So what does he do now? He pretty much killed his career and dropped like a rock. Can he ever bounce back?

So what does he do now? He pretty much killed his career and dropped like a rock. Can he ever bounce back?

Prolly lookin' at some jail time.

He hasn't been proven to do anything

statute of limitations, bro

Nah he fucked for life

Spacey on suicide watch.

president trump will personally behead him for being gay

He indirectly admitted guilt to trying to hump a minor over 30 years ago. There would be no way to prove it if he had denied doing it, which is why I think there are several more guys that he tried to molest as kids.
He could have said fuck off Mr. Rapp you're a liar, and there would have been no way to prove the accusation.
But Spacey said he was drunk and it might of happened, and I think that was his way of shrugging off all of the future allegations coming his way.

His future is getting small checks from NBC and ABC and any other channels that want to do morning interviews with him about the allegations, until he is completely shunned from Hollywood and nobody wants anything to do with him.

>guilty until proven innocent


Leave America and work for the foreign film industry and get big again but I have feeling he might kill himself.

Im sure hes got plenty of money, he just go low profile til it all blows over. None of the people crying about this really give a fuck and theyll forget all about it when the next two minutes hate comes up.

He is pretty much done with. Most places will blacklist him. Maybe he can work foreign movies or indie stuff but he is done in Hollywood

On the bright side it'll probably be easier to get his autograph and a photo op in several years

I have nothing to add but here's a funny face for you memesters out there

Move to Thailand with his millions and spend the rest of his days going balls deep in twink boypussy.

>tfw pic related is officially never happening
feels bad man

He will probably try and go to rehab or something then lay low like Gibson did. There will still be some people out there willing to put Spacey in projects but it'll have to blow over first. I think him going to rehab would be a good sign of trying to "get better" or whatever

Aside from Gibson who else got huge black lady, fell off the map, and then was brought back to the top?

he's going to jail. more people are coming out.

there's already more recent accusations coming out including one from london that the scotland yard is investigating.

who knows though. roman polanski drugged and sodomized a 13 year old and he got a standing ovation at the oscars when he won best director for the pianist. hollywood is a weird place.

in the modern SJW era i don't think he ever gets cast in a big role again.

Still need evidence.

He has millions. Just to retire and spend the rest of your days watching kino.

Move to Europe. They protect pedophiles like him and Polanski. Hell, he could even make Oscar nominated movies from there.

>Still a millionaire
>Still has multiple oscars
His career is gone but that is about it.

Will it be about little boys

If you're not suing for defamation, you're probably guilty for the acts they're claiming you've done.

Burden of proof is a lot lower in civil court than in criminal courts. That is why OJ wasn't convicted of murder but taken to the cleaners in civil court by the victim's family.

>60 years old
>couple of Oscars and millions of dollars

he needs young men's cum for sustenance, so yes, he will starve to death

>no more easy access to twinks

Maybe he'll move to Thailand

>Implying he still won't get a steady supply of boypussy
You know he is a multi millionaire right?

Reminder none of the pedos or "rapists" will face jail time.

Duh. They're all allegations still. No solid evidence has been shown

Probably just get paid millions to speak at events for rich people, like every other retired famous person does.

As it should be. You need concrete evidence to convict for murder. You need concrete evidence to convict for rape.

I find it funny that people are celebrating Netflix for firing him, even though it's pretty clear that a lot of the higher ups were aware of his doings. Only an issue if it's public though!

Fuck the jews.