I found this film to be quite good, why did it get so much shit?

I found this film to be quite good, why did it get so much shit?
It can't be the historical inaccuracies, since most people don't care about that.

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The problem comes from the Theatrical cut which is nonsensical as hell, the leprosy subplot with Eva's son? Completely dropped, but they still keep her killing him.

Most agree the Director's Cut raises it from a 3 to an 8

>whites bad
>browns good

Would not watch again

the muslim apologism and white guilt nonsense is a bit heavy-handed

I guess I saw the directors cut on tv then

>did not watch the movie

should watch the first time

It's a good historical epic, regardless of it's accuracy. If Petrarca seen her there, he'd forget about Laura in an instant.

everyone was unlikeable, especially orlando bloom

It's a great movie aside from the blatant political agenda of Christian = Bad, Muslims = Good.

>it's a great movie except for the plot, story and themes

Did you meant characters lacked depth or that they weren't morally good?

i the extended cut much better than the theatrical release? I remember watching it at the cinema and it was complete shit

that isn't the plot at all, you easily triggered trumpcuck

Its a good film but I found the editing a bit jerky at times

the theatrical cut removes a lot

beyond that, historical inaccuracies and Orlando Bloom

the characters weren't interesting and you weren't interested in their fates

I mean Saladin and Baldwin were intriguing but ultimately I did not give a shit about Balian or Eva Green's character

It makes the film better, like Once Upon A Time In America.

Read the thread

You should say they lacked depth next time, since it's more accurate to what you meant and characters being "unlikeable" is easy to misunderstand.

God, Eva Green was a such qt in this




this movie has some sweet ass production design and cinematography.

He didn't say that was the plot, you easily triggered libcuck

I'll never get people not liking this, but then again I'd go for really anything set 700 B.C. to 1700 AD since it feels like that is the "dead zone" for anything not viking related. I really did like this movie enough that I wrote a paper about it in college for extra credit, where we could select a movie after clearing it with the professor. I found out later the professor just used the extra credit to hear about movies he had never seen.


Is there any other film like KoH that captures the spiritual and romantic atmosphere of the medieval era?

Have one on me my man

A Knight's Tale.

the movie goes out of its way to say that Saladin is the only competent commander and that the rest besides that one guy the MC meets in the desert is a fucking fundamentalist retard who rushes in counting on divine intervention to save them.


GOAT soundtrack


Even fully covered she's sexy as fuck

t. brainlet

the theme was blind fundamentalism and fanaticism are bad and shows this on both sides

>you easily triggered libcuck

It doens't get so much shit. That's why on plebeian-filled places like Sup Forums everyone asked Y DIS SO UNDERRADED?!?!?!?

Because it's mediocre and the only people that think it isn't are fucking retarded teenage plebeians like you.

>I found out later the professor just used the extra credit to hear about movies he had never seen.
What a guy.

That is just not true. Have you ever even seen this movie??

This. Drumpftards, Libtards and Atheists are so blind.

It just so happens that 98% of the time that fanaticism is shown solely by Christians though, right?

well i have, multiple times.

there is an entire scene dedicated to Saladin blowing the fuck out of his own generals when they whinge that he isn't trusting in Allah enough and he tells them to get fucked by explaining what supply lines and water are and why their important to an army marching in the fucking desert

in a movie set in Jerusalem focusing on the political intrigue of the city between the secular faction and the Knights Templar, not Syria

>tfw used to listen to Marlène Jobert (Eva Green's mom) children's audiobooks as a kid
>now I jerk off to her daughter

Is this what you call growing up?


Not to mention one of the final scenes where the movie makes Saladin pick up a fallen cross and put it on a table next to him just to show how open-minded he was.

And him sparing everyone in Jerusalem in direct contrast of the 1099 siege, even though historically he enslaved thousands that couldn't pay a ransom.

hey freedom ain't free

what's wrong with her hand?

it's called henna

that subtle thumb suck.


>I found this film to be quite good, why did it get so much shit?
It's a movie critical of the Crusades that was released at the height of the Iraq War.

A lot of the usual audience for medieval action movies (white right-wing men) considered it to be lefty political commentary, though it really wasn't.

How many kino braphogs does this feature film feature?