4k UHD, is it a meme?

Is it worth upgrading to something capable of viewing 4k HDR?
Is it worth torrenting those huge 4k hdr x265 rips or full bds?
Is it worth buying 4k blurays?

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Sure if you have the money. Get a TV though, not a monitor if it's just for films.

Where do you even find 4k HDR torrents

A lot of films that have been released in "4K" are really just upscaled 2K.

We are reaching the point of diminishing returns when it comes to formats. Its probably worth getting as I doubt it will really progress any further after that.

The discs aren't 4x as large, so the picture will be more blurry on a per-pixel basis.

I didn't get my first HDTV until like 2009, before then only like 5 channels had HD.

Right now, we're comparable to about 2006 or so, UHD TVs are now like $300-500, but there's not many options as far as cable, true UHD blu-rays, true UHD torrent rips.

So for now I can think of better ways to improve my life than a new TV.

35mm is comparable to 8k quality, once cheap 8k projectors come out (10 years or so?) I'd say that's the peak, the next direction is likely VR shit

that's... not how it works...

Prove him wrong then. It's sounds logical to me

laserdiscs are almost 3x as large

Pixels were larger in the 90s.

I think digital is the future, bluray feels so outdated since its physical media.

I'm upgrading my setup from a low end 1080p 39 inch TV to a 1080p projector that I'll be pairing with an 80 inch screen. I decided not to go the 4K panel route because I still think the added cost on top of the fact that your screen size is much more limited makes it really not worth it at this stage. And seeing how long it took for blu-ray to become ubiquitous, I'm not counting on 4K with all of its requirements and weird licensing issues to take off with much speed, so I'm not expecting a ton of content anytime soon. The biggest issue for me is that if I were to get a 4K display I'd have to upgrade to accommodate games at that resolution, which is a huge added cost on top of the display itself.

for compressed:

for remux:

"HDR" is just a saturation bump

UHD doesn't deepen blacks.

Just about zero movies have been mastered in 4K, 99.99% are upscaled 1080p.

If you're happy with the size of your TV now, don't bother.

Bluray is digital. If you mean streaming then that will take over eventually but even now they are no where near the quality of a bluray. a 4K stream right now looks worse then a 1080p bluray.

Talk out your ass more please.

They are almost equal in the amount of real 4k movies.

>th-they're almost equal!

nigger you need to take a closer look at that list and put it into the context of how 99.99% of movies haven't been re-released in "4K.'

It's a meme unless you like nice text rendering if you are using it as a computer monitor like I am. The problem is the lack of good movies out on 4k + all the fake 4k movies Often you can't tell the difference, even with real 4k, or it has shitty production quality so it is grainy or bad contrast, etc.

haha dumb cunt. Look again. All on the left side have been shot in 4K and its Intermediate is 4K. Shit talking idiot.

A rule of thumb, in my opinion is always to wait till it's wide spead enough for the industry to have created satisfying products.

For example, the first DVD-players were shit, but after a couple of years DVD-players were removing all VHS-players and all the tech companies were creating very good DVD-players and very good TVs suited for that quality.

The same with bluray and HD-TVs

And the same is true about 4k - just wait. You don't need to spend your money on 4k TVs now. Just wait a couple of years.

>Is it worth upgrading to something capable of viewing 4k HDR?
>Is it worth torrenting those huge 4k hdr x265 rips or full bds?
>Is it worth buying 4k blurays?

Get a decent OLED screen if you want actual improvement in picture quality

I still only have DVD... I'm such a slowfuck.

thats why you get a 4k oled
pure blacks
makes everything 100x better

id still recommend not investing in a TV purchase for a while until they update HDMI into something that can handle high data stream, right now all high end TVs its pick or choose

The issue with streaming is things like:
1. You really don't own it
2. Broadband is still ass in a big percent of america with shit prices, no competition, companies adding shit like caps/overages because they want you to use their ondemand instead etc.