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Sturmgewehr 44 edition

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Curly haired El is cute. CUTE!

Hick Eleven > Blonde Eleven > Punk Eleven > Bald Eleven

hick > bald > blonde > punk imo

Eleven's a shit character

That scene was kino.

Hick > Punk > Blonde > Bald

In order of which made her look least like a male.

I just bought the Pop toy for Eleven season 2. I couldn't resist that curly hair


This season made me realize the show is pretty bad and gay. Episode 7 was beyond bad.

>I just bought the Pop toy
It would be a disservice to humanity if you don't kill yourself as soon as possible.


So, I get why people don't like the characters from Season 7, and I too was hoping the whole time that we don't see any more of them in the future. But as a self contained episode, I enjoyed it. Of course, that relies on it being self contained - If this seeps over into coming seasons, then I will understand the hatred for it, but as it stands I quite liked the episode. I just enjoyed spending more time with Eleven, I was surprised by all the hate

>I just bought the Pop toy

funko pop is shit
didn't know there was a s2 one for her though, what's it look like?

no one disagrees e7 was trash
the season was still good overall, but s1 was definitely better

I know lol. I'm a hypocrite, because I've been collecting just japanese import toys and shitting on pops forever. but i've basically been buying anything eleven i can find.

spending more time with el was good, and it had good character development for her. just the characters were throwaway, the episode was out of place, narrative was fucked up and it was badly written and predictable, etc.

The whole episode was shit, not just the characters. There's really no point explaining why, if you can't instinctively realize why then you have no place on Sup Forums.

And yea I know it's shit. I don't even know, they're filling some sort of hole in my heart or another, I-i'll sell em soon

I'm waiting for the McFarlane toys

Episode 7 reminded me of this

I wonder if the Japs have made full body pillows yet

No, what development? El already knows who she cares about. She already knows about 'friendship/love' being better than anger and revenge. (Or at least the power that comes from friendship and love).
Nice to see her indulge in some anger but she ends up where she started. That's not growth

I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'll tune into S3 only for Steve,Billy and Mike

whatever, you do you

weird eyelashes

like it showed her experiencing a taste of life outside hawkins, what other people with powers can turn into, etc.
and allowed her to learn to "channel her anger" or whatever bullshit
it was minimal growth. overall useless episode

Those look pretty cool, I'll end up getting some of those too, which will happily replace the funko shit, though I'd love a figuarts line...

I'll tune into S3 only for Steve, Billy and Finn

>like it showed her experiencing a taste of life outside hawkins
Showing her bewildered by the big city doesn't seem different than her being bewildered by a fucking super market.

i am, just conflicted a bit but thanks. i go though buying and selling a lot of toys i suppose
yea idk lol, i just like to glance over and be like 'oh hey, eleven is cool'. might replace that with a poster!

>ywn run your fingers thru millies hair while she has a mature inteligent conversation about world events

i'm much more a fan of posters, but again, you do you. enjoy the show however you want. :)

i actually have a small print similar to that, that one is nice though. i'd like to see one kind of fan made posters will come out of this season

millie is trash, but el is cute and good

she's way too "grown up" for her age and full of herself.

i've seen some decent ones so far

people should post some more good fanart here.

Sadie is super cute and I want to adopt her.

Bruh, what's that say about you when you like the version who doesn't know her asshole from a waffle iron, but don't like the intelligent young woman

i don't like washed up hollywood actresses, sorry

>have qt younger stepsister and dickhead abusive dad
>act all sweet and protective towards her, defend her from daddy's beatings
>qt comes to rely and depend on you for love and affection
>starts to sneak into your room late at night, cries into your shoulder as hold her tightly and whisper that you'll always be there for her, no matter what
>regularly fall asleep in each other's arms
>grow closer and closer until the inevitable happens
>run away and start a new life with qt redhead teen waifu

billy is an idiot

Does anybody know if Dacre Montgomery is in his home town (Perth) lately? Pretty sure I saw him today in a very expensive looking Audi.

Oh shit he's from Perth? Where did you think you saw him?

>too grown up

thats where ur wrong

ur the faggot who keeps the shitty porn tropes of old ass fucking 20yos with pigtails thinking they're "young"

they usually talk dumb as fuck too

no, that's even worse, i hate coyness

millie is turning into the perfect little succubus

i would be first in line to join her slave farm

Leederville lad. He got out of his car and picked up some friends and sped off. 99% sure it was him.

Seriously, all I could think of is that he's the dumbest motherfucker alive. I would cherish and love her if she was my sister.

fuck off or get a trip so i can filter you please

me too. only child here. feels bad man.

oh user, u can just see millie in her sexy gold variety silk lingerie, holding a glass of champagne as the silly virgin user boys await her beck and call


ye he lives in Perth


>hey fagget if u can ollie ill let u makeout with me

oh fuck that'd be cute

tfw she learned to skateboard just for the show

imagine seeing footage of her stumbling around while learning, hearing her lil hmph's as she gets frustrated

hhhh my heart

wew i bet she gets so smug

almost like another francesa in the making


francesa capaldi another gingersnap

Fuck, Leeds is hipster central. I wonder if they were his boy toys.

>watching interviews of the kids
>Millie stops answering the questions to talk about something that's off-camera and unrelated every now and then

That's a literal symptom of autism, not even memeing.

Did he really survive or was Eight just fucking with her?

Ahahah was outside of a vintage clothing pop up store. Lots of fags

enh, sadie's cuter
especially in the show, she's enh irl

>calling them kids
>but knows millie's name
>calls them autistic

i got news for u user

he actually survived, which is stupid as fuck. they just need more s3 content

she's always been annoying and tries so hard at everything she does, it's painful to watch

In that scene specifically? It was fake, Eight was fucking with her. However, we don't know if the man who worked with him was lying or not.

Do you want me to say
>watching interviews of Millie, Finn, Noah, Gaten, Caleb, and Sadie

Yeah I got that it was an illusion, but the way Eight pointed out that Eleven has never even tried to locate him means that he may still be out there and possibly waiting for Eleven to give away her location.

they're not kids, they're young adults in their prime

finn is basically having sex with maisie and sophia and other 20-something girls in hollywood

Pretty sure he was telling the truth. Brenner's in hiding and trusted bald fatty man, his first instinct was to rat Brenner out to save his own fatty hide.

a 13 year old is literally a kid, or closer to a kid than a "young adult." when you say "teen" you typically think of someone at least a few years older than 13

Honestly, after being almost (?) killed by the Demogorgon and then getting replaced along with his entire staff he's probably hiding away in some cabin and not actively looking for her.

>a literal suffix in their age

sure, but as i said, when you think of a "teen" you probably think of someone a bit older than 13.

a 13 year old is much closer to a kid than an adult, though i guess not if they're being fucked daily by the hollywood elite like millie

Episode 7 was good, a nice change of pace, and necessary for the plot. That being said, the punks were terribly written, casted, costumed, directed, and acted, and whoever was in charge needs to be fired and never work in the industry again.

>Eleven...I need you to help me. The hotheads are coming...you must stop them. For me. For Bane. And...For You.

I'll grant you "necessary for the plot"

>Episode 7 was good
Objectively incorrect.

>kid spends entire life in a supermax and a year in a correctional institution
>can't do anything but eat and watch TV
>wants one day outside hidden in full costume
>Hopper says no and gives her a terrible deal on the compromise
>can't even fulfill that
>"let me just plant these flags for eight hours"
>kid is understandably mad and sneaks out for a few hours just to see (literally just to see) her only friend ever
>Hopper loses his shit and takes away the TV and insults her
>gets even madder when the kid is again justifiably unsatisfied
>takes a near death experience for him to apologize
>acts like nothing happened

What the fuck was Hopper's problem?

I got mad when he took away the TV desu

Not even that. The only link was when Eleven had a flashback to Eight telling her to let the anger flow through you, when she was beating the Mindflayer. That didn't even need to happen, Eleven could've figured that out for herself at home when she got super pissed and blew out all the windows.

It was just a lazy attempt to shoehorn Eight into the story. Absolute fucking trash from start to finish.

Not necessary for the plot, but yes, it was character development nonetheless.

The characters didn't make the episode bad - it was just out-of-place, poorly-written, predictable, etc.

timetravelanon pls tell me does Billy ever redeem himself?

me too. i guess he's trying his best, we're all only human. he's flawed but at least does want to protect her. at least he apologized in the end.


Trying to protect her from herself. As soon as she sees Mike she starts using her powers again to trip up Max. She can't function in normal society until she can learn to act normal.

Billy and Steve touch tips.

No, Eleven is sleeping with Mike and overhears Billy fucking Mike's mom so she uses her power to make him thrust in and out so fast that it pulverizes both of their crotches.

so next season is carrie theme right? eleven will get bullied at school or some shit and she going to kill the school kids

What will they do for season 3 that they havnt already?

I only see it getting much worse

Fully reveal the gay character.

nah mate it's /time/ for some BTTF

the original script had Steve be more like Biff, I'm glad Joe was charismatic enough for the Duffers to change that quickly

It's gonna happen immediately after season two. Mindflayer attacks the prom and starts paralyzing kids, Jane goes nuts and starts breaking shit apart.

>I'm glad Joe was charismatic enough for the Duffers to change that quickly
me too, steve's a fucking great character and joe's a good actor and funny person

Hopefully it's will

Oh fug, what are the kids gonna call her in S3? If anyone hears them call her something else they might suspect something if up


Season 1 = Alien
Season 2 = Aliens
Season 3 = Aliens 3

Jane confirmed to have demogorgon come out of her

They didn't have gays in the 80s

They'll probably call her Jane. Eleven is retarded but Ellie would've been better than both.

Because they were all dead from AIDS?

Didn't have redheads getting blacked in rural Indiana either but that doesnt stop netflix from peddling their shit