What did they mean by this

What did they mean by this

What is this facial expression attempting to convey?


They meant
>Believe this, goy. It'll make your replacement so much easier to stomach.

the irony

serious talk, from what I knew there weren't that many black in england before the mass migration pre and especially post ww2. I'd like to do some research just to check if the webm is even vaguely right or is just leftie wanking

The moment where the show died.
Doctor Ho finishes it off

In 100 years white people as you know them will no longer exist and all first world countries will be brown. People will be kept in check by the fear instilled in them over how white people made their lives miserable and raped the world, and they will look to their jewish masters for safety and protection. The children are being prepared for that future

according to population statistics 100% of black Victorian London happened to be on that street on that day

I don't think slaves were allowed in the UK, and I doubt there were enough wealthy blacks to create a significant population.

That older societies were indeed very inclusive and blacks have literally no historically based excuse for their situation
Minorities BTFO

>regency era
Pick one

not sure if you are shitposting, but imperial britain was one of the most racist societies ever
now the roman empire was an odd case, but they were racist towards everyone but who was born in Rome

You are a dense fuck, arent you?

Did your mother spend a lot of time near the microwave during pregnancy?

probably, yours surely did if she shat such an angsty person tho

this, im taking my children out of schools and join an enclave in montana

Yes I am sure every single capital in western Europe was 30% to majority non-European back in the day. It makes sense.

Do they actually believe this?

No they weren't

The moment you brought a slave into England they instantly became free men and could do what they want, there's a famous property case on it.

AM I RIGHT, Sup Forums?

they need to

No, but they feel it's important that the upcoming generations do

can we please stop shitposting about black people ? my dad is one

This is your average Roman family according to the BBC.

that filename though


It could've happened you know. Romans weren't racists.

>King Henry VI and Queen Margaret as depicted by UK state television

Shouldnt you be a citizen to be a legionary?
Did Africa regions even get Roman citizenship status?

Neither were the Celts.

>The Roman Empire was racially inclusive featuring negros in positions of military authority
>The Roman Empire was an imperialistic and colonialist force that conquered, enslaved and subjugated peoples from Europe to Africa to Asia

Looks like it's time for blacks to pay the White Man his reparations!

Rome never conquered Sub Saharan Africa. There may have been a few black skinned recruited into the Auxilia but they wouldn't have sent them to Briton.

They're just preparing for the future

In the next 30 years, the world's population will increase by two billion - and over one billion of those new people will be black


I can't wait to be a minority in my own country so I can collect welfare, complain about niggers and commit crimes without repercussions.


They meant history is literally a white wash. God's chosen people were negros.

Can Sup Forums get the fuck off this board?

>tfw knife and acid attacks on the increase mostly in London which has a huge immigrant population and is barely 50% white now.

>Rome never conquered Sub Saharan Africa
They conquered Nubia, which was black
South Libya might have been too before the Arab conquest

But yeah, they employed auxiliaries and mercenaries from everywhere, wouldnt be unlikely to end up in the other side of the world, but not as centurion for sure

Bad news friend

South Africa is now 92% black and blacks still have minority rights and quotas

>nigger aren't violent thu-

The lie being "White people stole your presence in history", used to rationalize a second lie "so it's okay for us to steal theirs".

This is where white people should, rightly, pull out of contributing to a society that is attempting to erase them and start destroying it and those who attack them.

This is now a racists getting btfo thread

Oh no.

>Sup Forums pussies meet real life
Better stay in mommy's basement lol, she's gonna bring your tendies soon

I generally don't care about all this shit but I can't fucking understand why feminists and left wing are praising muslim women and in particular heardscarfed women. There are still a few countries where muslim women are somewhat free of not wearing that shit, so if anything those are the ones that should be used as an example. Women in islam are not very well placed and especially so in those countries where the headscarf is practically mandatory


>Video of niggers accosting a white man for fun
>"Racists BTFO"

>white "power"


fuck the UK

Diarists of the time commented on the large numbers of dark skinned people at London frost fares. London was a busy port and there would've been people from all over the world there. Also, due to the UK Abolition of Slave Trade Act in 1807, loads of slave traders simply dumped their 'cargo' in London.

So no, it's not just leftie wanking.

>cries like a baby at the slightest sign of resistance
What did white "people" mean by this?

> be French Princess
> marry some English loser because politics
> six centuries later the English make a tv show and make you black
I don't even know if this is just diversity quotas or an intricate way piss on the French once more.

Seems we've triggered the nigger lover.

>stands like a mongoloid while sporting the fucking swastika near negros
he deserved it desu

is this guy literally walking around with a swastika armband on the street all by himself

>an intricate way piss on the French once more.
>piss on the French

Whatever, nerds
>captcha: FRANCIA


>Sup Forums wants to make america great again
>old america btfo nazi germany
>hence they identify with the black dude in this webm

we don't identify with nazi larpers or violent criminals

Please dont use digital whiteface, thank you

white countries have always been populated with blacks and children must be taught this white countries have always been populated with blacks and children must be taught this white countries have always been populated with blacks and children must be taught this

You could enlist as an auxiliary without citizenship.
Also he could be the son of a former auxiliary who did his twenty years of service and got citizenship. Or maybe the son of some African noble who was pro-Roman and his kid educated in Rome so he ended up getting citizenship.
And finally if it's past 212 AD then he could be a citizen since Caracalla just decreed every freeman living in the empire has citizenship now.

There's like a load of reasons how a black African could end up a Roman citizen.

Now that is just retarded.

The state of the United caphilate of great Britain

Considering how much the Anglos hate the French, would you put it past them to cast a niggress as Margaret of Anjou just to piss the French off?

Shouldn't it be Emirate or Sultanate?
A caliph is of a higher station than a king and more comparable to an emperor or the pope in Christian terminology.

So the proper term would be the United Emirats of Great Britain.

french speaking countries don't have black people problems, it's strictly an american (/english?) culture problem

*breathes in*


WTF? This shit is real.


im gonna kill myself

do it on cam

I’m hoping for the WW 2 biopic where Churchill, FDR and even Stalin are all black.

>looking up some "black and white" pictures from WW2
>there are only white people in most of them
racism at its finest

>hates blacks because they're violent thugs
>let's prove him wrong by being violent thugs

racist cracker drumpftards btfo

You know none of this bullshit started happening until they started trying to appeal to the American audience. It's the same story with Torchwood, everything gets shit when the Burgers get involved. Day of the grill when?

>french speaking countries don't have black people problems

doesn't amelie have a really problematic scene where a bunch of niggers ominously follow/chase her in the metro lmao

>tfw you trynna finess a new weave from Ling

does it matter to you that it is true?


>literally naming your network BBC
>expecting them to not worship the BBC

From the BBC teach youtube channel, for children basically.


The historical Jesus was definitely not a blonde haired blue eyed European, but using the phrase "blacker" is probably not the best way to describe him though.

historical jesus didn't exist

From genetic studies, ancient Semites would have looked most like modern Ethiopian Amharan people. That is, dark skinned but with come Caucasian features.

>"People of color were oppressed by the white evil patriarchy in the past and systematic racism and were kept as much as possible outside of white society"
>"People of color in the past got along just fine with white color and were fully integrated into white society"

Can any leftists here please tell me why the fuck you are such inconsistent cunts?

>we are replacing you