Pick one and only one

Pick one and only one.

thats not how this works user




>pick rat
>use rat of pictures of other talismans/animals

Horse for sure.

I've been sick for months.

get well soon buddy

Dog, I wanna see what comes next after we fuck this up

Can you remind me what they all do.

Thanks, I'm trying.

This. I want to experience the heat death of the universe

The one that lets me turn into a girl


Always go 4 Immortality.

from left to right, row by row

astral projection
fire blasts
bringing shit to life
shapeshifting (you AND others)
laser eyes
split into two twins

Rat: Power and ability of Animation.

Tiger: Power and ability of Balance

Rabbit: Power and ability of Super Speed.

Dragon: Power and ability of Combustion.

Snake: Power and ability of Invisibility.

Horse: Power and ability of Healing/Renewal.

Sheep: Power and ability of Astral Projection

Monkey: Power and ability of Shape-shifting.

Rooster: Power and ability of Levitation.

Dog: Power and ability of Immortality.

Pig: Power and ability of Heat Vision.

Do I get the penis of the creature the talisman represents, or just some powers?

do we all agree that tiger is the worst one?

Rat, I want to be a cartoonist


Split into twins with tiger, and my doppelganger would get shape shifting :)
I'm not sure if that works in the show, but I'm not using more than one talisman myself

Pig makes no damn sense, but yeah, get horse, dog or rooster and falling down becomes meaningless.

My immediate thought is dragon since fire rules.
Probably will regret that choice and wish I had gone with either the horse or the dog once I end up being shot by a barrage of bullets after I go on a rampage through downtown New York. In my defense, if that pimp had simply given me the cocaine I wouldn't have had to set him aflame.

I don't know senpai it's all about imagination just look at

But I don't want rabbit balls, theirs are above the Johnson, that's just wrong.

That's what makes them more aerodynamic to run fast silly

But I won't be a rabbit.

Why must being a speedster be suffering...

Because being faster than light means living in constant darkness

You must learn to embrace pain and use it as fuel for your journey.

This assuming it can fix genetic diseases

It makes a pretty recruiting tool.

Remember when they used it on Spring Heeled Jack and his Yin side helped them figure out how to defeat him?

You give it to your enemy and half of them might become your ally. That's great for information gathering and shoring up your forces.

I'd go for astral projection if it's limitless, Like teleporting my astral form and being able to move things. If it's just being a ghost that can observe, then I'd go for speed and be a speedster. Unless I can bs shape shifting into the other powers.

I'd choose Monkey if it could also do humans.

If not, sheep. Astral Projection would be fun, especially if I can enter other people's drams.

Was it really necessary to say Power and ability every time?

God giving this to Trump would be I kinda crazy to see

All in or you're not in

no, laser vision would be the worst one since modern weapons have been developed.
with tiger you could just be two people with guns, instead of a person who can shoot eye lasers.

so if you take rat and then use it on a drawing you made of a bottle titled "all the super powers I will ever want or need with no weaknesses" and then drank the contents of the bottle.

would you gain all the super powers you could ever want or need with no weaknesses?

Monkey shapeshifting was mostly limited to just turning into different animals. As far as I can tell it's never turned a human into another human.

Sheep Astral Projection gives floating, intangibility and invisibility all in one. But you can't interact with the physical world and can only observe. You can enter dreams but you get kicked out when they wake up. If the body you enter is also missing its astral self, then you can actually possess them.

what does power of animation mean?

Two people with guns who are diametrically opposed and will not necessarily work together

It brings life to the inanimate. I don't think it creates potions.

Now if you were to bring to life an action figure of Doctor Doom or Diablo, they could probably use their powers to create a potion that would give you powers. Or enslave you and take over the world

I used to chose monkey as a bid to get them all, just outwait the other talisman holders who didn't plan ahead and aren't immortal.
"oh, and one moah thing"

nowdays I choose the twings one

Giving life to inanimate objects.

Brings inanimate objects to life
Example would be if you had a Superman toy and brought it to life, it would have all the powers of Superman

just draw an idiot with all the powers, including the ability to give you all of their powers. Make them real and convince them to give you their power.

Motion to the motionless.

Now that could work

welp I dunno what the source of all this is but I'm year of the rat and nothing wrong with that.

Uhhh what exactly was astral projection in the show?


I can turn into a cute japanese girl and then life's on easymode. I can also get railed by chads.

Dog. But if I still age into decrepitude then I'll take rooster instead cause I've always wanted to fly.

Only transforms you into animals.

Regular astral projection? Activating it immediately pushes your spirit out of your body, so it looks like you're sleeping but you're able to wander around like a ghost, go into people's dreams, see spirits, travel to ethereal realms, etc. Makes you vulnerable to demonic possession though.

I'll take rat, then animate an army of statues to collect the rest.

>Two people with guns who are diametrically opposed and will not necessarily work together
But if buddy cop movies have taught me anything it's that total opposites make the best teams. In fact that's what ended up happening with Jackie in that very episode. He was his own Chris Tucker in Rush Hour: the animated series.

people are animals.

And you can only change into one version of each animal. You are already the only human version you can be.

On second thought, just make a genie. Preferably the one from Aladin, so that you know there's no tricks (from the genie).
fair enough


I don't give a shit about horse, I'll fucking think myself to death before I die. Yeah if I could choose two, then dog horse, but the problem with horse is you can't heal yourself when you're dead.

Now the real question is could you rat a dead body, and would that animation be the person or a new creature from the dead body.

Immortality without Healing sucks in the long run though; it wouldn't keep you from aging, getting sick, or injured, you just wouldn't die from it.

When they brought the statue of the immortal who sealed away Shendu to life, he had all of Lo Pei's memories.
Same with when they brought the statue of Quetzalcoatl to life.

They have all of the same memories and they think they're the real thing. So who's to say they aren't?

I'm not trying to get philosophical here, I didn't know if you were making golem or a person

Could I embed rat in me and if I ever become an inanimate object and then reanimate but with the lack of more physical elements where dog fails?

Now that I think about it a crossover with this and Xiaolin Showdown would have been pretty fun.

Once Jackie was turned into a puppet and so they gave him the Rat Talisman so that he could move around and talk

>Pig makes no damn sense

In Soviet Russia, bacon cooks you.


Am I able to manipulate technology while astral projecting, and therefore able to read comics?
And if I just astral project instead of sleep do I wake up well rested?


You literally can't touch anything physical at all, and I don't know about that last part

Rat, and not just because it's my sign, imagine bringing a Superman plush to life and it being able to fly and have super strength, or bringing a Flash toy to life and then Professor Zoom shows up to remove the talisman from him

By surviving you are preventing true heat death from occurring.

Why would anyone pick anything besides Rat or Dog?

Sheep talisman

It's the weakest on the cartoon, but real life applications would be strong as fuck

> Can Spy undetected everywhere. Giving you a great source of income.
> Can subtly change people opinions and action, and discover secrets, by entering their dreams
> Can posses people

You would have the world on your hands...runner up would be Dog/Horse for quality of life

Monkey. Never not shapeshift.
pic semi related

I think we can all agree the tiger was the shittiest power. They tried to shoehorn in the "balance" aspect with having people split into two or have one half locate the other if they just so happened to be split apart, but really it can't compete with lazer beams or invisibility or freaking immortality.

The sheep talisman would be the wet dream of any intelligence agency.

I would go for ox

Rabbit. Because I'm nervous as hell and like to do boring things fast.

Same, I've always thought the same thing

can someone list the powers?

If I remember correctly, you still need to sleep, in one episode Jade is messing with the talisman during night time and when she gets back to her body in the morning she is tired as fuck and jjst wanted to sleep


And the other part part is just an angry douche or just plain evil, so no thanks

I'm year of the rat. Build up an army of golems and become the ratking.

I'd become a sculptor and have statues in my garden to protect me, then tattoo myself with animals and other monsters for when I'm wandering.

How would tattoos help?

>choose sheep
>sleep outside of white house
>control the government by inceptioning government officials

I also have a question
If the talismans are essentially just the powers of Shendu, why would he need transformation powers if he's a giant dragon? What could he possibly transform into that's better than a giant dragon?

Could I use Horse to become semi-immortal? Not invulnerable, like the Dog talisman, but still eternally youthful.

Rat in a nanosecond.

He can transform other people and things into animals

Someone tries to overthrow him? Turn them into a rat
Plus if he ever wants to go underwater or something, being a shark would help

Sometimes he needs to be small



Shooting fire and eye lasers really don't have that much going for them.

The entities brought to life by the animation Talisman retain their personalities and memories(if applicable) of the thing they are supposed to represent. You have no control over what you animate and your "waifu" could still reject you.

Anyone who doesn't use Rat to make their Waifu come to life or animate photos of dead relatives or whatever is a filthy casual. Rat power is god-like, damn it.

I thought you could animate drawings too?

making your waifu come to life doesn't guarantee that she will love you
bringing back dead relatives isn't the best because they might get angry or depressed depending on their afterlife

>heat beam eyes is high tier
>shapeshifting and animation are mid tier
You could solve the world's hunger crisis with the shapeshifting power.
Just farm rats and then turn them into other live stock

What's the point of the Tiger Talisman. It doesn't make you impossible to knock down, the show made that clear, so what does it do and why would you want to do that?

I don't think photos would work. That's a two-dimensional image.

The rat brings statues and toys to life but they remain the size they originally were.

Hell I think they stay the same material. ie Turbo Troll was still made of plastic, Super Moose was full of cotton, Jackie was a wooden puppet.

Heat-Beams is Pig. It and the Dragon Talisman(Fire projection) don't have much application.