for anyone else?

You have to sign in with your provider to watch the first episodes. Kind of sucks.

kill yourself

The only character ever liking shows like these is the robot. Everybody else is shit

>13 episodes in a season
How is this allowed? Or are they going to start filming and have another 13 episodes ready in the spring?

How the fuck does TV work these days? Used to be 26 episodes a season and that was that.

Is that always a good thing though? With shows now averaging 10 seasons, maybe less episodes per season can help retain the original spirit of the show a little bit longer.

no word on how many episodes season 2 will be.
considering how early the show was renewed I suppose it's looking good for a full season, but don't hold your breath

kind of hoping for shorter seasons if it means better quality and slightly higher budget per ep


Hahaha... user is right. You're a fucking loser. If Orville is the only thing good in your life, fucking end it bro. Might as well chew on the business end of a shotgun, cause you sound like such a dork. Nobody would come to your open casket funeral anyway.


I only disliked it because it felt like a blatant black mirror rip-off and such a similar society seemed too unrealistic even for this show. The last episode was pretty great though.


/brg/ had the most genuine kino discussion of the year.


go suck that diversity dick /STD/

>whatever the fuck they are always eating in star trek,
They're always eating real food in TNG, DS9, Voyager, it's just indian food or tai food or what have you and sometimes different side dishes combined to look "alien".
In the case of klingon food it's always gummy worms if an actor is eating something, or a cutaway shot of a plate of actual worms when no one's eating them

And they were always full of filler and milked after 3 seasons. 10-13 is the sweet spot.

Makes a selfincert show. It's actually secssesful.
How did Seth do it?

Threatening to expose people at Fox if they didn't let him make his dream show and renew it for at least seven seasons. He has to know plenty about the film and TV industry by now. His Weinstein and Spacey stuff was just him having fun with knowing he has everyone's career in his hands and he can cut them loose anytime.

I'm sorry Seth didn't die on 9/11.

None of you seriously watch this shit, do you?

Is there any proper way of viewing it in the UK yet?

I've just been using streaming sites which are serviceable but the quality is pretty bad. Haven't seen the last one or two episodes (last one was the 8th I think before the 2 week break)

people rather watch a decent sci-fi show like orville than your garbage sjw /STD/ shitfest, fuckface

I almost put it in my post, but I knew a brainlet like you would respond.
I don't watch either of these shits.

t. fag/got/

Want to know how I know your from reddit?

Keep trying, you might eventually reach something I actually watch.

A season is literally 13 weeks though. 26 episode 'seasons' are bad and just result in filler and padded out storylines. This works only for sitcoms where the story isn't that important.

what about that guy's acting?


I'd try to watch this but I can't stand Seth. How can a person be so fugly

I shupose


Poor reddit babby got btfo? STD might be more your pace

Agree. Robot is always best

>you will never cuddle up against chocolate milk mommy in bed


figures that a robot would like a robot

You're mean.

>ywn drink her chocolate milk

Generals killed Sup Forums and if you let it, it will kill Sup Forums

same here
in TNG it took me a long time to come come around and stop hating every character

I like Orville, but yeah the upvote/downvote society was terrible. Black Mirror actually felt realistic the way they did it, Orville's felt cartoony.

>the only network tv show I've looked forward to
>HAHA, the only good thing in your life!

Fucking illiterate teenagers. Lurk more and fuck off.

Orville's was more in tune with how the internet really works.



Worst episode of the season.

>You're confusing opinions with facts
>when /ourguy/ Isaac BTFOs both reddit and Sup Forums in one sentence

Wasn't there some talk of using some kind of social points system in China fairly recently?

yeah, the chinese would totally work for upboats

>hey kid, wanna /ss/?


>The Social Credit System is a proposed Chinese government initiative[1][2][3] for developing a national reputation system. It has been reported to be intended to assign a "social credit" rating to every citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status.[4][3][5] [6][7] It works as a mass surveillance tool and uses the big data analysis technology.[8] In addition, it is also meant to rate businesses operating on the Chinese market.[9]

Are you so sure, if good boy points were tied into the ability to get credit and government services?

that's not really the same concept imo.
they're not going to let the people add/remove eachother's points.

You're really that sure that nobody in the government/companies/ruling class would manipulate points to favor family and friends and disadvantage enemies?

no, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to the concept in black mirror at all

Oh a true democracy? Yeah it feels a bit off.

licki palicki movement

last episode was a 10 Cloverfield Lane rip off...