Blocks your cinema screen

>blocks your cinema screen

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i want to punch it

this shitty ass creature is going to be plastered all over fast food joints, isn't it?

Are you saying that furry owls aren't a fantastic contribution to the Star Wars universe?

Oh yeah, there's no doubt in my mind they'll use them to sell a couple of happy meals.

Getting this thing killed will win some serious drama points and will upset the normies. Sadly Disney won't do it.

Just a couple though. I don't see it getting insanely popular. Right?


>millenial fags now know what OTfags felt when Jar-Jar Binks appeared
What goes around comes around, son

ohh shittttttttttteeeeeeee.....THE PORGS ARE BACK BOYS!


I would fuck it

Is this another Rabbids/Minions situation?


Fuck if I know. This kind of stuff is always a crapshoot. Everyone could end up hating them like Jar Jar.

I want to know what type of drugs are they on.

Look at those pupils.

>Hey dude!, you have Porg pupils hahahah, that shit is hard.

Thinking about watching the Last Jedi gives me a headache

Dude Slave One Easter egg, c'mon

Ewoks ruined Star Wars sooner. Rewatching ROTJ last year the only scenes I like are on the Star Destroyer or whatever. Even Jabba's Place sucks besides the fetish slave imagery.

>yfw 2033
>yfw Disney genetically engineers puffins to look like PORGS
>yfw they sell them as pets for the Star Wars EP 20 Movie

You post like a retarded nigger

>tfw we're closer to 2033 than 2000

>X ruined Y
*tips waitress*

Doesn't everybody hate literal retards? Porgs look literally retarded. I have a retarded cousin and her face looks exactly like this. What the fuck were they thinking?

goy test
anyone that likes it is a non human goy slave

That open mouth shit like in reminds me of a fish. Disgusting.

stupid frogpos-

FUCK it's true

Did I rustle your jimmies, shit head?


>All this butthurt over "furry sidekicks in muh Star Wars"

It's like the movies are aimed at kids or something.......

>The crew of the film spent two periods filming on the island, with one particular visit leaving a wake of death. It has been stated that in July of 2014, the crew spent two weeks on the island during the breeding season.
>“Long-term effects on the island’s breeding bird populations remain unknown, but there are disturbing reports that during filming, several hundred Black-legged Kittiwake chicks were blown by a helicopter from their cliff-ledge nests into the sea, where they drowned.” This horrifying news has shocked many organizations in Ireland that wanted to take part in a consultation prior to allowing the crew on the island, but granting the filming on the island occurred without there being a chance for organizations to have their say.

>kill endemic puffins for worst ending of a Star Wars movie
>it's okay we made Porgs

>people born tomorrow will lose their virginity before you and will boss you around when they get old enough


A 90s born nigger to boot. How embarrassing.

Yeah fuck capitalism.

Who cut off the ears and beak of that poor Furby?

The mouse really doesnt give a fuck as long as they can make money

>getting this upset
Are you autistic?

Okay, I'm sorry I bad mouthed your favorite character Jar Jar. I know he means so much to you that I probably made you cry.