You wake up tomorrow morning to reports starting to trickle in that The Thing has been confirmed to have been sighted...

You wake up tomorrow morning to reports starting to trickle in that The Thing has been confirmed to have been sighted within the borders of the country you're currently in. Attempts are being made to quarantine the area, and videos are already popping up of riots in the major cities and soldiers indiscriminately burning civilians in the streets.

What do you do?

go back to sleep

Thank God I live in Alaska.

fpbp. let it come to me and assimilate. there's no winning in this scenario.

Big country, I'd just stay indoors and wait for the whole thing to blow over. If it comes I'll just an hero before it gets me.

Hop on Sup Forums and tell them the 2011 movie was better than the original.

kill myself I guess

suck his cock i guess

Try to stop it i guess

Leave my country I guess

>tfw 26,999 days left for the human race.

>What do you do?
Join in indiscriminately burning civilians in the street.
Also, if you're a thing, do you KNOW, or do you think you're you until you monster out.

If there's enough Thing's assimilated, would it matter?

Good luck, the Thing could just assimilate with a fucking ant colony and go unnoticed if the heat is on. Once the Thing enters the mainland, its going to win.

In the short story based on the film, they implied that you remain conscious until the Thing has assimilated all of your brain cells and your consciousness ceases to be. The original story from the 30s never stated, and none of the films make it clear.
Initial assimilation looks to be extremely painful.


Imagine a virus with a will. Instead of just floating bits of RNA imagine if ebola, or aids, or the flu could plan and target and adapt and hide purposefully.

We would be beyond fucked. hat's the thing

Is that what the thing is? A sentient virus?

If so does that mean an antivirus could be developed to combat it?

for you

>If so does that mean an antivirus could be developed to combat it?
That may work...until the thing takes over the scientists developing the cure

If the thing is detected early enough they could be quarantined in an air tight bunker.

Was getting blown up by Mac's dynamite PART of your PLAN?

Fuck you. People like you should be put in camps. The person dies when they're assimilated, this is blatantly obvious you stupid fuck.

the thing isn't that fucking smart or it would have done that in the movie you mongoloid holy fuck, it acts like a monster because it is a monster
>hurrr it came in a spaceship
yea that it got from another species it assimilated, probably why it was crashed in the first place. if it was that smart it would have silenty dealt with everyone and then called for a ride or something, not go apeshit in the first 25 seconds of being left alone

The thing has all of the intelligence and memories of everything it assimilates.
It is very smart.

I'm surprised no one has made a film about this. Let's say they failed to exterminate the Thing in the first. The second could be about what OP is describing except the viewer is just witnessing society fall apart. You would never see the thing, maybe in the distance the protag witnesses some poor fuck get assimilated but the whole film would just be people breaking into hysteria, riots, and the military desperately trying to contain the rising chaos all the while a lack of trust left and right.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

does it though? cause if it's not fucking stated in the movie get your fucking wikilore the fuck out of here

Its in the books
Alright you massive fucking retard lets go off just the movie. How the fuck did Palmer talk? How does an alien lifeform understand human language and mannerisms? Its almost as if it has some intelligence at understanding the organisms it consumes. Wow truly mind blowing.

Is it comfy there user? Do you have any pics?

not him but
if it was as smart as the short story leads one to believe, it would've been able to identify that it shouldn't have ever gone full monster, since just walking around being a dog would have been enough to infect everyone without anyone suspecting

Yeah, fire is the antivirus.

>You wake up tomorrow morning to reports starting to trickle in that The Thing has been confirmed to have been sighted within the borders of the country you're currently in. Attempts are being made to quarantine the area, and videos are already popping up of riots in the major cities and soldiers indiscriminately burning civilians in the streets.
>What do you do?

Rush to everyone on my list and attempt to fuck them.

Either see if we can start some brain uploading shit so we can live in mechanical bodies or just kill myself before it can get to me.

What kino is this from?

>the thing isn't that fucking smart

It was building a fucking spaceship out of helicopter parts and was at least as smart as everyone it assimilated, since it would at a bare minimum have to be as exactly as intellegent as the scientists to perfectly disguise as them otherwise finding out a thing would be as simple as asking Blair to take a science quiz to see if he passes. Even just the fact that it can talk and communicate with people well enough for them to coordinate and think nothing is wrong means it has at the very least a human like intellect.

The Thing's intelligence scales with its biomass. A human sized Thing is smart, but a couple milliletres of blood isn't.

This. It's short story lore but whatever.
If it was pretending to be an ants nest or a virus, then it would be a complete retard and probably forget what it was trying to do. Even then, if it managed to infect some more biomass, all it's memories would be locked in its previous incarnation.
This is why it want to get more biomass in the film instead of just shattering into a million prices; it would become borderline braindead and would forget how to build a ship.

I just assumed it's a parasite with a strong survival instinct and keeps fucking up his cover when threatened because it doesn't take into account human intelligence and their ability to 2+2.

But then they would suffocate

>A human sized Thing is smart

A dog sized thing is pretty smart too since it plays humans against each other to save itself and is actively observing its environment and scoping the base out before it tries to envelop the other dogs.


The characters in the film quickly worked out that the Thing perfectly mimicked them and that wouldn't work, it's what causes so many problems.

You are literally told this and are still not intelligent enough to remember an important plot point.

It cant open locked doors. Major flaw for an enemy.

But they had extremely limited resources. If humanity is on the brink of extinction we'd figure something out. It can't mimic something 100% -- by definition it would have done nothing.

>cheatin bitch
>yeah fuck you too!

Assumption: The Thing could be in my kitchen but chances are it's a decent ways away and probably near a populated area.
1. Acquire/construct an airtight suit as quickly as possible.
2. Buy weapons and food being wary of every living thing I encounter. Also buy various air-tight containers.
3. Create a portable version of the "thing test" so I can test others and prove my humanity.
3. Perform a preliminary test on all my food and equipment to see if any particles of the thing are present. This is assuming I haven't come into contact with part of The Thing yet, but go to part 5 if I have.
4. Drive to more and more populated areas, until I find part of The Thing. Incapacitate it, contain it. Proceed to secure facility.
5. Perform tests on it to find out how to easily detect The Thing without requiring contact (e.g. of a hot wire).
6. Set up a bunker/HQ and a very rigorous screening system for anyone/anything that enters. Periodically exit amassing survivors and doting tests on The Thing to make sure it's not able to bypass any of the screening techniques I've developed. Focus on finding skilled people, medics, biologists, etc.

It's important to do all of these things yourself because you can't trust anyone else, especially not larger group efforts organized by the government or corporations.

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

I shit in my mouth to see if im stil myself

I am, don't know why you'd say that

Physically maybe, but not mentally.

Go out and sneakily extend my space tendrils round the nearest lone survivor and turn them into a clone of themselves that's secretly another clone of me. Then go to an internet cafe and argue with myself on Sup Forums.

It was smart enough to build a spaceship out of random equipment, it was pretty smart

i'd go on a kill rampage before the thing gets me

>What do you do?
Get on with my day.

>It's short story lore but whatever
fuck you whatever
>If it was pretending to be an ants nest or a virus, then it would be a complete retard
it could have a hive mind in ant form


do you think you're tony stark? You would be the first to get fucked with that mindset

I genuinly hold this opinion and noone on Sup Forums usually agrees or even believes me.

What happened to the dog though?

Anything with cold is super good kino.

>all animals become flesh abominations that actively search for unassimilated biomass
>insects turn into flying Thing-bullets that home in on you
>the grass is now a shifting mass of teeth that would probably fold itself all over you once you step on it
>forests become a mess of tentacles
>zillions of microscopic water organisms become contimants

I'd blow my head off immediately

Woah, calm your tits user, the film doesn't make it clear if you know you are infected or not, he had a good point.

Prime Kurt Russel


The original sucked they killed it with a metal rod

What the fudge monster dies to a metal stick ?

Contaminant user. Contaminant.

calm down nerd

Sorr,y human words are hard sometimes

pisses me off how the studio execs cut all the practical effects in the prequel in favor of CGI as well as force the director to completely ditch the originally intended ending.

yeah that means a fucking spider bear will eat and absorb you in about 6 months. if you haven't starved or gotten murdered by some psycho before that.

Fuck you, Im turning the light on.

>characters make assumptions on how it works
>there must be no other explanation
Are you retarded?