Her favourite film isn't James Cameron's Titanic

>her favourite film isn't James Cameron's Titanic

I knew a girl who had paid to see it four times and watched it several times during our rather brief relationship
You would not be a Disgusted Pepe if you realized what it was actually like

She sounds based. What other Jim movies does she like?

>she doesn't close her eyes during the violent scenes in drive

>liking anything by James Cameron except for T1

>she doesn't exist


This is bait, but Cameron did T2.
Aliens is his best film.


Aliens ruined Alien by making the monsters into bugs and T2 is a kiddie flick. Next.

T2 was more brutal and violent than T1, user

unless you're talking about the sex scene in T1? you really think that's worse than a guy getting skewered through the mouth?

Aliens ripped off Chud and Them
Terminator ripped off Sudden Impact
Rambo 2 ripped off Missing In Action

Sorry, this is a fact


It's true. As a Cameron fan you should know this. And those films are just for starters I'm sure. Chud is an especially interesting similarity.

>she rewatches the violent scenes over and over

>kid protagonist
>Arnie shooting a minigun with no casualties
>"Hasta la vista"
Yeah, right.

Alien has atmosphere, Aliens has what? Quips?

Aliens has plenty of atmosphere. I'm convinced that haters have only seen the directors cut or saw it first and biased etc.

>hurr durr quips
It's the better film, user. Let it go.

No, it's not. Only normies like Aliens more than Alien.

Better than Alien trying to have quips and failing. HDS was reduced to a literal fucking clown.

>hurr durr normies
user, it's the better film.

>Alien trying to have quips
Confirmed for not actually watching the film

Would you care to post every single Harry Dean Stanton line right now? Yeah it's so fucking awful you wouldn't even know they're supposed to be quips.

Ridley fondled his bulbs and literally hid from actors. Fact.

>she wants to watch weinstein films

This isn't politics, repeating bullshit doesn't make it true
>it doesn't sound like quips
>but trust me, it's because they are bad quips, not because they are not meant to be quips
I'm getting the feeling you have to be a brainlet to enjoy Cameron's movies. That or the same kind of gay peacenik he is.

You don't have to trust me. Post his fucking lines.

Isn't HDS's quip "Right."?