Is Leo /ourguy/?

Is Leo /ourguy/?

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I don't get it.


he made a silly face
i think that's the full extent of the thread

She was clearly trying to rub her cooch on his elbow. Fucking whore

>oh shit I just sexually assaulted Gaga

This bitch has sucked copious amounts of dicks to get the awards and fame she has because there's never been a bigger discrepancy between talent and achievement.

She's actually a classically trained piano player and she has a beautiful voice

Yes but she is a woman

>that black guy in the back doing a double-take at that azz.

I bet the sucked the piano teachers dick too. All that semen must have ruined her "beautiful voice" though because they autotune the fuck outta her in everything ive ever heard.

That's the full extent of what a Sup Forums poster would "do" in any situation, so yeah, he's indeed /ourguy/

>there's never been a bigger discrepancy between talent and achievement.


wtf I love lady gaga now

leonardo retardooooooooo


OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH PUT A RING ON IT OH OH OH OH HO OH OH OH OH is beautiful and definitely grammy worthy.

hey.... fuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu

hahahaha KEK thanks for making me notice that user

LOL, that's what she says, what does she does pop crap then. And she's dated her producer before dumping him when he made her famous. That's how it works

This, also

>the ugliest one in Destiny's Child is the most successful one
something is not quite right

Someone post the webm of her ass in that tv show she was in

What ass?

he's probably skeeved out by her, since hes used to supermodels tonguing his balls

I like seeing Lady Gaga topless.

>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.”

>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.

>“Leo knows women are mesmerized by his stardom, so he obviously doesn’t care at all whether they’re satisfied or not,” says another insider. “He can sleep with almost any woman he wants without even trying, so it’s no surprise he doesn’t try in bed either.”

lol dumb roastie, what did she expect? for leo to fuck her gently while staring into her eyes and telling her how much he loves her?

literally our guy

the most redpilled guy in hollywood, i bet he had a vasectomy too with his sperms being frozen somewhere

When was she ever topless??

>what was in this for her

She wanted to fuck him and she did. Jesus Christ,what is in it for her? It's like wanting to fuck Emily Ratajkowski and getting mad because she wouldn't blow you. Know your fucking place in the world.

>was left wondering what was in this for her

We men think that all the time you stupid bunch of sluts--In marriage, sex, and life. But I'm glad to know that some woman finally gets a taste on what us men have to go through all the time, every time.

nigga what

nothing more hysterical than a woman not getting her expected orgasms

He felt her penis on his arm.

CDaN keeps saying he's gay. And that Lukas Haas is his boyfriend.
Keeps straight appearances by getting young models to beard for him, calls in the paps to get a few shots on yachts or beaches. Repeat.
Google 'Leonardo + Lukas Haas' .. very couple like.

Could you blame him? Look at that cute face!

She kind of looks hot with a normal appearance.

she was doing yoga naked with that Abramovich chick

Hehe thanks for that.

When people come forward and talk about sexual harassment 99% of the time this is the kind of bullshit they're talking about, innocent human interactions taken the wrong way.

>Lady Gaga topless
what a roastie

Nice kiss.

she cant act worth a goddamn though
AHS hotel was fucking terrible anyway but she sucked whatever was life left out of it. Shes a Good musician but her beating Dunst in fargo for that award was a joke


>She's a Good musician
i am going to murder this fucking meme
just because this tepid pop star piece of frozen dogshit has some legitimate training doesn't make her a good musician

>when someone over 20 tries to rub her flabs on your shoulder

Leo's alpha as fuck, so no.

I want to fug Lady Gaga.

she now has all the money from "pretending" to be whatever makes the brainless empty their wallets
will we ever see "real" compositions from this classically trained piano player?
fuck no because its not true

>embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT

"Leo" is the living example of an actor carried by their looks. His entire fame was built on being a good looking lead in a popular movie. His acting has never been anything of note and the fact that he is probably living the life that every man wants while never needing to work hard for it means that the only conceivable way he would ever be "your guy" is if you're a retarded woman

what's in it for her?

See women don't have sex to have sex, they always want something else.
What she thought leo was gonna fall in love and marry the bitch, so that 7 years later she can take him for half and then some?

bitch is so fake

She looks hot as fuck there.

this guy knows what's up

>women don't have sex to have sex

not wanting to work hard for the stuff leo gets is pretty admiarable desu.
everyone wants that life on easy mode roll.

>caring about acting

the only reason to watch was to see all the gratuitous ass shots

>everyone wants that life on easy mode roll.

yes, but raising those people on a pedestal as your heroes doesnt make you look intelligent. there is nothing "alpha" about what he does, all of it is attributed to the stupidity of the people around him, not to him being genuinely special in any way or form. admire some actually good actor instead

not really, no, she looks average as fuck.



this should be written on every roastie tombstone

so humanity doesnt forget

where can i see her play some prokofiev or bartok piano recitals?

women love ONS

Pretty Gaga is all right as far as main stream music goes

She has such a goofy looking face.

>right wingers still mad about based Gaga

I wanna MOUTHFUCK Lady Gaga!

This. Lady Gaga is a talented and lovely woman with a bleeding heart.

>"control yourself, take only what you need from it"

holy shit wiig, do some fucking bodyweight exorcises or something. she looks like a skinsack full of cottage cheese.

Maybe, but Ed Norton will always be /ourguy/

at least this slags 15 minutes are over

But she's ugly af tho.

Two words Spirit Cooking.

He's turning into Jack Nicholson.

>Receptionist: “How do you write women so well?”
>Nicholson: “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.”

What's next for Gaga's career?

She went topless on her netflix documentary

>there's never been a bigger discrepancy between talent and achievement.
You're right. She deserved to win that Oscar over Sam Smith and her superbowl deserved to win that Emmy for special category

Ignorant fucks. Watch her Oscars Sound of Music performance, listen to her jazz album with Tony Bennett, her live national anthem at the superbowl last year and her actual halftime show earlier this year. She also sang well with Metallica at the Grammys.

Hate her pop music but to deny her musicianship, her versatility in different genres and live performances just makes you an ignorant hater

Lady Gaga is one of the few actually talented pop stars out there without relying purely on sex appeal to sell

I got a ton of gaga titty pics, what rock have you been living under?


What does this mean?



the fuck is going on there?

Jesus. My opinion of her just took a nosedive after seeing that ugly tramp stamp and her other stupid tattoo.

Why does she bleach her eyebrows like that sometimes?
It's so ugly.

>t. salty roastie

Is this really gaga?



Babyface nigga in his 50's lmao

How about I give you a sample off my new album?

Haha. Alright.
You know you a bitch ass nigga tho?
Uh. Yeah.
Now this is how we do shit here.

A nigga nigga, a bitch ass nigga.
Talk shit nigga you think you a trick nigga?
You punk nigga, you dank flat nigga.
I'll suck ya dick nigga I ain't bout to trip nigga.

I met a nigga, a short young nigga.
Talk is cheap so I had to set the fleek nigga.
I walk around, see a lock tight nigga.
Mounting putty bitch keep that shit all night nigga.


Young nigga chillin all up in my crib nigga.
A fat spliff and a choice ass roach bitch.
We set scrilla Ray Ban gives me vanilla.
I tell him fly nigga we ain't bout to give it nigga.


Fun lads in the hood with the pine box
Tan dads screwin chode with my pay less
Don’t stop til I get it to a hip hop
I flip flop bitch choke on my flop wop

(Chorus x2)

Wow sure is Facebook/YouTube comments section in here

Wow sure is reddit in here

What am I looking at

sexual harassment

>It was like gay Spinal Tap
I love Bill Burr

she's awful and she's fat and ugly af bro