I want to fuck Hannah Baker

I want to fuck Hannah Baker

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Is 13 Reasons Why worth watching at all?

I dunno why Americans living in the more northern states pretend to be ashamed of the south. A cute girl with a southern accent is my ultimate goal in life, their voice is like fucking honey. Just not "OMG SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN, TWANGING GI-TAR MUSIC, COLD BEER AND CHEWING TUH-BACCA" dixie chick, and defintely not ghetto Atlanta either.

How does someone living in Australia achieve this?

Turns out she's a big fat fatty. I saw a webm recently of her fat wrists being slit and was surprised to see how fat she was given the fact that I sat through watching the catalog get spammed with 13RW threads for weeks at the start of the year.

I enjoyed it
As long you can accept the fact that high schoolers aren't rational you might too.

>Turns out she's a big fat fatty.
you spelled perfection wrong, easy mistake

Her pussy is like fine wine. The smell is some sort of a blue cheesey odor, and it tastes like orange peels. 9.5/10 would lick again. Margot Roth Spiegelman

Did she really have the best ass?

well, you're already white trash so you're halfway there my man. too bad you probably won't be able to afford a plane ticket with an ice addiction and welfare

she was actually fatter by the later episodes, probably caused by her depression. She starts as a cute and happy stacy and ends up a chubby, short haired, suicidal tumblerette, bravo netflix.

She's like a chubby Lana Rhoades.

Welcome to your tape OP

I have a mate that did fuck Katherine Langford

I've also been at the same parties as her, although we've never spoken

Go on...

Nothing really to tell, I didn't ask for details
She's just a normal golden triangle perth girl

Well Lana Rhoades sure could use some of her chubs right now cause her tits are turning into flat pancakes

I guess there's nothing else to say

Season will have a cold open where Tyler goes on a rampage. Calling it now

I want to rape her

I'd mess that scene up 100 times just to keep grabbing that


She's got fucking skill

sounds like a filthy whoore!!!

mkay.. we from FBI team are thinking that we should support you. we just forwarded your wish to her account and asked how she will react about.

She does sleep around a bit like most aussie girls

>tfw you're aussie but don't get girls like this

Where are you from mate?

She's from the rich area of Perth tbf. I only see her around because I went to high school with a lot of rich kids

Victoria, 30 mins from Melbourne but I go to uni in the city.

That "southern Bell" accent you hear on TV and shit is as rare as that typical English accent American women are obsessed with. Real southern women rarely sound like that

>typical English accent
what accent is that?

most English actors speak in their local accent. I can't think of many that use RP

If season 2 isn't a school shooting it'll because the writers have no balls

What uni?


I want to bake Hannah Fucker

Pretty good considering its a 2017 high school show. I enjoyed it because I am a foreigner, and I like the US high school environment-ecosystem