

you now realize she has an anime face.

Cuban Lexi Belle.

Ana de Arma = Ana Amari?



>tfw no holographic waifu who hires hookers to come to your house and transposes her image over theirs in order to give you the closest thing to sex with her that she can give, knowing full well that it's another woman's body you're enjoying, all because she loves you and just wants you to be happy

Perfect choice for Joi



her teeth are entirely fake, they rotted out and she got caps, look at a hi rez pic

Time to fap to Lexi Belle when she was a brunette

Do you think the hooker was sweaty and smelly? She looks the type. And she wears boots too.



i bet you're fun at parties, bucko
why do you feel a need to stomp on my our dream girl.

yep, caps, and not even good ones

>not having your holo wife transpose her image on you so you can jack off to futa wife in the mirror

she does look like a literal street rat. honestly kinda thought she was grody as fuck, why can't pleasure models look pleasing?

She was all used up.

I may be a street rat. But I've got your bread, bitch

>Tfw no Joi

Communism really is a wonderful thing

thats why shes so perfect

>tfw you will never have a holographic waifu who says "I love you" to you even though she knows she doesn't have to

No wonder I like her so much.

Reminder that Joi didnt truly "love" K in the human sense. She was just a very good AI simulating a loving GF. "Joi - everything you want to see. Everything you want to hear"

Not that most people would care, which is the interesting part. I dont give a shit if a robot/cyborg GF acts as if she loves me because she does so chemically or if shes programmed to, as long as it seems genuine.

Such a good feeling that Joi will become a reality in our lifetime.

Good thing shes nice to look at

Why does she remind me of bunny fu

chemistry is just ultra-low level programming anyway

She reminds me of a mix between Lexi Belle and Riley Reid, just more pure.

That scene is the first time I've been impressed by effects in years


Agreed, she looks like a generic pornstar.
Joi shouldve been played by Sarah Gadon - she has a very cyberpunk asthetic

what am I looking at here

Why is her neck so whorish? It practically oozes the milk of lust.

A jealous roastie looking for minor flaws in a woman who looks much better Han her

fake teeth. cuban cigars destroyed her real teeth cuban cigars is slang for black dick

>She was just a very good AI simulating a loving GF.
So like a real woman?

Why even live

Too many cigars. My kind of woman

A British person that doesn't understand how dentistry works.

THESE are capped rotted out teeth.

>HD pictures clearly showing caps

>blurry photo with a red circle

not defending xeno ridley she might very well have bong teeth. but youre a faggot for posting that stupid post

>le black out
>you remember le blackout
>black out black out black out

such a disgusting display of plot convenience.

is this true?


They don't clearly show caps, they show natural teeth with a chip and wear coinciding with a woman her age that has had professional whiteneing. Ridley you can literally see the uncapped teeth in the back if you aren't blind and the cap covering part of her gums.

Source: I'm a third year dental student and you're a fucking lifetime McDonald's employee.

Yes and no.

Joi is an A.I.
As an A.I. Joi grows, much like a person.
The final moment in which Kuck watches the holographic ad and is reminded of his Joi he comes to realize that.

This is science-fiction. A.I. in this world is REAL A.I. as in Artificial INTELLIGENCE, not the bullshit faggots love to talk about right now and claim is "A.I.". Replicants are also A.I. and they are both manufactured by the fucking Tyrell corporation.

I know so many of you love projecting all this shit into the film that isn't there, but what it all really boils down to is that the whole Joi/Kuck "romance" was nothing more than a plot device. The only reason he decides to seek out the replicant resistance is exactly because he sees that Joi ad on the bridge, and realizes that she is more than just a product (like the T-X kept insinuating).

yeah well my dad is president of teeth so FUCK YOU



In the Art of Bladerunner book it implies that it is K's first day, when he wakes up in his Spinner that is the first time he actually wakes up etc

So the first scene with JOI is her default "as new" setting. With no data collected on the current K.

how does it feel knowing you'll never be a real doctor?


If its not in the movie or confirmed by the Vill then its not canon.

Everybody in the movie seem to know him for quite some time, even the cop during the baseline test calls him "Constant K". It sounds pretty stretched

Latina Traps are the best.

WHOS GOT THAT WEBM of ana dancing at the photoshoot prz share prz

How does it feel you'll never have a gf?


>There seems to be a culture of new replicants coming through the LAPD – Joshi’s comments about the cost of “repairing” K allude to it – so it would be easy for Wallace to slot in a new replicant and, because of the memory consideration, for everyone to just accept it. And, even if at first glance this isn’t the case, there really isn’t any firm evidence of a past life. Joshi and the LAPD is the center of his existence and the surrounding dialogue is very carefully worded so that while there’s warmth, it doesn’t actually hint at any pre-existing relationship. Similarly, at his apartment, K’s neighbors are rude to him and have graffitied his door, but their vague slurs could be more a result of prejudice against the rotation of replicants, not K himself.

Just a cool idea i guess



and the one where best girl joins them to please sir


>that little smile that starts creeping on her face around 0:14
>the way her eyes brighten up


Beautiful actresses are like that. It would be very rare if she could act.

Good think she is not being pushed by the (((hollywood agents))) too. Men just want to see her...

thank u brotha

thank u brotha x2

Fuck, i'm in love.

Is this from the art book ? Pls post more


Is it normal for cute girls to do some random dancing on a normal day? I haven't spoken to a female in years.


only if somebody is watching


>This obsessed over this chick
>by now even Harvey has forgotten how many nuts he has busted in her

Are white knights genuine nutcases?

I think it's a nice non-boring way to stretch before and after you have to pretend to be a statue for photoshoots, also some gals like Sofia Boutella are trained dancers and just do it to relax

Anime eyes. If she didn't have those yellow irises, she'd one of the dime a dozen latinas.

I'd rather be obsessed about some actress I've never met, than some real-life walking period with smelly pits

S H I T.

should've watched the anime ep, nigga

Shes cuban so its in her dna to salsa

It's more of an appreciation for a pretty actress that most males will have.
The fact that she probably had to suck someone's cock on a casting couch (like majority of them do nowadays) is of secondary importance, since actress is there to simulate a living person and living emotions on a screen for purpose of entertainment. What she is like as a real person is of no importance ot anyone, because it is the simulacrum that anyone will ever see and care about.

no she does not

>ywn be a chad actor and make movies with Ana
Why am I even alive bros?

Man I cant dance for shit. How does it come so natural to some people.

you develop these dance muscles during sex. I heard at least

Well doesnt work for me.