Just got back and this is pretty much 100% how I feel.

GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second, and the one that absolutely NAILS the 80's aesthetic that Waititi aspires to but fails. But here's why he didn't hit the mark, although we think of 80's movies being non stop quip and joke fests, there was also a lot of heart which is almost completely lacking here. There's nothing wrong with some levity but I prefer these movies to use wry, dry, sarcasm and irony. The first Thor is my favorite film of the MCU and Branagh killed it. That movie had weight but also humor that didn't reduce characters to buffoons. The Dark World was trash only equal to Iron Man 2 as Marvel's shittiest movie.

Was Ragnarok entertaining? Sure. But considering the epic events that happen here I just wanted them to be treated with a bit more reverence. Odin's last scene was fucking terrible while Hopkins stares into space and barely regards his sons, both of whom he's lied to for their whole lives. And that's the lesson Thor should have learned, that Asgard as a civilization meant nothing as it was built on the bones, blood and flesh of the worlds that Odin attacked and conquered. Sacrificing it to save the people so they can start fresh on a new planet and leave that legacy behind would have given it's destruction a bit more heft while also poetic as Hela was a relic of that time and ultimately what brings it to ruin. This is what should have also inspired Loki to be a better person in the end as the two brothers make amends.

Other urls found in this thread:

And for all of it's scale, this movie felt small while the editing doesn't allow things to breathe. GOTG 2 and Spider-man knew when to let the camera sit still and let the actors do the work while only editing at the right moment. Also, by making everyone into a clown there's no contrast which is where most of Thor's humor is derived from. Finally, despite the 80's veneer, this movie didn't have a truly off-beat quality like The Fifth Element, Starship Troopers or Men In Black and this is because although Waititi can easily shoot people telling jokes, he doesn't bring a distinct sensibility to the proceedings.

So, good, not great and I'm not in a rush to buy this on Bluray unlike GOT2 and Spider-man which were day one purchases.

Oh and just had a thought about Hela. She's be a perfect Death substitute for Infinity War but, instead of being a passive nothing like Death is in the comic, make it that Thanos is a beta orbiter trying to impress the hot goth chick with death and destruction. But she's a massive bitch who leads him on like a puppy. In the end he tells her to get to fuck, learning that for every beautiful woman, there's a man tired of their shit. He becomes a farmer and ends up with Squirrel Girl!!!FACT!!!

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year,

stopped reading right there

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second
You are not welcome here, Reddit.

>with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second,
There really was not much hope left in this review after this to be honest.

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year
Commit unironical suicide my dude

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year

Honestly you lost me at this point
Maybe try r/movies instead

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year
stopped reading

One more thing, this should have had an 80's style synth music video like this one!!!FACT!!!

wow haven't seen an creepythinman fake in a while good job

I knew I would trigger you fags, ahahahha

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second

is this a joke?

The Disney shills are getting bolder. Fuck Disney. They must be stopped.

Sorry that you faggots can't enjoy a well made popcorn film. I'd pity you but your deaths by auto erotic asphyxiation while beating off to tranny porn will be well earned!!!FACT!!!

Serious question.

Does this have more quips than Guardian 2? That shit got old within the first 40 minutes and just went full cringe after.

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming a close second
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Wait, I get it, this board is crawling with DCucks waiting with tweezers on cocks for Justice League and the latest homoerotic machismo bullshit from that Ayn Rand worshipping closet faggot Snyder!!!FACT!!!

GotG2 is like the minor leagues compared with this, this is the quippest movie I've ever seen. Full cringe from minute 1. I can't even imagine what kind of numale would enjoy this trash

Guardians 2 was well balanced. Thor goes overboard with the humor. Just felt lightweight overall!!!FACT!!!

Let's put it this way, Ragnarok is a flick that if you add laugh tracks, it wouldn't get worse

Why would anyone willingly watch this corporate cash-grab?

I can't help liking GOTG 2 or Spider-man anymore than you and your Dad enjoying eating out each others assholes!!!FACT!!!

disregard that, i suck cocks

Eat shit clone cunt, preferably that which squirts out of your fathers cock after he's done fucking you in the ass, faggot!!!FACT!!!

>I'm just pretending to be a redditor!!!

Op has a higher form of autism.

Your opinion is worthless

I just love taking it up the ass from big black cocks!!!FACT!!!

>GOTG 2 is my favorite movie of the year, with Spider-man: Homecoming
fuck man. GOTG2 was ok, as in tolerabl,. but homecoming was pure garbage

Guess which movie I am describing: Thor 1 or Thor 3?
>Movie starts
>Display of Thor's battle prowess
>Family issues
>Thor loses his powers (sort of)
>Gets exiled on another planet
>Makes friends with a human
>We see his hot naked upper body
>Meanwhile, his green clothed black haired pale skinned slim sibling with a horned helmet is trying to rule Asgard
>Said sibling is commanding an army of faceless mindless minions
>Loki is being a complete backstabbing dick
>2/3rds of the movie is Thor on that other planet trying to return to Asgard and get his full powers back
>He has a fight with a giant powerful being on that planet which beats him almost unconscious, but he gets his powers back and beats the beast
>Saves Asgard in the end by sacrificing something he loves and cares for a lot
>A few references and tie-ins to the MCU here and there
>Gratuitous Stan Lee cameo

why are people thinking this movie has anything to do with 80s?

Go fuck yourself

Is the quips/minute ratio bigger than 2? This is relevant

I don't think so. Didn't count but it should be around 0.5.