Secret Empire Full Reveal Interview with Alonso and Brevoort

>After the events of "Civil War 2," the Marvel Universe's biggest and brightest superheroes are reeling at best. Things are about to get a lot worse.

>Bruce Banner (Incredible Hulk) and James Rhodes (War Machine) are lost and the incomparable Tony Stark is in some kind of coma, passing off the mantle of Iron Man to Riri Williams. All while superheroes like Captain Marvel will have to deal with the repercussions of their actions in the series, which rolled out late last year.

>It's kind of a mess and that's where Captain America steps in. Everything changed last May for the formerly squeaky clean icon when it was revealed he was actually a Hydra agent, the nefarious underworld organization he had been fighting against for the last 70 years.

>With this Earth-shattering news still fresh in the beleaguered minds of die-hard Cap fans, the question is where do they go from here? Enter Marvel's new series "Secret Empire," where everything is about to change, not just for Captain America, but for absolutely every hero in the Marvel Universe.

>ABC News exclusively spoke with Marvel's Senior Vice President Tom Brevoort and Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso about the recent past, the present and the future of Marvel Comics.


>After Steve Rogers had his super soldier serum neutralized a few years back, he could no longer be Captain America. Sam Wilson, the Falcon and Steve's best friend, stepped in until a character named Kobik, a living cosmic cube, used its powers to bring him back, with one unknown caveat.

>"Unbeknownst to anybody but the readers, when Kobik did this thing to Cap, she had been influenced by the Red Skull [his archenemy dating back to WWII]," Brevoort explained to ABC News. "She didn't just restore Steve, but changed his history, so that he had been a Hydra operative and true believer going back to his earliest days as a young man in the 1920's and 1930's."

Other urls found in this thread:

>When that was revealed in "Captain America: Steve Rogers #1," everyone lost their minds. Even the actor Chris Evans, who plays Cap in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, tweeted his confusion and frustration. "Hydra?!?!? #sayitaintso," he wrote.

>"It's a pretty juicy turn of events," Brevoort said. "This character, who is the most respected, the moral compass of the Marvel Universe ... is secretly a viper in the nest?!"

>Fast forward to a post "Civil War 2" universe and, while the readers know, those in the Marvel Universe are blissfully unaware of Cap's true motives and ties. But, that's all about to change.

>"Every time there's a scene with Steve Rogers, it takes on two levels of meaning," Brevoort added. "There's the surface of whatever's going on, whatever bad guy Cap and Spider-Man are punching and there's this secondary level, like what's he really doing? 'OMG, Spidey, be careful, that guy's actually a bad guy!'"

>This highly-anticipated series, written by Nick Spencer, will be the culmination and unresolved turn of events from that shocking story, Brevoort explains. But like all Marvel books, there's no guarantee it will be wrapped up in any "neat, tidy bow" for the readers after its 9-issue run.

>"Steve has been kind of lining his dominoes up around the Marvel Universe to be able to make his move and bring about a Hydra revolution, a takeover," Brevoort said. "At the point of 'Secret Empire,' they are ready to go. That's the moment we hit as we go in."

>Cap will be unmasked as a Hydra agent pretty early on.

>"His plans and Hydra's plans will have begun to unfurl," Brevoort continued. "We are done with the covert portion, the buildup portion of the program, 'Secret Empire' if the pyrotechnics, the big Michael Bay blockbuster, huge colossal struggles and battles across the Marvel Universe, with all of our key characters and players taking on a big role."

>>Secret Empire

>In issue #0 (April), it's effectively, as Brevoort puts it, "the worst day of the Marvel Universe."

"Where not one, not two, but three separate events break out all at once. Cap, as head of S.H.I.E.L.D., is able to mobilize forces to all three of those situations. And those three situations represent Hydra's first move. It comes off the blocks explosively right from the get-go," he added.

>By issue #1 (May), the Marvel world knows who Rogers really is.

>"If you are going into this story not knowing how it's going to go, yeah you should have some misgiving about [a happy ending], because it's a really ridiculously awful situation he is in," Brevoort said. "It might not all be fine."

>All the characters close to Cap will be touched by this, but the Marvel masterminds stress that "everyone" will be affected by this.

>"We'll definitely see an impact on our new, younger generation of heroes, a huge turn for them, a Watergate moment for them," Brevoort said.

>"They will have to grapple with what this means and reset their heroism," he added. "You don't want it to be bleak and miserable, you always want to have hope and be uplifting, and that's the aspect of this story where the other characters in the Marvel Universe have to kind of come together for."

>Alonso said, while Cap is the nucleus of this story, "this story is going to be told through the perspective of multiple characters, who are dealing with the threat this poses."

>"Some roles and characters will come to the foreground at different moments in the story and play a big role in saving the day," the Editor-in-Chief added.

>>The Future of The Marvel Universe

>What the team at Marvel wants out of this conflict is a newly united universe once again, something fans haven't seen in quite some time.

>"We've just come off of 'Civil War 2' and 'Inhumans vs. X-Men,' two big, dark events that had heroes fighting against heroes, over somewhat defensible positions. This is very much more an old school story. You will know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. This is not heroes fighting heroes, this is heroes fighting a bad guy," Alonso said.

>He continued, "We saw this moment as our chance to rally the entire Marvel Universe, which has been fragmented of late."

">We saw this as the rallying cry, where we could have everyone -- Avengers, Guardians, Defenders, X-Men, Spider-Man, Deadpool -- all rally against this thing and unify the universe into the future," Alonso said.

>As with all their big storylines, "Secret Empire" was planned well in advance, the concept taking shape years prior to now.

>"When we made the decision to have Cap's memory rewired, thus that he would be come a Hydra agent," Alonso said. "You would have the most trusted superhero in the Marvel Universe become a super villain. You don't do something like that without considering what a huge story it is. You understand you're teeing up a huge story and that's what this is."

>"We are already planned out two or three moves beyond [an out to this story]. We are always planning a year, 18 months into the future. We know exactly how this is ending, we know what's coming after that and after the thing that's coming after the thing," Brevoort chimed in.

>"Secret Empire" hits shelves nationwide with issue #0 in April, followed by issue #1 in May. The series will run until August.


#0 full cover reveal maybe in a matter of hours.


Not sure how I feel about this

why what's that in the upper right corner? is it... could it be? why it is! it's SYNERGY

#1 full cover

Cue terrible Trump and alt-right references.

Very first unlettered preview page from the same issue.

Expect more than two artists working on this event.

Hmm, that's twice now that Spider-Man is in the center.

I was really hoping at least one Thunderbolt would be on the cover.

More like secret analpire ho ho ho he he ha ha hey hey

>You will know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. This is not heroes fighting heroes, this is heroes fighting a bad guy," Alonso said.

Except the "bad guy" is Captain fucking America, the quintessential Marvel hero you fucking mouth-breather.

God, fuck Marvel. I wish they'd go bankrupt again.

>nazi's are bad guys
>cap's a nazi
I don't know why this is so hard for you to comprehend

>Captain Marvel will have to deal with the repercussions of their actions in the series
Didnt she become the "bestest suparhero evar yahtzee!!!" in her series?

story over continuity

>General Maverick
Fuck yes!

Also, is that Tony Stark down there in the bottom right panels next to Riri?


Why does anyone still read Marvel? How can you still care after all this constant nonsense?

>they made Cap a Nazi in the first place

I'm pretty sure you're the retarded one user.

He's an AI. So of course he can still pilot his armor

Who isn't exactly a villain, either, he's just gone full old Hydra, and also plans to stop Red Skull from what he's probably trying to do, all while doing the actual ol Hydra thing.

Why do i feel Mr. Keikakku Doori will somehow find a way to not be the full villain and be restored back to normal WHILE we get also a Hydra Cap clone of sorts?

While she's YAAS QUEEN SLAY in the eyes of the Marvel citizens (thanks to a hella good PR, they even said that in the aftermatch of CWII.... I think), she's pretty much hated by almost everyone now whose profession is being a superhero.

Whose side are the Thunderbolts on?

And crap Spencer is using his new Yellowjacket again

You know what is worse? This fucking event will be praised.


After "What if Minority Report was the dumbest story ever?" and "What if being gassed to death turned you into Hitler among your peers?", an event that doesn't offend the intelligence of the reader will be received as the new Watchmen.

So, two or three shocking deaths, a slight change in the status quo and Hydra Cap showing off how efficient he is (boooh!) every now and then, and BUM, it will be praised.

This is a very sad industry.

>>What the team at Marvel wants out of this conflict is a newly united universe once again, something fans haven't seen in quite some time.

It's been divided?

>Karla allied with Zemo again

I'm not even surprised

>">We saw this as the rallying cry, where we could have everyone -- Avengers, Guardians, Defenders, X-Men, Spider-Man, Deadpool -- all rally against this thing and unify the universe into the future," Alonso said.

I was hoping for Thunderbolts...

>where everything is about to change, not just for Captain America, but for absolutely every hero in the Marvel Universe



Nobody likes the GOTG because they hang out on Earth all the time. I expect some crossover of course but they don't need to be there for every damn pissing contest. This is why it's important to have a strong Cosmic line so they can crossover where it's appropriate.

Cap is evil, everyone will know this, all the heroes will unite against him.

>inspired by Michael Bay

The covers mean nothing

I think Atlas and Moonstone are with Hydra, the way this looks.

You know, I hate that we never actually find out the names of things like that in the MCU. Sure, in Star Wars, we know every ships name, but we don't even know how the Chitari work.

>the Marvel masterminds stress that "everyone" will be affected by this
This is the problem. I guess we should make a BIngo Chart for Secret Empire

No, just in the solicits.
In-universe she's miserable and dealing with the fact that she fucked up everything while also being chased around by delusional fans that she hates. It's pretty funny.

>Spider-Man front and center twice.

I'm getting the feeling Peter is going to be a major player in this. Soooo leading people against Rodgers or his right hand man?

Stop dragging Kamala in this shit events


You act like that's never happened before.


well, she was Faustus' student, and has apparently been mind-raped by Kobik. I guess Techno, too, is Hydra.

>After the events of "Civil War 2," the Marvel readers are reeling at best. Things are about to get a lot worse.

>Steve as a morally ambiguous double agent instead of MUH MORALS
>"Oh neat, this is an interesting status quo, maybe they can stick with it for two years or s-"
>It's actually just buildup for an event

They wasted such a neat idea.

I thought Clint killed banner

You know I thought I couldn't be less excited for an event after Civil War II, I guess I was wrong.

>buildup on Captain Falcon, Uncanny Avengers and Thunderbolts books
>1 (one) Uncanny Avenger, no Falcon, no Thunderbolts in the cover while all the shit overpushed characters are in

Remember the first draft of the CW2 bingo? lets try to make one for this.

I suggest we put something about Trump or punching nazis

It's almost like there is a Spider-Man film coming out soon!

I mean punching Nazis is a given even ignoring the whole recent Nazi punching bit they're fighting literal Nazi combatants so duh they'll punch Nazis. The thinly veiled Trump allegory is better but it's also so obvious it might as well be the Free Space.

Captain is gonna win because characters written by Spencer don't punch nazis.

then what about "debate on punching nazis" i am suggesting it because Nick defended the right of free speech of the guy who got punched during the inauguration because of that he got a lot of slack from his liberal followers.

let's just put in "hamfisted allegory for real life event"

Either he's going to be prominent or they're just going back to using him as the face of the company now that he's in the MCU.

You know...I get that this is an event and all, but I'm struggling to see how Hydra can be a threat. They are like a wandering band of Stormtroopers.

That sounds better

will we be seeing this greatness again?

I really hope it tanks. It probably won't, but I hope.

Spencer already thinks of himself as the new James Joyce because of a book about horny teenagers, Ant-Man and Superior Foes. If he writes a book that ACTUALLY sells two shits, then the world will be a worse place.

Punching Nazis should be the free space.
Then we can add

Like, are all the tie ins going to be everyone fights Hydra? Cause Hydra is pretty stale. In fact, we had that already with Fear Itself.

His Steve Rogers run sold pretty well.

Spencer is actually very vocal against political violence. He got a lot of hate for saying that punching your political opponent is bad.

The cover might lying but it looks like this we be a double event like Infinity, that is only way it could justify being ten chapters long.
I guess everything on the right will cosmic and space stuff involving the chitauri, How the hell is Kamala getting in space?

The current Steve Rogers run was already selling under 40k at the 9h issue.

Just because he's a dick on twitter doesn't mean he'll full this up

serves him right for being on the wrong side of history

we are at war if we don't fight back the nazis will trample all over us

You can punch whoever you want if you call them a nazi!

>all those butthurt neo-Nazis

Let me guess, someone from Gawker media?

Still, is this relevant to this thread about Captain Hydra's last hurrah before getting fucking bodied?

Whoop, forget image.

>Secret Empire
>>In issue #0 (April), it's effectively, as Brevoort puts it, "the worst day of the Marvel Universe."

they said this about secret wars #1 didn't they?

>Steve mind-controlled again

>It was all part of Steve's keikaku
>CWII references
>Continuity is ignored or altered

>somewhat defensible positions

>heterosexual white male refuses to condemn neo-Nazism

Shut up Nuke. I'll stand by freedom of speech over terrorism any day of the week. Go get shot by someone defending their property.

>they said this about secret wars #1 didn't they?
Well, yeah, that was the end of the multiverse.

>fighting Nazis = terrorism
Suspicious post.

Using violence to boost a political agenda is literally the definition of terrorism. You're on the wrong side of history, friendaroonie.

Well this isn't McNiven this is Sorrentino

And Nazis are on the right?

(((ABC))) forgot to credit the one who made that page.

Yes. That's why they had to invade Europe.

>Marvel always manages to make the side they don't want to the sympathetic one when they make hero vs hero events
>yfw nazi cap will do nothing wrong and the house of terrible ideas accidentally memes themselves into those damn dirty alt-right fascists and angers the tumblrtrannies

No, because there are hardly even any legitomate Nazis anymore. That's just a buzzword you use to justify your own terrorism. If anyone is like a nazi now and days it's you, considering how you're beating anyone who brings up the slightest criticism of you. Though, a more accurate analogy would be Soviet Russia.

Your sauce is:

Sorrentino may be the artist for #0.

Other artists announced by Spencer for this event:
>Rod Reis
>Leinil Yu
>Daniel Acuna

>This gay Jew is a nazi.

Don't you have school right now?

>If anyone is like a nazi now and days it's you
Punching people just because they want to promote racial cleansing? YOU ARE THE REAL NAZIS!!1!

Grow a pair.

don't you know who's in charge? I'll give you a hing it's the nazi trump supporter

Stop sniffing glue, Cletus.

Who the fuck is talking about gay jews, dumbass? Are you so brainwashed that cannot imagine a situation that doesn't involve Milo?

Lame nazi, you should be punched for also being dumb.

sure looks like a nazi to me

>Why won't you let me incite political violence!?!?

I don't care if he was fucking advocating for blowing up America. It is a right in this country for you to be able to speak your mind. One of our founding ideologies. Don't you understand how quickly this will snow ball out of control? Once you open the door for one act of political violence, suddenly it becomes the norm. So whenever you want to voice your opinion against something you feel I just, and you find yourself being beaten for it, remember, you did it to yourself.

You are scared, Cletus. I thought you Aryans feared nothing?

The entire Berkley incident was over Milpitas dipshit.

>This gay Jew is a nazi for supporting Trump and not Hillary. Despite Hillary being very vocal against gays only until very recently.

Really tickles your pickle.

You know there have been black members of the KKK, right? Some guy being a sell out to a shitty ideology doesn't mean anything.


Thanks for proofing my point.

Stay in school, Cletus.

Send me a link to where he outright calls for the extermination of Jews in order to preserve the white race /then/ I'll agree with you that he's a nazi.

>Where not one, not two, but three separate events break out all at once
We know that one of those events will be the Chitauri invasion. What will the other two be?

I'm on my phone and it spell checks. Sue me.

Was I talking about Berkeley or Milo? Or in your mind "Nazi" and "Milo" are interchangeable terms?

Milo is just an imbecile who writes for imbeciles. Nothing morally wrong with that. The same can't be said about Nazis.

Is that the Wrecker? And Baron Blood? And Yellowjacket? In the middle of a Chitauri invasion? What's going on here?