Azula smash or pass?

Azula smash or pass?

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I wanna smash, but I would not try.

Depends on her mental space.
Anything before The Boiling Rock and after the Ursa Search arc is a smash.


didn't you hear Grey DeLisle? She's a dyke.

Smash, but only so I can get closer to Ty-lee.

Never saw the appeal, personally.

Only if she's chained up and crying hysterically from shame.

but guys...she is people person...


Never stick your dick into the crazy
Azula is exception though

Already smashed.

dont stick your dick in crazy

Smash and caress her gently


She's sexy but she'd probably kill you after she fucked you.

Azula is perfection and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot.

Scrapper pls leave.

I'm not Scrapper but everyone should bow down and worship her.

Posting best Azula ship

Smash and pass, you don't stick your dick in crazy and wait to see what happens

Azula would probably keep you around, if only as a pet. More than destruction, Azula loves control.

Why am I so attracted to crazy?

Kill yourself, Azula would never lower herself tp that degree.

She isn't crazy you idiots.

You're not wrong.

Bypass for Ty Lee.

Doesn't matter, had sex.

No one cares.

Putting your dick in crazy, especially "my mommy/daddy never loved me" crazy is never a good idea. I know, I've done it twice.

And Azula is that kind of crazy while also being able to shit literal lighting towards me.

So of course I smash, fuck do you think i'm gonna live forever?

Lemme smash?

How does having bad parents make Azula crazy?

>tfw will never make Azula smile

>daddy issues
Never underestimate men's ability to blame you for their mistakes.

To be fair, having Ozai as a dad probably didn't help her ability to form relationships.

She had terrible parents I agree but it didn't make her crazy. She is just on her journey to better herself.

We all know the never dick into crazy rule, and it is true and words to live by- but this is fucking Azula! So this rule can shove itself up peoples' asses until it comes out of their mouth again in this case, SMASH that bitch, hard!

>tfw will never burn down earth villages with Azula

Life isn't fair


smash and dash

I want to get pegged by Azula

shit pair. good pic

Pass. Never stick your dick in crazy, and they don't come much more bonkers than Azula.

This guy knows what's up.

Zuko, you can't publicly brag about impregnating your sister.

Can we stop with this meme? It's getting old.

>no psychotic gf to help get over her mental issues

I want to make her laugh.

Azula is cute

C U T E !





Scrapper, stop.

Pass. I ain't double dipping.


Amazing what a few too many shots of Emberwhiskey will lead to.

I'm not Scrapper but I won't stop defending Azula from people falsely accusing her.

This is up there with KorraXRapefish