Is/was Dungeons and Dragons really that popular in America? I've never even heard of anyone who played it here...

Is/was Dungeons and Dragons really that popular in America? I've never even heard of anyone who played it here, but according to media every nerd in America has experience with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I saw some kids playing it once in elementary school.
>mfw bought a D&D rulebook in middle school but couldn't find any one to play with

it was popular is some circles but no it was a very unpopular at the time for the masses

In the early 80s it was fucking massive
Big enough to cause its own Satanic Panic
There's a scene at the start of ET showing Elliot's older brothers and friends playing it

To defeat the Trips Dragon you must conjure two sets of doubles in this thread, lets ye be banished to the realm of Brendan the Just and be damned to eternal alimony!
Who dares taketh the challenge?


>rolling a 17
haha pleb

I'm a thief bros I got this.


You attempt to slay the dragon with a formidable dubs spell but it fizzles, and the Trips Dragon knocks you over and slaps your girlfriend on her ass.

A critical hit which sends the dragon REEEEling backwards. Were this a measly DubsDragon perhaps it would've been enough, but the Trips Dragon turns back at you and asks "What did he mean by this?"

Another set of dubs is needed!


What I meant by this? I meant that you should CHECK these!

The dragon smugly laughs at you and asks why you didn't just use the eagles.



I use my waifu wand of degeneracy and cast Transformation Ellen Page

Congratulations on slaying the Trips Dragon, your reward is the return of normality for this thread and land.

>tfw bullying nerds

It was/is pretty popular. My nerdy ass roommates in college used to play all the time. I always thought i was so much cooler and less of a tool bag than them, spewing insults while I was playing wow

I've visited a con dedicated to tabletop RPGs, LARPs etc once a year for a decade, and everyone there pretty much found a group in middle school or high school naturally. Meanwhile, I never could find one. Sad shit, but at least I ain't a greasy hambeast like most of the guys there.

Literally me, although I had already stopped playing WoW by then. I am and will forever be the guy who mocks Star Wars despite secretly having encyclopedic knowledge of it.

> Have an urge to play
> Find a game
> First hour is spent making characters and rolling your climbing, disguise and pocket knife utilization skills
> Every character is still a human barbarian/elf archer/dwarf cleric
> First hour of the actual game is GM slowly setting up some really mundane situation about Goblins in mine or something
> The second hour is slowly rolling for traps in that mine, and two characters having shit banter every minute or so
> Three combat encounters in the whole session, one which is too short, one which is decent and a giant clusterfuck of twenty goblins and 45 minutes of rolling over fifteen turns of combat
> This is the end.... Or it is? Type of ending when amulet of macguffin has been found.
> You gain 1/3 of a level at the end

I play "Rare Pepe" in attack mode and attack the dragons life points directly!

Your rare pepe is shit and the dragon is already dead. By the time you come to your senses and look around all you see is desolation. Everything the dragon touched had been burned to ask, and you could not even claim the glory of vanquishing the beast.
You clench your fists tightly and a tear rolls down your cheek, from behind you hear someone mutter
>check em

>that one guy who brought fake yu gi oh cards to school and would cry if people didn't want to play against him

Were you that guy, user?

Fuck no.
I had three Relinquisheds in my deck, though

It was in the start of E.T.
it had a cartoon
the satanic panic targeted it (I'm surprised this hasn't been referenced in the series - someone in season 1 saying Will went missing because of the game would not have been out of place)

I play the field card "Twitch Marathon" which lets me play two more ads.
Also, it's pretty weird how I never realised how fun Kaiba actually was. His whole attitude is just great.

He was an inspiration to us all

Find a flaw.

>i wike swanger tings heh heh heh

Curse Yee ha me ha!

It's becoming a thing in Australia. A lot of my mates are now into it and I'm a bit of a normie

Jordi is king

Guys I found a leaked video of the new monster from the upsidown

This is some skilled person's Halloween doll, right?

>bought a D&D rulebook in middle school but couldn't find any one to play with
This. Even these so called nerds and losers had friends.

How does something like that happen, though? And how is she ostensibly so chill? Most people are going crazy with pain with a little bit of gangrene even if they're on a ton of morphine.

Videogames didnt exist back then

It was popular with sweaty, overweight loser virgins.

Tabletop rping is still pretty popular, when I was in highschool a friend of mine wrote up his own game based off of Final Fantasy and we'd play it every week. We stopped a few years ago but I knew a few other groups in college, too.

Step aside ye cunts, ye!


fucking nerds

Playing D&D was some of the most fun I ever had in my long storied life. The guys I played with are all still my closest friends even though now we're all successful accomplished people in our individual fields spread around the world. Truly it is the entertainment choice of patricians. I cannot even call it a "game" because no mere game can inspire the kind of intellectual and creative growth it does in youth.

how old are you

Probably old enough to be the father of some of the other posters on this board.

its gotten really popular over the past few years. mostly because girls started playing it and ruined everything

I got invited to play it and didn't enjoy it at all. Building a character was fun, but I felt really pressured to go along with what the DM wanted, rather than have fun with it. Then you sit there for 4 hours while everyone gets drunk and makes terrible jokes and plays terribly and spouts rick and morty quotes. Fuck it, I love video games but I hate D&D

I don't need to imagine what a disaster having a girl in a DND session would be. It's one of the great true male bonding experiences (NO homo, full stop, marxists HATE this). Injecting a female into the mix completely destroys the free expression of the males and gets all the wrong hormones flowing, replacing masculine growth with awkwardness, sexual anxiety, petty jealousy, and pedestaling.