AMA Marvel Netflix extra

Ask a guy who was an extra on three episodes of Iron Fist (and a few other Marvel/Netflix shows) anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you get to see Danny in the full Iron Fist costume?



Any Misty or are they seriously going for Tru love Colleen?

Ignore all questions except these

Is it true that Finn Jones is shit at fight scenes? I've seen it said from more than one source and the way marketing is playing up Colleen's fight scenes over Danny's doesn't inspire me with confidence either.

is there a dragon

The scenes where I "worked" with him, no. But then again that was episodes three. The gay lawyer from Jessica Jones was there talking to him and he was basically wearing sweats in that scene.

That day we were filming in Bryant Park, and he had the tattoo on his chest, but it obviously was covered.

What others Marvel/Netflix shows did you work on?

Whats your confidence level in the show? Think it will be good or satisfy fans?

Are you an extra in Punisher as well?

Will Defenders have more LC/JJ interracial sex scenes?

Yes! Misty is there and she is a very cool person. There was a hospital scene where I was playing a nurse and she was there briefly for a few lines. She actually talked to me briefly and asked if us extras ate yet (extras are second-class citizens on set. We aren't allowed to eat at the same time as everyone else).

I am not listed as a "fighter" extra with my agency so I didn't get punched by Finn. But if you told me Finn was the main character in this show when I got the call to show up for Iron Fist, I would not have believed you.

All he did between takes was walk around in a bathroom, go hang out at his tent with his entourage, play XBox and smoke weed. This was in Bryant Park in the day, by the way.

Actually there is a dragon in a CGI dream sequence, but I don't know much more than that.

Daredevil (season 2)
Jessica Jones

Yes! One of my favorite shows to have worked on. I'm a huge fan of the character and they are really doing it right.

>Actually there is a dragon in a CGI dream sequence, but I don't know much more than that.
How would an extra know this?

How bad do Kristen Ritter's feet smell?

Are you the same guy in every show?

Simone sounds pretty cool. I thought they said she wasnt going to be in Iron Fist though?

Man, I am really worried about Finns acting ability for this.

I overheard the production assistants talking about it in the script in how the episode is set up. From what I understand, they cut back to Danny Rand's training throughout the series, kind of like Arrow?

I don't get this reference.

No. Sometimes I am a nurse, sometimes I am a park goer (most common role), and sometimes I work in an office. Oh! And in Daredevil, I was at Frank Castle's court scenes as a reporter (the people who were against the wall).

I don't know, dude. I didn't quite know who she was when I was at the Iron Fist hospital shooting, but I recognized her pretty quick when I watched Luke Cage.

Cant wait for " Danny Rand you have failed this city" memes.

Did you enjoy your time on set?

Are you the actor for Turk Barrett claiming to be an extra?

For Iron Fist? Yes, it was good. A lot of being an extra is just showing up on time and doing a ton of waiting, so I would say it's 20% doing cool things and 80% waiting around and trying not to annoy people. If you ever want to do this, bring a book!

If you mean other shows, they are good too! Defenders was a small nightmare, though.

No. Actually I embarrassed myself on the Defenders because I thought I found "Turk" in the holding area and shook his hand saying I loved him in Daredevil. It was another black guy, not Turk :(

>Defenders was a small nightmare, though.
Was this because of the mistaken black guy incident?

There was that one guy that said Finn was a jerk on his set. Maybe dude was just high as hell.

No. The black guy was very nice about it. For the first episode of the Defenders, there is a major earthquake in New York because the Hand drilled too far underground.

So I got to be in a disaster scene, but they filmed at 10pm (we showed up at 8:30) and we could not leave until 5am. It was cold and exhausting and I've never needed to pee as badly as I did at 4:30am. You felt like a homeless person. A three block radius was closed off for us in the neighborhood, and most of the places were closed and there were no porta-potties. I actually ran off set to go to a McDonald's six blocks away, which could have gotten me in massive trouble.

Holy shit that sounds awful. And inhumane honestly.

> Misty was there being a QT


It is ok. Maybe they could have planned it better but being an extra has made me really appreciate the film-making process. It is so complex and easy to screw up! Even a bad show is hard to make.

>It was another black guy, not Turk :(

Oh god, please be real. I want you to be real.

Have you actually talked to the main cast members? Anyone cool? Anyone dicks?

I haven't had any real conversations with the main actors. That's generally against the rules unless they talk to you first.

That might seem rude but it is important. Every time we have to wait around I see other extras trying to make plans to talk to the director or main actors so they get "discovered." The stereotype of actors trying to make it is very real. I only do this for fun; it is not my main source of income so I don't relate to many of these people.

But Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox (Punisher and Daredevil) are very kind people. In fact, everyone in the main cast of Daredevil are very relaxed and open to talk to extras. During the court scenes, Jon would sign autographs give extras advice while he was still in chains.

There was also a time where Charlie and Jon were in their actor chairs during a break, and Charlie was complaining about his girlfriend wanting a new espresso machine. Jon, who was chained and "beaten up" told Charlie how he got a Nespresso Maker and it "Changed my life, man. Get your girl that and she'll love you forever." I know that seems mundane, but it sticks out in my memory.

The gay lawyer (she was Trinity in the Matrix) also took pictures with extras. She has a small dog she carries around in a purse on set. Finn is like Bigfoot. If you see him lumbering around you have to question your senses.

>Punisher giving Daredevil advice on espresso makers
I need this. Somebody make this.

Hey dude, not trying to be rude here but is English your first language? I can understand you fine but it's kind of janky.

>Recommending fucking Nespresso

I never thought I could be disappointed in Jon Bernthal, but here we are.

I am Ukrainian, but I have lived in Brooklyn for five years. I apologize if it is hard to read.

Actually, comics helped me understand English much better, which is why I am a fan!

Were you glad in DD1 when the Russian mobster got his head cut off with a car door?

Did you talk to Deborah Ann Woll? What is she like? Is she doing drugs behind the trailers in between takes? Is she Jehovas Witness? How many crew members has she banged? What?

What show has better food? DD or IF? Did they do like thematic buffets? Chinese food for Iron Fist, chicken and waffles for Luke Cage...

I was not in Daredevil season 1. To be honest, the reason I became an extra was because I was a fan of the Punisher. I am not an actor at all, but some friends encouraged me to try anyway. I made some phone calls to the casting agency and in two months I was on set.

Deborah was nice to everyone on set, and would joke around with Charlie and the chubby lawyer who's name I sadly don't remember. I do not know about her life outside of filming.

What do you do as an extra? Don't you need to be a certain build and such for it? I heard stories of people who tried out to an extra just for the fuck of it and got in.

>and the chubby lawyer who's name I sadly don't remember
You mean DOOMSDAY?!

The casting agency uses the same caterers, I believe, and the food is always very good! The baked chicken is excellent, with many vegetarian options. Sometimes there is Indian food as well.

You cannot eat early, though. There is an order:

-Main cast and production crew
-Union extras
-Non-union extras (me)

There is always enough food for everyone, so going last is never really a problem, and we all eat the same lunch/dinner.

There is a snack table as well, but that is different. The union snack table has a variety of pastries, fruit, snacks, and many drinks. This is guarded by a woman who reminds me of my grandmother (tough army woman).

The nonunion table is chips, cookies, and soda/water.

I do not know what food they had for Luke Cage because I never took on those jobs. I am white, and white roles were limited. That is understandable, though.

I joke with friends by saying I am as important as a lamp on set. I am easily replaceable. A lot of what I do is walk by the actors while they are talking. Sometimes I am on a "date" in Central Park while the Punisher is being a sad man. Sometimes I am a nurse.

You fill out a large employment application when you try out for an ad agency. Your body description itself is almost two pages. Then you list your talents and if you are certified in anything, and if you have a car (there are more than a few jobs that simply ask for you to have a car to use on set. This saves them a lot of money).

If you are considered a martial artist or fighter, you obviously get offered more jobs.

But to answer this question more fully, anyone here can be an extra. It requires no talent whatsoever! You just fill out a long application, and then you are in a talent pool. You will get emails about available jobs and you click "accept" or "reject." Even if you accept, that does not mean they will call you. It's all on how many people they need that day if you are what they want for that scene.

>I do not know what food they had for Luke Cage because I never took on those jobs. I am white, and white roles were limited.

I am tired of Hollywood racism keeping the white man down.

Haha! No, it is quite good for white people here. Being white rarely stops me from getting jobs. I understood why I was not on Luke Cage. I am large and not much hair (6'1") and friends joked I look like White Cage.

In fact, I work in a gym so sometimes I get offers other people do not. There was a call for an Amy Schumer sketch for men with six-pack abs, and I almost said yes to it, but other extras talked me out of it. Amy is not a good person to work for. She pushes extras out of the way when she walks and is never smiling.

Amy Schumer is an asshole, no surprise there. Any more dirt on other celebs?

Other extras talk to me about shows they are on (extras always want to tell you what shows they are on while you're waiting on set), but I don't watch a lot of ABC or NBC shows, so I don't know the actors they complain about. Sorry.

>I am large and not much hair (6'1") and friends joked I look like White Cage.
ha, I'll be on the lookout for you in scenes man
being an extra seems cool

Thank you. It is funny to be on these shows because the extras do not know the characters or that they are superheroes. They just accept the job offer. They are always surprised when someone like me explains to them about Iron Fist or why Daredevil is blind!

I will take a small break, but I will be back in about a half hour. I did not know how you all would take this thread, but thank you for being polite to a small fry.

>Foggy has a nipple piercing
I didn't need to know this

>For the first episode of the Defenders, there is a major earthquake in New York because the Hand drilled too far underground.

Wait, come again?

Remember that giant hole in DD season 2?

No. DD season 2 was pretty forgettable except for the Punisher.

>Hey fags I am a huge Ukrainian who loves comics
>I have been in shitty Netflix shows
>Ask me questions, lol

I hate how retarded this board has become. Pony threads were better than this shit.

I met an extra on Daredevil, nice guy.

He was way more excited to talk about how he was an extra in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt though.

How is Jon Bernthal on set of the Punisher? Does he bring his Nespresso machine on set?

Thats rude

Manlets, go.

I am back! Jon, like I said, is one of the nicest actors in the world. You get the feeling he is grateful to for the career he has had and takes his job very seriously.

There was a big gun fight in Central Park (Halloween episode, not his origin story), and Jon was very focused for the scene where he had to tackle an officer and punch him out. He had what I think was a stunt coordinator or trainer with him, and whenever Jon would say "GO!!!" the trainer would slap him in the face a bunch of times to get him psyched up. I'm sure it helps him but it is a funny thing to see.

I'm 5'11" so fuck off. This guy is literally one step up from bringing people their coffee and you faggots are sucking his dick.

He's also one step up from being a five foot manlet.


Sorry, I didn't see you there! The Hand are the main bad guys in the Defenders. Iron Fist sets up a lot of what happens in the show, but I was only in two episodes there so I don't know much about their plans.

Punisher and Defenders are still filming, but I have to turn down a lot offers because they interfere with work.

Even if he's lying, he's been nothing but nice to people here and I'm enjoying his stories. The true faggot is you, user.

Your not wrong about his status, but he never implied otherwise. There's only one cunt in this thread.

What the fuck? Why can't extras eat at the same time as everyone else?

>(extras are second-class citizens on set. We aren't allowed to eat at the same time as everyone else).
Are you a fucking mexishit ??

How would you like it if some big name movie actress came up and started shrieking in your ear about how some peasant took the last chocolate donut with rainbow sprinkles

Extras don't do that, they acquiesce or get fired and never get to be in another movie again. "Second-class citizens" isn't hyperbole, that's literally what they are.

Look, no one is gonna bat 1000 all the time, man

But you could, with Nespresso.

Huh, turns out you're right.

Are you able to elaborate on why you believe they're doing it right?
I need me some Frank info.

You are so angry. Is that because you're almost 6 feet, but not quite?

What's your dick smell like?

Can you confirm it is actually magic and not science

Are you openly right-wing or know any extras who are? I'd be interested in knowing if thr conservative blacklist applies to extras.

Are you ashamed? Because you should be.

Are you ashamed? Because you should be.

Someone with more time than me should take OP's information and try to spot him in the shows.

>It was another black guy, not Turk :(

Reminder DAW's husband IRL is blind and she helps him play video games by describing whats happening on the screen.


>whenever Jon would say "GO!!!" the trainer would slap him in the face a bunch of times to get him psyched up

that's pretty interesting, reminds me of how James Gandolfini, may Kek rest his soul, used to walk around with a pebble in his shoe to build up enough repressed anger to play Tony Soprano

sounds made-up famalam

>DAW's husband IRL is blind
What a waste. There should be regulations that only allow blindies to date uggos or butterfaces.

I am back, but I need to be going to work, so I will answer the questions I see. I may be back in the evening, but I cannot promise that.

The show is very violent and grim, with many MAX influences. I do not see many action scenes as an extra, simply because they want us for secondary/background scenes. These are scenes that pad out and make the world "real" or help transition to the next scene, but you don't remember them well.

Almost every scene I was in with The Punisher, someone was getting yelled at or shot. Who knows what important scenes I missed out on simply because they did not need extras? I am very excited!

It certainly seemed like magic to me. The characters talk about Kun Lun like they do in the comics.

I voted for Trump, and I know a few extras who have done as well. Politics are not a huge part of my life, so I do not discuss them with others typically. Understand that anyone can be an extra, so you get people from all walks of life coming in here. As long as you are not an asshole, who would care?

During the Halloween episode for the Punisher (early November), there were a few debates at dinner about Hillary vs. Trump at some tables, but nothing acidic.

They got married?


how good a fighter are they going for when they do Iron fist? Better than daredevil? Peak original iron fist comics? Immortal iron fist?

Brooklyn bro, I live in Queens. How did you get the job? I'm looking to find fun jobs to work in the summer. And being NYC there's a ton of filming happening (especially in Forest Hills)


is there any hint of a Frank cameo in Iron Fist?