How do you think he's been feeling lately? Nervous?

How do you think he's been feeling lately? Nervous?


A weight has been lifted off his shoulder. He's experiencing Rappture!



His character in Dazed and Confused hooks up with a 14 year old.

Yeah, but isn't he only like 17 in the movie?

Depends on when his birthday is.

Snitches get stitches.

Yeah, I'm worried for him and I hope everything turns out alright.

5 bucks says he "commits suicide" sometime this month

Thanks for ruining the career of the greatest actor working today. Have fun on Star Trek, faggot.

I've never understood the love for Kevin Spacey.

Is he worried he's gonna get Rich?

why was a 14 year old at a party with adults? it's his parents fault

>why was a 14 year old at a party with adults? it's his parents fault

bro if you put a dick into a kid it's your fault however you put it

Theater kids aren't "kids" in the normal sense. There's nothing normal about them.

Thank you. Only soyboys raised by single moms aren't questioning that.


a 14 year old isn't a kid

Numales have anxiety, not nervousness

You're correct. 14 year olds are old enough to consciously rape bitches.