The general concept of eugenics is seen as bad right...

The general concept of eugenics is seen as bad right? The idea that only the smartest/prettiest/strongest should reproduce and forced sterilization if you can't pass a test?

This current trend in Hollywood to accuse every plain looking male of being a sexual predator will spread throughout the country.

Every male that isnt a 9/10 will be deathly afraid to even glance at any woman that isn't their own mother. The population will decrease greately.

What makes this any different?

Eugenics should only be applied to men. The majority of them are scum.

This would leave girls like me to only have to choose the very best and virile men to let make babies with me. Girls already own love, so this is the next logical step.

No one was worried about sex harass when the sideshow girls were getting messed up.


>assuming people are perfectly self aware


The problem is these are subjective concepts.


Said the ugly person.

Believe me I know I'm none of these things. I personally don't deserve to reproduce as any offspring wouldn't do well with my genes. I've already accepeted it.

I'm perfectly fine with dying, the issue is the definitions of all concepts that eugenics could be built around have shifted and changed drastically over the last century.

not really

In my experience eugenics has proved to be a betterment for humanity.

OP what the fresh hell are you even talking about my man, go breathe some fresh air jesus christ

that isnt the definition of eugenics retard

Call me an eugenator but shitposters should be decapitated in the city square

Eugenics got rid of tey-sachs from the jewish community.
If you're against eugenics, you're anti-jew.


most people don't have a problem with eugenics (even if they think they do, ask them if they'd be willing to bring a down syndrome fetus to term) they have a problem with state-mandated policies especially those reminiscent of nazism like anything smacking with intonations of racial inferiority.

This really does boil down to women getting tired of guys trying to talk to them unless they're amazingly attractive. Throwing around the word "creeper" and "harrasment" until all plain/ugly men die alone.

you don't get to claim to have no problem with eugenics but then at the same time claim there aren't inferior and superior races
nothing wrong with this


>nothing wrong with this
I think the irony is many of these women aren't that attractive themselves, but it is only men who are expected to be at least a 9/10 whereas men don't in general do this.

Of course the 10/10 Chads and Staceys can pick who they like, that's just how it is. The irony is when 4 or 5 out of 10 women act like they only want to be with 10/10 Chads and totally dismiss 4 or 5 out of 10 men. Which only leads to single and alone men and women.

>this thread

>you don't get to claim to have no problem with eugenics then at the same time claim there aren't inferior and superior races
yeah you can. eliminating genetic disease is an application of eugenics that posits no ethnic inferiority or superiority.

I think people would be pleasantly surprised at what they could pull with the right mindset. You really shouldn‘t be so jaded, because if you grow a bitter fucked up personality you will NEVER have a chance. You need to be happier.

>need to be happier
True but easier said than done, I've found Jordan Peterson has some positive ways of overcoming crippling negativity. He does get into Christianity a lot though but to be honest a lot of the points he makes are valid ones.

Eugenics isn't bad, brainlet

>right wingers want to bring back eugenics
>but also want to ban abortion

depends on what race

>just learn to love the cocks in your ass, it helps so much!

Replace race with IQ test
Obviously it will conform to race but will be a more valid indicator of stock you want to eliminate

in my view america is the only one affected by this dumb shit go to another country if you want to breed with a hot female who will actually love you

>"hurr all these alt-right trolls advocating for eugenics would like, totally be the ones that ended up being rejected by the system lmaooo!"
>not realizing that's exactly the plan

if your not willing to sacrifice yourself for a better world you better not sacrifice others

This. I went to Europe and insanely hot chicks were very friendly to me, despite me being a goblin. Maybe they didn‘t necessarily want to fuck, but at least they looked at me like a human being.